დროთა კავშირი დაირღვა? მოდერნის ტემპორალური რეჟიმის აღმაფრენა და დაცემა
თავის წიგნში ცნობილი გერმანელი ისტორიკოსი, ისტორიული მეხსიერებისა და მემორიალური კულტურის მკვლევარი ალეიდა ასმანი განიხილავს წარსულის, აწმყოსა და მომავლის დაშლისა და მათ შორის ახალი ურთიერთობების დამყარების აუცილებლობის საკითხს.
ავტორი გვიჩვენებს, თუ როგორ გახდა წარსული საკვანძო ფენომენი, რომელიც ახასიათებს დასავლეთის საზოგადოებას, და რატომ აღმოჩნდა დღეს შერყეული მომავლისადმი ნდობა.
ავტორის მიერ სხვადასხვა ისტორიული ხანიდან და კულტურის სფეროებიდან მოპოვებული მტკიცებულებები საშუალებას გვაძლევს აღვადგინოთ დრო, როგორც რთული კულტურული ფენომენი, რომელიც მოითხოვს ღრმა და ყოვლისმომცველ გააზრებას, მოდერნის კრიზისის სიმპტომების გამოვლენას და წინასწარ განსაზღვრავს აუცილებელ ცვლილებებს ჩვენს დამოკიდებულებაში მომავლის მიმართ.
Слышишь ли, слышишь ли ты в роще детское пение,
над серебряными деревьями звенящие, звенящие голоса,
в сумеречном воздухе пропадающие, затихающие постепенно,
в сумеречном воздухе исчезающие небеса?
Блестящие нити дождя переплетаются среди деревьев
и негромко шумят, и негромко шумят в белёсой траве.
Слышишь ли ты голоса, видишь ли ты волосы с красными гребнями,
маленькие ладони, поднятые к мокрой листве?
«Проплывают облака, проплывают облака и гаснут...» —
это дети поют и поют, чёрные ветви шумят,
голоса взлетают между листьев, между стволов неясных,
в сумеречном воздухе их не обнять, не вернуть назад.
Только мокрые листья летят на ветру, спешат из рощи,
улетают, словно слышат издали какой-то осенний зов.
«Проплывают облака...» — это дети поют ночью, ночью,
от травы до вершин всё — биение, всё — дрожание голосов.
Проплывают облака, это жизнь проплывает, проходит,
привыкай, привыкай, это смерть мы в себе несём,
среди чёрных ветвей облака с голосами, с любовью...
«Проплывают облака...» — это дети поют обо всём.
Слышишь ли, слышишь ли ты в роще детское пение,
блестящие нити дождя переплетаются, звенящие голоса,
возле узких вершин в новых сумерках на мгновение
видишь сызнова, видишь сызнова угасающие небеса?
Проплывают облака, проплывают, проплывают над рощей.
Где-то льётся вода, только плакать и петь, вдоль осенних оград,
всё рыдать и рыдать, и смотреть всё вверх, быть ребёнком ночью,
и смотреть всё вверх, только плакать и петь и не знать утрат.
Где-то льётся вода, вдоль осенних оград, вдоль деревьев неясных,
в новых сумерках пенье, только плакать и петь, только листья сложить.
Что-то выше нас. Что-то выше нас проплывает и гаснет,
только плакать и петь, только плакать и петь, только жить.
თავის წიგნში ცნობილი გერმანელი ისტორიკოსი, ისტორიული მეხსიერებისა და მემორიალური კულტურის მკვლევარი ალეიდა ასმანი განიხილავს წარსულის, აწმყოსა და მომავლის დაშლისა და მათ შორის ახალი ურთიერთობების დამყარების აუცილებლობის საკითხს.
ავტორი გვიჩვენებს, თუ როგორ გახდა წარსული საკვანძო ფენომენი, რომელიც ახასიათებს დასავლეთის საზოგადოებას, და რატომ აღმოჩნდა დღეს შერყეული მომავლისადმი ნდობა.
ავტორის მიერ სხვადასხვა ისტორიული ხანიდან და კულტურის სფეროებიდან მოპოვებული მტკიცებულებები საშუალებას გვაძლევს აღვადგინოთ დრო, როგორც რთული კულტურული ფენომენი, რომელიც მოითხოვს ღრმა და ყოვლისმომცველ გააზრებას, მოდერნის კრიზისის სიმპტომების გამოვლენას და წინასწარ განსაზღვრავს აუცილებელ ცვლილებებს ჩვენს დამოკიდებულებაში მომავლის მიმართ.
Слышишь ли, слышишь ли ты в роще детское пение,
над серебряными деревьями звенящие, звенящие голоса,
в сумеречном воздухе пропадающие, затихающие постепенно,
в сумеречном воздухе исчезающие небеса?
Блестящие нити дождя переплетаются среди деревьев
и негромко шумят, и негромко шумят в белёсой траве.
Слышишь ли ты голоса, видишь ли ты волосы с красными гребнями,
маленькие ладони, поднятые к мокрой листве?
«Проплывают облака, проплывают облака и гаснут...» —
это дети поют и поют, чёрные ветви шумят,
голоса взлетают между листьев, между стволов неясных,
в сумеречном воздухе их не обнять, не вернуть назад.
Только мокрые листья летят на ветру, спешат из рощи,
улетают, словно слышат издали какой-то осенний зов.
«Проплывают облака...» — это дети поют ночью, ночью,
от травы до вершин всё — биение, всё — дрожание голосов.
Проплывают облака, это жизнь проплывает, проходит,
привыкай, привыкай, это смерть мы в себе несём,
среди чёрных ветвей облака с голосами, с любовью...
«Проплывают облака...» — это дети поют обо всём.
Слышишь ли, слышишь ли ты в роще детское пение,
блестящие нити дождя переплетаются, звенящие голоса,
возле узких вершин в новых сумерках на мгновение
видишь сызнова, видишь сызнова угасающие небеса?
Проплывают облака, проплывают, проплывают над рощей.
Где-то льётся вода, только плакать и петь, вдоль осенних оград,
всё рыдать и рыдать, и смотреть всё вверх, быть ребёнком ночью,
и смотреть всё вверх, только плакать и петь и не знать утрат.
Где-то льётся вода, вдоль осенних оград, вдоль деревьев неясных,
в новых сумерках пенье, только плакать и петь, только листья сложить.
Что-то выше нас. Что-то выше нас проплывает и гаснет,
только плакать и петь, только плакать и петь, только жить.
Психотронный террор. Методы защиты.
Владимир Михайлов, Социальная свобода: идеология и технология освобождения человека. Свобода в обществе и свобода от общества – читать онлайн полностью – ЛитРес
This is the most ease-inducing, inspiring piece I've read on COVID-19 yet. I hope it brings you peace, too. Thank you, Paul Levy.
"When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other."
We have never lived in more uncertain times. There has clearly been something out of whack in our world for as long as any of us can remember, but up until the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic many of us could still afford to be in denial, looking away, avoiding what is more and more insistently staring us in the face. Most of us have been going on with life as normal, pretending—as if playing a game of make-believe—that everything is fine, thank you very much. Anyone who thinks otherwise is labeled crazy, a conspiracy theorist, overly paranoid or otherwise marginalized in any number of ways.
In the most simplistic terms, our world has been out of balance, and we have been ignoring its messages, which—just like a recurring dream—serves to guarantee that its messages will become more amplified and harder to ignore until they reach catastrophic levels. As if the veil is being lifted, the coronavirus pandemic has shown—in no uncertain terms—how thin and flimsy the walls are between a seemingly well-ordered and predictable world and utter chaos. The unconscious ways we have been living—as well as our illusions—have become unsustainable and are breaking down at warp speed. The meaning of the word “catastrophe” in ancient Greek is “a turning point.” We have reached a point of necessary transformation in the evolution of our species.
An invisible specter in the field, the coronavirus is creating havoc in our world, disrupting business as usual as it ripples—both in our world and within our psyches—throughout the globe. To quote the doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, "Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered." The coronavirus can be envisioned as a modern-day plague of Egypt. It is a living revelation that is dying to show us something about who we are and our place in the universe. What it is revealing to us is crucially important for us to know. Our very survival depends upon receiving its message.
It would take something truly radical—for example, to let the imagination run wild, an invasion by evil aliens from outer space—to snap humanity out of our collective spell of thinking that we are separate from each other so as to inspire us to join forces with each other (adversaries included) to be able to successfully deal with a collective existential threat to our very survival. It is an archetypal idea that forces that would do evil invariably wind up catalyzing a greater good. Regardless of its origin, the coronavirus can be conceived of as being the novel form that the forces of disease and destruction are unwittingly taking to fulfill the function of helping our species recognize our interconnectedness with each other and all of life.
We literally depend upon each other for our very well-being and survival. When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other. In other words, the coronavirus is the medicine that can help us get over ourselves and realize that the most vital and urgent task for humanity is to see through what Einstein famously calls an “optical delusion of consciousness” - the illusion of the separate self.
One of the major symptoms of the coronavirus is that it induces fear - which is known to weaken the immune system, thereby allowing the virus to more easily propagate itself. When fear is collectively mobilized, due to its psychically contagious nature, it takes on a seemingly autonomous and independent life of its own, feeding mass panic that easily turns into a collective psychosis. To see through the illusion of the separate self is at the same time to take away the power that fear has over us (as well as to empower ourselves), for the experience of separation and fear (of “the other”) mutually co-arise, reciprocally reinforcing each other. Genuine compassion (which strengthens the immune system) is the result of this realization.
It is of the utmost significance, however, that the coronavirus is a quantum phenomenon, in that it contains within itself both death-creating poison as well as its own medicine. Encoded in the virus is its own vaccine - as interdependently connected cells in a greater living organism, each of us is being demanded by the coronavirus to realize how we can synergistically co-operate together so as to resist and overcome its invasion. Though itself continually mutating, the coronavirus is, when push comes to shove, forcing us to mutate—to expand our consciousness—or else! As such, the coronavirus is a powerful catalyst for human evolution. How this pandemic will ultimately manifest depends upon—in true quantum style, potentially—whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us about ourselves.
We clearly haven’t yet been able to sufficiently, as a species, see through the seemingly intractable and persistent illusion of the separate self and recognize our collective interdependence. Seen as a dreaming phenomenon, we have collectively dreamed up a global pandemic, a modern-day plague of Egypt, an invasion by a seemingly alien microbe from which no one is immune so as to help us dispel the primary illusion of the separate self and assist us in facing the reality of who we are in the greater scheme of things. As Jung reminds us, a “new way”—which he likens to an undiscovered vein that lives within the greater body politic of humanity that connects us all—is demanding to be discovered. We will be complicit in creating a tragedy of historic proportions if we miss the hidden, golden opportunity that is encoded within the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus is helping us realize who we are relative to each other—one human family—thereby inspiring us to come together as one. This is the gift concealed within the disease that not only helps us to heal the disease, but heals us as well.
“...Natural hormonal enthusiasm aside, for many people, sexual fantasy is their greatest weakness. Neg-induced sexual fantasies are a powerful control device. If sexual fantasies and urges arise frequently and for no apparent reason, they are probably Neg (negative entities) related. For example, if a sexual fantasy arises in the middle of [mundane activities], one should be suspicious of its source. If the urge to act sexually on such a spontaneous fantasy is obsessively strong, this is probably a Neg-related compulsion. If spontaneous fantasies are frequent and powerful, Negs are most likely involved. While such fantasies and urges may sound amusing, they can also ruin lives.
Neg attachments often form during childhood. When children begin masturbating, this is a prime time for the development of Neg associations and attachments. When young persons begin masturbating, they scan their memories for the most powerful erotic imagery possible. At this point, Negs can carry out psychological conditioning by telepathically transmitting and artificially empowering particular erotic scenarios. Negs will powerfully stimulate the genital chakra when Neg-chosen fantasies are used. Negs will numb the genital chakra when transmitted fantasies are not used. Through simple reward and punishment— positive and negative reinforcement—Neg-chosen sexual preferences and fantasies are implanted. This process can produce a range of sexual problems, including gender issues.
Unusual sexual arousal and urges can be involved with some cases of possession. These urges can be guilt-inducing or reward-and-punishment devices. Permission can also be “involved, because each time urges are given into, Neg controls are reinforced. Most Neg types will use sex in some way or other because sex is a great weakness in some people. Neg-induced sexual fantasies are reinforced with direct stimulation of the genital energy center, which is extremely powerful. Over time, sexuality can even be altered by Negs. They reinforce particular types of sexual fantasies and weaken others. Natural sexual inclination and orientation can, in this way, be compromised....”
https://veilofreality.com/ 2019/03/05/ sexual-vampirism-sex-and-en tity-attachments/
This is the most ease-inducing, inspiring piece I've read on COVID-19 yet. I hope it brings you peace, too. Thank you, Paul Levy.

"When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other."
We have never lived in more uncertain times. There has clearly been something out of whack in our world for as long as any of us can remember, but up until the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic many of us could still afford to be in denial, looking away, avoiding what is more and more insistently staring us in the face. Most of us have been going on with life as normal, pretending—as if playing a game of make-believe—that everything is fine, thank you very much. Anyone who thinks otherwise is labeled crazy, a conspiracy theorist, overly paranoid or otherwise marginalized in any number of ways.
In the most simplistic terms, our world has been out of balance, and we have been ignoring its messages, which—just like a recurring dream—serves to guarantee that its messages will become more amplified and harder to ignore until they reach catastrophic levels. As if the veil is being lifted, the coronavirus pandemic has shown—in no uncertain terms—how thin and flimsy the walls are between a seemingly well-ordered and predictable world and utter chaos. The unconscious ways we have been living—as well as our illusions—have become unsustainable and are breaking down at warp speed. The meaning of the word “catastrophe” in ancient Greek is “a turning point.” We have reached a point of necessary transformation in the evolution of our species.
An invisible specter in the field, the coronavirus is creating havoc in our world, disrupting business as usual as it ripples—both in our world and within our psyches—throughout the globe. To quote the doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, "Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered." The coronavirus can be envisioned as a modern-day plague of Egypt. It is a living revelation that is dying to show us something about who we are and our place in the universe. What it is revealing to us is crucially important for us to know. Our very survival depends upon receiving its message.
It would take something truly radical—for example, to let the imagination run wild, an invasion by evil aliens from outer space—to snap humanity out of our collective spell of thinking that we are separate from each other so as to inspire us to join forces with each other (adversaries included) to be able to successfully deal with a collective existential threat to our very survival. It is an archetypal idea that forces that would do evil invariably wind up catalyzing a greater good. Regardless of its origin, the coronavirus can be conceived of as being the novel form that the forces of disease and destruction are unwittingly taking to fulfill the function of helping our species recognize our interconnectedness with each other and all of life.
We literally depend upon each other for our very well-being and survival. When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other. In other words, the coronavirus is the medicine that can help us get over ourselves and realize that the most vital and urgent task for humanity is to see through what Einstein famously calls an “optical delusion of consciousness” - the illusion of the separate self.
One of the major symptoms of the coronavirus is that it induces fear - which is known to weaken the immune system, thereby allowing the virus to more easily propagate itself. When fear is collectively mobilized, due to its psychically contagious nature, it takes on a seemingly autonomous and independent life of its own, feeding mass panic that easily turns into a collective psychosis. To see through the illusion of the separate self is at the same time to take away the power that fear has over us (as well as to empower ourselves), for the experience of separation and fear (of “the other”) mutually co-arise, reciprocally reinforcing each other. Genuine compassion (which strengthens the immune system) is the result of this realization.
It is of the utmost significance, however, that the coronavirus is a quantum phenomenon, in that it contains within itself both death-creating poison as well as its own medicine. Encoded in the virus is its own vaccine - as interdependently connected cells in a greater living organism, each of us is being demanded by the coronavirus to realize how we can synergistically co-operate together so as to resist and overcome its invasion. Though itself continually mutating, the coronavirus is, when push comes to shove, forcing us to mutate—to expand our consciousness—or else! As such, the coronavirus is a powerful catalyst for human evolution. How this pandemic will ultimately manifest depends upon—in true quantum style, potentially—whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us about ourselves.
We clearly haven’t yet been able to sufficiently, as a species, see through the seemingly intractable and persistent illusion of the separate self and recognize our collective interdependence. Seen as a dreaming phenomenon, we have collectively dreamed up a global pandemic, a modern-day plague of Egypt, an invasion by a seemingly alien microbe from which no one is immune so as to help us dispel the primary illusion of the separate self and assist us in facing the reality of who we are in the greater scheme of things. As Jung reminds us, a “new way”—which he likens to an undiscovered vein that lives within the greater body politic of humanity that connects us all—is demanding to be discovered. We will be complicit in creating a tragedy of historic proportions if we miss the hidden, golden opportunity that is encoded within the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus is helping us realize who we are relative to each other—one human family—thereby inspiring us to come together as one. This is the gift concealed within the disease that not only helps us to heal the disease, but heals us as well.
“...Natural hormonal enthusiasm aside, for many people, sexual fantasy is their greatest weakness. Neg-induced sexual fantasies are a powerful control device. If sexual fantasies and urges arise frequently and for no apparent reason, they are probably Neg (negative entities) related. For example, if a sexual fantasy arises in the middle of [mundane activities], one should be suspicious of its source. If the urge to act sexually on such a spontaneous fantasy is obsessively strong, this is probably a Neg-related compulsion. If spontaneous fantasies are frequent and powerful, Negs are most likely involved. While such fantasies and urges may sound amusing, they can also ruin lives.
Neg attachments often form during childhood. When children begin masturbating, this is a prime time for the development of Neg associations and attachments. When young persons begin masturbating, they scan their memories for the most powerful erotic imagery possible. At this point, Negs can carry out psychological conditioning by telepathically transmitting and artificially empowering particular erotic scenarios. Negs will powerfully stimulate the genital chakra when Neg-chosen fantasies are used. Negs will numb the genital chakra when transmitted fantasies are not used. Through simple reward and punishment— positive and negative reinforcement—Neg-chosen sexual preferences and fantasies are implanted. This process can produce a range of sexual problems, including gender issues.
Unusual sexual arousal and urges can be involved with some cases of possession. These urges can be guilt-inducing or reward-and-punishment devices. Permission can also be “involved, because each time urges are given into, Neg controls are reinforced. Most Neg types will use sex in some way or other because sex is a great weakness in some people. Neg-induced sexual fantasies are reinforced with direct stimulation of the genital energy center, which is extremely powerful. Over time, sexuality can even be altered by Negs. They reinforce particular types of sexual fantasies and weaken others. Natural sexual inclination and orientation can, in this way, be compromised....”
The truest measure of a man’s worth is in how much toilet paper he can obtain.”
- Jesus
"Social distancing" has a nice Orwellian
Happening right now on exponential levels. It's not the coronavirus pandemic. It's a psychic hive mind epidemic with masses of people infected with the wetiko virus and ...."Anyone who doesn’t buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and called either crazy, a conspiracy theorist" as Paul Levy wrote:
"People or groups who have fallen asleep and are under the thrall of the psychic epidemic are then “unconsciously” dreaming, that is, acting out their unconscious in fully embodied form, in contrast to being awake. The type of person ripe for falling prey to the wetiko infection is usually one whose strings are pulled and manipulated by others, who follows a life path dictated by others and is unaccustomed to think for themselves. Not in touch with their inner guidance, they project authority outside of themselves and become very suggestible to the agreed-upon consensus opinion of the dominant pack. When we give away our power, there is always someone bearing the authority of “the State” who is more than happy to accept our offering, feeding the insatiable will-to-power of the shadow, which becomes collectively mobilized.
Masses are veritable breeding grounds for psychic epidemics. Though using individuals as its instruments, evil needs the unconscious masses for its genesis and proliferation on the world stage. In a collective psychosis, people literally stop thinking for themselves and let others think for them, like sheep (or “sheeple”) who just follow wherever they are being led, even if it’s off the nearest cliff. Losing touch with their own discernment and ability for critical thinking, the “mass man” becomes part of the mindless herd and falls prey to “group-think,” whose members co-dependently enable each other to uphold their shared version of the wetiko world.
Once the office of “perception management,” largely through the corporate mainstream media, convinces a critical mass of people of a particular viewpoint, there is a consensus or agreement that is reached among the masses as to what is objectively true. The agreed-upon version of reality takes on a weight and momentum of its own and thereby becomes the established dogma of what is collectively imagined to be really happening. Like a religious truth, it is irrationally believed like an act of faith by its card-carrying members, even if overwhelming evidence points to the contrary.
Anyone who doesn’t buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and called either crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or even a terrorist (“You’re either with us or you’re with the enemy”). Such a group consensus about the nature of reality gets increasingly hard to sustain as time passes, however, as, like a house of cards ready to collapse at any moment, its vision of the world is based on the fundamental error of not being true. Strangely enough, people under the collective enchantment of wetiko become fanatically attached to supporting an agenda that oftentimes is diametrically opposed to serving then own best interests. This is an outer behavioral reflection of the inner state of being under the sway of the self-destructive wetiko parasite."
- Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil
"My wife and I went to Whole Foods today just to get some eggs and other groceries we needed like every other week in our normal grocery shopping.
It was packed with people and many shelves were completely empty including all vitamins and many other supplements were gone. There was no meat, all rice, pasta, beans, lentils canned products, eggs, and most the fresh produce (no potatoes, etc) even gone as well. Even chips were gone, also no water, etc...
The energy was eerie. The fear frequency and animalistic survival instinct palpable, the energy of greed and pure selfishness of people hoarding as much as they could into their carts was intense.
The wetiko fear contagion starts to bring out the worst in humans, their animalistic selfish predator shadow of "me first!" (more/everything for me and nothing for others) is rearing its ugly head.
You/we all carry that shadow too. Don't kid yourself.
This is a test for your/our conscience and your level of being and where you truly are at in soul development.
Here's the thing, do take care of yourself and your loved ones, do what you feel is right to do but be aware of going way overboard with this stocking up/prepping energy as it turns into pure selfish greed based on a completely over-exaggerated fear response based on a completely staged crisis.
Once you catch that level of the wetiko fear virus and act on that infection YOU BECOME THE PROBLEM. You are creating the scarcity you are afraid of and YOU ARE affecting others. There is no need whatsoever to stock up in ways I've seen people stock up. Yes, get some necessities if you think so, but watch yourself as the predator works through you and your most basic reptilian survival instinct gets triggered as you become a soulless-checked-out "human", completely taken over by wetiko, only thinking of itself in pure service to self-consciousness. Basic example, when there are 2, 3 or 5, or more items left of a product and you take them all without thinking of anyone else, wetiko and the matrix has you.
I've seen it in the eyes of the people at WH. There was this young woman, maybe in her twenties, covered in a thick hoody, a mask, rubber gloves, her cart filled with stuff she must have just grabbed randomly (it didn't even make sense what people grabbed). I stopped and looked into her eyes, maybe only 3 feet away right in front of her, I tried to make eye contact. I could "smell" her fear. I wanted to tell her, it's ok, it'll be fine, just some calming words but she could not look at me. Her eyes kept pacing nervously left/right, scanning the store. She was not ignoring me. She literally didn't see me. She was completely taken over by wetiko, by "something else", checked out, caught in pure reptilian mechanical survival mode, in fight and flight, panic and fear. I think I saw a zombie for the first time in my life.
It was sad and it got me angry too and I had to hold my "horses" to literally not shout out in the store: "All you idiots, stop hoarding! You are completely over-reacting and you have been infected by the worst contagion: fear. You are making it worse for everybody else. Chill the fuck down!"
Luckily, my wise wife made me aware that it may not be the best idea to "poke" a crowd of people who are already in fear and trauma response and in predatory mode. It is true, so my anger turned into compassion the best I could for people are literally in trauma response.
I talked to one of the WH employees. A good soul. He kept his calm. He knows and sees how people are over-reacting but he didn't let it get to him. Apparently, people have been lining up since 7:30am. He told me, there was a woman who bought 30 pounds of ground meat (the rest of what was left). He said to her "that's a lot of meat", to which she replied, "Yeah I know and I don't even eat meat but considering the situation, it's good to have it in the freezer". Did you catch this? A vegetarian/vegan is stocking up on meat!
This is where we are at right now. There will be a ripple effect, obviously, but it also depends on YOU how far this is going. So, take a deep look into the mirror, stay conscious, grounded, be practical but check your CONSCIENCE and do not let the fear selfish survival hive mind take you over for that will literally attract and manifest what you are afraid of as your strings are being pulled on occult levels and you act as they want you to act, feeding off of your fear at the same time."
- Bernhard G
"We literally depend upon each other for our very well-being and survival. When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other."
This is the most ease-inducing, inspiring piece I've read on COVID-19 yet. I hope it brings you peace, too. Thank you, Paul Levy.
"When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other."
We have never lived in more uncertain times. There has clearly been something out of whack in our world for as long as any of us can remember, but up until the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic many of us could still afford to be in denial, looking away, avoiding what is more and more insistently staring us in the face. Most of us have been going on with life as normal, pretending—as if playing a game of make-believe—that everything is fine, thank you very much. Anyone who thinks otherwise is labeled crazy, a conspiracy theorist, overly paranoid or otherwise marginalized in any number of ways.
In the most simplistic terms, our world has been out of balance, and we have been ignoring its messages, which—just like a recurring dream—serves to guarantee that its messages will become more amplified and harder to ignore until they reach catastrophic levels. As if the veil is being lifted, the coronavirus pandemic has shown—in no uncertain terms—how thin and flimsy the walls are between a seemingly well-ordered and predictable world and utter chaos. The unconscious ways we have been living—as well as our illusions—have become unsustainable and are breaking down at warp speed. The meaning of the word “catastrophe” in ancient Greek is “a turning point.” We have reached a point of necessary transformation in the evolution of our species.
An invisible specter in the field, the coronavirus is creating havoc in our world, disrupting business as usual as it ripples—both in our world and within our psyches—throughout the globe. To quote the doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, "Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered." The coronavirus can be envisioned as a modern-day plague of Egypt. It is a living revelation that is dying to show us something about who we are and our place in the universe. What it is revealing to us is crucially important for us to know. Our very survival depends upon receiving its message.
It would take something truly radical—for example, to let the imagination run wild, an invasion by evil aliens from outer space—to snap humanity out of our collective spell of thinking that we are separate from each other so as to inspire us to join forces with each other (adversaries included) to be able to successfully deal with a collective existential threat to our very survival. It is an archetypal idea that forces that would do evil invariably wind up catalyzing a greater good. Regardless of its origin, the coronavirus can be conceived of as being the novel form that the forces of disease and destruction are unwittingly taking to fulfill the function of helping our species recognize our interconnectedness with each other and all of life.
We literally depend upon each other for our very well-being and survival. When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other. In other words, the coronavirus is the medicine that can help us get over ourselves and realize that the most vital and urgent task for humanity is to see through what Einstein famously calls an “optical delusion of consciousness” - the illusion of the separate self.
One of the major symptoms of the coronavirus is that it induces fear - which is known to weaken the immune system, thereby allowing the virus to more easily propagate itself. When fear is collectively mobilized, due to its psychically contagious nature, it takes on a seemingly autonomous and independent life of its own, feeding mass panic that easily turns into a collective psychosis. To see through the illusion of the separate self is at the same time to take away the power that fear has over us (as well as to empower ourselves), for the experience of separation and fear (of “the other”) mutually co-arise, reciprocally reinforcing each other. Genuine compassion (which strengthens the immune system) is the result of this realization.
It is of the utmost significance, however, that the coronavirus is a quantum phenomenon, in that it contains within itself both death-creating poison as well as its own medicine. Encoded in the virus is its own vaccine - as interdependently connected cells in a greater living organism, each of us is being demanded by the coronavirus to realize how we can synergistically co-operate together so as to resist and overcome its invasion. Though itself continually mutating, the coronavirus is, when push comes to shove, forcing us to mutate—to expand our consciousness—or else! As such, the coronavirus is a powerful catalyst for human evolution. How this pandemic will ultimately manifest depends upon—in true quantum style, potentially—whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us about ourselves.
We clearly haven’t yet been able to sufficiently, as a species, see through the seemingly intractable and persistent illusion of the separate self and recognize our collective interdependence. Seen as a dreaming phenomenon, we have collectively dreamed up a global pandemic, a modern-day plague of Egypt, an invasion by a seemingly alien microbe from which no one is immune so as to help us dispel the primary illusion of the separate self and assist us in facing the reality of who we are in the greater scheme of things. As Jung reminds us, a “new way”—which he likens to an undiscovered vein that lives within the greater body politic of humanity that connects us all—is demanding to be discovered. We will be complicit in creating a tragedy of historic proportions if we miss the hidden, golden opportunity that is encoded within the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus is helping us realize who we are relative to each other—one human family—thereby inspiring us to come together as one. This is the gift concealed within the disease that not only helps us to heal the disease, but heals us as well.
- Jesus
"Social distancing" has a nice Orwellian
Happening right now on exponential levels. It's not the coronavirus pandemic. It's a psychic hive mind epidemic with masses of people infected with the wetiko virus and ...."Anyone who doesn’t buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and called either crazy, a conspiracy theorist" as Paul Levy wrote:
"People or groups who have fallen asleep and are under the thrall of the psychic epidemic are then “unconsciously” dreaming, that is, acting out their unconscious in fully embodied form, in contrast to being awake. The type of person ripe for falling prey to the wetiko infection is usually one whose strings are pulled and manipulated by others, who follows a life path dictated by others and is unaccustomed to think for themselves. Not in touch with their inner guidance, they project authority outside of themselves and become very suggestible to the agreed-upon consensus opinion of the dominant pack. When we give away our power, there is always someone bearing the authority of “the State” who is more than happy to accept our offering, feeding the insatiable will-to-power of the shadow, which becomes collectively mobilized.
Masses are veritable breeding grounds for psychic epidemics. Though using individuals as its instruments, evil needs the unconscious masses for its genesis and proliferation on the world stage. In a collective psychosis, people literally stop thinking for themselves and let others think for them, like sheep (or “sheeple”) who just follow wherever they are being led, even if it’s off the nearest cliff. Losing touch with their own discernment and ability for critical thinking, the “mass man” becomes part of the mindless herd and falls prey to “group-think,” whose members co-dependently enable each other to uphold their shared version of the wetiko world.
Once the office of “perception management,” largely through the corporate mainstream media, convinces a critical mass of people of a particular viewpoint, there is a consensus or agreement that is reached among the masses as to what is objectively true. The agreed-upon version of reality takes on a weight and momentum of its own and thereby becomes the established dogma of what is collectively imagined to be really happening. Like a religious truth, it is irrationally believed like an act of faith by its card-carrying members, even if overwhelming evidence points to the contrary.
Anyone who doesn’t buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and called either crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or even a terrorist (“You’re either with us or you’re with the enemy”). Such a group consensus about the nature of reality gets increasingly hard to sustain as time passes, however, as, like a house of cards ready to collapse at any moment, its vision of the world is based on the fundamental error of not being true. Strangely enough, people under the collective enchantment of wetiko become fanatically attached to supporting an agenda that oftentimes is diametrically opposed to serving then own best interests. This is an outer behavioral reflection of the inner state of being under the sway of the self-destructive wetiko parasite."
- Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil
"My wife and I went to Whole Foods today just to get some eggs and other groceries we needed like every other week in our normal grocery shopping.
It was packed with people and many shelves were completely empty including all vitamins and many other supplements were gone. There was no meat, all rice, pasta, beans, lentils canned products, eggs, and most the fresh produce (no potatoes, etc) even gone as well. Even chips were gone, also no water, etc...
The energy was eerie. The fear frequency and animalistic survival instinct palpable, the energy of greed and pure selfishness of people hoarding as much as they could into their carts was intense.
The wetiko fear contagion starts to bring out the worst in humans, their animalistic selfish predator shadow of "me first!" (more/everything for me and nothing for others) is rearing its ugly head.
You/we all carry that shadow too. Don't kid yourself.
This is a test for your/our conscience and your level of being and where you truly are at in soul development.
Here's the thing, do take care of yourself and your loved ones, do what you feel is right to do but be aware of going way overboard with this stocking up/prepping energy as it turns into pure selfish greed based on a completely over-exaggerated fear response based on a completely staged crisis.
Once you catch that level of the wetiko fear virus and act on that infection YOU BECOME THE PROBLEM. You are creating the scarcity you are afraid of and YOU ARE affecting others. There is no need whatsoever to stock up in ways I've seen people stock up. Yes, get some necessities if you think so, but watch yourself as the predator works through you and your most basic reptilian survival instinct gets triggered as you become a soulless-checked-out "human", completely taken over by wetiko, only thinking of itself in pure service to self-consciousness. Basic example, when there are 2, 3 or 5, or more items left of a product and you take them all without thinking of anyone else, wetiko and the matrix has you.
I've seen it in the eyes of the people at WH. There was this young woman, maybe in her twenties, covered in a thick hoody, a mask, rubber gloves, her cart filled with stuff she must have just grabbed randomly (it didn't even make sense what people grabbed). I stopped and looked into her eyes, maybe only 3 feet away right in front of her, I tried to make eye contact. I could "smell" her fear. I wanted to tell her, it's ok, it'll be fine, just some calming words but she could not look at me. Her eyes kept pacing nervously left/right, scanning the store. She was not ignoring me. She literally didn't see me. She was completely taken over by wetiko, by "something else", checked out, caught in pure reptilian mechanical survival mode, in fight and flight, panic and fear. I think I saw a zombie for the first time in my life.
It was sad and it got me angry too and I had to hold my "horses" to literally not shout out in the store: "All you idiots, stop hoarding! You are completely over-reacting and you have been infected by the worst contagion: fear. You are making it worse for everybody else. Chill the fuck down!"
Luckily, my wise wife made me aware that it may not be the best idea to "poke" a crowd of people who are already in fear and trauma response and in predatory mode. It is true, so my anger turned into compassion the best I could for people are literally in trauma response.
I talked to one of the WH employees. A good soul. He kept his calm. He knows and sees how people are over-reacting but he didn't let it get to him. Apparently, people have been lining up since 7:30am. He told me, there was a woman who bought 30 pounds of ground meat (the rest of what was left). He said to her "that's a lot of meat", to which she replied, "Yeah I know and I don't even eat meat but considering the situation, it's good to have it in the freezer". Did you catch this? A vegetarian/vegan is stocking up on meat!
This is where we are at right now. There will be a ripple effect, obviously, but it also depends on YOU how far this is going. So, take a deep look into the mirror, stay conscious, grounded, be practical but check your CONSCIENCE and do not let the fear selfish survival hive mind take you over for that will literally attract and manifest what you are afraid of as your strings are being pulled on occult levels and you act as they want you to act, feeding off of your fear at the same time."
- Bernhard G
"We literally depend upon each other for our very well-being and survival. When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other."
This is the most ease-inducing, inspiring piece I've read on COVID-19 yet. I hope it brings you peace, too. Thank you, Paul Levy.

"When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other."
We have never lived in more uncertain times. There has clearly been something out of whack in our world for as long as any of us can remember, but up until the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic many of us could still afford to be in denial, looking away, avoiding what is more and more insistently staring us in the face. Most of us have been going on with life as normal, pretending—as if playing a game of make-believe—that everything is fine, thank you very much. Anyone who thinks otherwise is labeled crazy, a conspiracy theorist, overly paranoid or otherwise marginalized in any number of ways.
In the most simplistic terms, our world has been out of balance, and we have been ignoring its messages, which—just like a recurring dream—serves to guarantee that its messages will become more amplified and harder to ignore until they reach catastrophic levels. As if the veil is being lifted, the coronavirus pandemic has shown—in no uncertain terms—how thin and flimsy the walls are between a seemingly well-ordered and predictable world and utter chaos. The unconscious ways we have been living—as well as our illusions—have become unsustainable and are breaking down at warp speed. The meaning of the word “catastrophe” in ancient Greek is “a turning point.” We have reached a point of necessary transformation in the evolution of our species.
An invisible specter in the field, the coronavirus is creating havoc in our world, disrupting business as usual as it ripples—both in our world and within our psyches—throughout the globe. To quote the doctor of the soul C. G. Jung, "Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered." The coronavirus can be envisioned as a modern-day plague of Egypt. It is a living revelation that is dying to show us something about who we are and our place in the universe. What it is revealing to us is crucially important for us to know. Our very survival depends upon receiving its message.
It would take something truly radical—for example, to let the imagination run wild, an invasion by evil aliens from outer space—to snap humanity out of our collective spell of thinking that we are separate from each other so as to inspire us to join forces with each other (adversaries included) to be able to successfully deal with a collective existential threat to our very survival. It is an archetypal idea that forces that would do evil invariably wind up catalyzing a greater good. Regardless of its origin, the coronavirus can be conceived of as being the novel form that the forces of disease and destruction are unwittingly taking to fulfill the function of helping our species recognize our interconnectedness with each other and all of life.
We literally depend upon each other for our very well-being and survival. When seen as a dream symbol laden with a message, the coronavirus reveals to us that instead of fighting each other, we can recognize the indisputable truth - we are all on the same side. We can unite as one so as to overcome our common enemy, which on one level is the coronavirus, but on a deeper level is our ignorance of our connection with each other. In other words, the coronavirus is the medicine that can help us get over ourselves and realize that the most vital and urgent task for humanity is to see through what Einstein famously calls an “optical delusion of consciousness” - the illusion of the separate self.
One of the major symptoms of the coronavirus is that it induces fear - which is known to weaken the immune system, thereby allowing the virus to more easily propagate itself. When fear is collectively mobilized, due to its psychically contagious nature, it takes on a seemingly autonomous and independent life of its own, feeding mass panic that easily turns into a collective psychosis. To see through the illusion of the separate self is at the same time to take away the power that fear has over us (as well as to empower ourselves), for the experience of separation and fear (of “the other”) mutually co-arise, reciprocally reinforcing each other. Genuine compassion (which strengthens the immune system) is the result of this realization.
It is of the utmost significance, however, that the coronavirus is a quantum phenomenon, in that it contains within itself both death-creating poison as well as its own medicine. Encoded in the virus is its own vaccine - as interdependently connected cells in a greater living organism, each of us is being demanded by the coronavirus to realize how we can synergistically co-operate together so as to resist and overcome its invasion. Though itself continually mutating, the coronavirus is, when push comes to shove, forcing us to mutate—to expand our consciousness—or else! As such, the coronavirus is a powerful catalyst for human evolution. How this pandemic will ultimately manifest depends upon—in true quantum style, potentially—whether or not we recognize what it is revealing to us about ourselves.
We clearly haven’t yet been able to sufficiently, as a species, see through the seemingly intractable and persistent illusion of the separate self and recognize our collective interdependence. Seen as a dreaming phenomenon, we have collectively dreamed up a global pandemic, a modern-day plague of Egypt, an invasion by a seemingly alien microbe from which no one is immune so as to help us dispel the primary illusion of the separate self and assist us in facing the reality of who we are in the greater scheme of things. As Jung reminds us, a “new way”—which he likens to an undiscovered vein that lives within the greater body politic of humanity that connects us all—is demanding to be discovered. We will be complicit in creating a tragedy of historic proportions if we miss the hidden, golden opportunity that is encoded within the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus is helping us realize who we are relative to each other—one human family—thereby inspiring us to come together as one. This is the gift concealed within the disease that not only helps us to heal the disease, but heals us as well.
Roll out 5G unchallenged.
- Deflect attention from increasing exposing of pedophiles.
- Mandatory vaccinations under the guise of our health and safety.
- Economic collapse/bail out from central banks. Easier to usher in a cashless society.
- Heightened fear and reliance on government (more centralisation).
- Manipulate public perception and election results.
- Collapse of small businesses and revival of big corporations through buyouts.
- More investment back in mainstream media
- Self-fulfilling symptoms resulting in more illness.
- Deaths of more vulnerable members of society.
- Increased paranoia and compulsive behaviour. Distrust of our peers and other countries.
- Division between people over different beliefs.
- Overstrained healthcare system resulting in more deaths.
All of these are potentials knock on effects from a pandemic psy-op virus. They feed into Agenda 21. And our fear and ignorance is their greatest weapon.
The antidote:
- Make lifestyle choices and take charge of your health. Charge up the immune system.
- Be kind and helpful. Protect the vulnerable first, and give assitance to the elderly.
- Dont stock up on a disproportionate amount of resources.
- Question the official narrative and read between the lines/employ critical thinking.
- Engage in mature and healthy discussion with peers without resorting to ad hominem attacks or derogatory remarks.
- Avoid extreme fear mongering by media. Employ intuition and look inwards as well.
- Discuss practical solutions with others and spread ideas in a cooperative way. Its a team effort, not each for their own.
- Don’t panic or assume the worst. Lets see how things develop and stay as level headed as possible.
- Don’t run your immune system down with excessive fear, which can create symptoms.
- выкатить 5G без проблем.
- отвлекать внимание от увеличения разоблачения педофилов.
- Обязательные прививки под видом нашего здоровья и безопасности.
- Экономический крах / помощь центральных банков. Проще вступить в безналичное общество.
- Повышенный страх и опора на правительство (большая централизация).
- манипулировать общественным восприятием и результатами выборов.
- Крах малого бизнеса и возрождение крупных корпораций путем выкупа.
- Больше инвестиций обратно в основные СМИ
- Самореализующиеся симптомы, приводящие к большему количеству заболеваний.
- Смерть более уязвимых членов общества.
- Повышенная паранойя и компульсивное поведение. Недоверие к нашим сверстникам и другим странам.
- Разделение между людьми по разным убеждениям.
- Перенапряжение системы здравоохранения приводит к большему количеству смертей.
Все это потенциальные возможности воздействия пандемического вируса психопата. Они вписываются в Повестку дня на XXI век. А наш страх и невежество - их самое большое оружие.
- Делайте выбор образа жизни и заботьтесь о своем здоровье. Зарядите иммунную систему.
- Будь добрым и полезным. Сначала защитите уязвимых и помогите пожилым.
- Не запастись непропорциональным количеством ресурсов.
- Спросите официальный рассказ и прочитайте между строк / используйте критическое мышление.
- Вступать в зрелые и здоровые дискуссии со сверстниками, не прибегая к атакам ad hominem или уничижительным замечаниям.
- Избегайте чрезмерного распространения страха перед СМИ. Используйте интуицию и смотрите в себя.
- Обсуждайте практические решения с другими и распространяйте идеи на основе сотрудничества. Это командное усилие, а не каждый для себя.
- Не паникуйте и не предполагайте худшего. Давайте посмотрим, как все будет развиваться и оставаться настолько уравновешенным, насколько это возможно.
- Не подавляйте свою иммунную систему чрезмерным страхом, который может вызвать симптомы.
-http:// www.openculture.com/2017/ 03/an-animated-introduction-to- noam-chomskys-manufacturin g-consent.html
- Deflect attention from increasing exposing of pedophiles.
- Mandatory vaccinations under the guise of our health and safety.
- Economic collapse/bail out from central banks. Easier to usher in a cashless society.
- Heightened fear and reliance on government (more centralisation).
- Manipulate public perception and election results.
- Collapse of small businesses and revival of big corporations through buyouts.
- More investment back in mainstream media
- Self-fulfilling symptoms resulting in more illness.
- Deaths of more vulnerable members of society.
- Increased paranoia and compulsive behaviour. Distrust of our peers and other countries.
- Division between people over different beliefs.
- Overstrained healthcare system resulting in more deaths.
All of these are potentials knock on effects from a pandemic psy-op virus. They feed into Agenda 21. And our fear and ignorance is their greatest weapon.
The antidote:
- Make lifestyle choices and take charge of your health. Charge up the immune system.
- Be kind and helpful. Protect the vulnerable first, and give assitance to the elderly.
- Dont stock up on a disproportionate amount of resources.
- Question the official narrative and read between the lines/employ critical thinking.
- Engage in mature and healthy discussion with peers without resorting to ad hominem attacks or derogatory remarks.
- Avoid extreme fear mongering by media. Employ intuition and look inwards as well.
- Discuss practical solutions with others and spread ideas in a cooperative way. Its a team effort, not each for their own.
- Don’t panic or assume the worst. Lets see how things develop and stay as level headed as possible.
- Don’t run your immune system down with excessive fear, which can create symptoms.
- выкатить 5G без проблем.
- отвлекать внимание от увеличения разоблачения педофилов.
- Обязательные прививки под видом нашего здоровья и безопасности.
- Экономический крах / помощь центральных банков. Проще вступить в безналичное общество.
- Повышенный страх и опора на правительство (большая централизация).
- манипулировать общественным восприятием и результатами выборов.
- Крах малого бизнеса и возрождение крупных корпораций путем выкупа.
- Больше инвестиций обратно в основные СМИ
- Самореализующиеся симптомы, приводящие к большему количеству заболеваний.
- Смерть более уязвимых членов общества.
- Повышенная паранойя и компульсивное поведение. Недоверие к нашим сверстникам и другим странам.
- Разделение между людьми по разным убеждениям.
- Перенапряжение системы здравоохранения приводит к большему количеству смертей.
Все это потенциальные возможности воздействия пандемического вируса психопата. Они вписываются в Повестку дня на XXI век. А наш страх и невежество - их самое большое оружие.
- Делайте выбор образа жизни и заботьтесь о своем здоровье. Зарядите иммунную систему.
- Будь добрым и полезным. Сначала защитите уязвимых и помогите пожилым.
- Не запастись непропорциональным количеством ресурсов.
- Спросите официальный рассказ и прочитайте между строк / используйте критическое мышление.
- Вступать в зрелые и здоровые дискуссии со сверстниками, не прибегая к атакам ad hominem или уничижительным замечаниям.
- Избегайте чрезмерного распространения страха перед СМИ. Используйте интуицию и смотрите в себя.
- Обсуждайте практические решения с другими и распространяйте идеи на основе сотрудничества. Это командное усилие, а не каждый для себя.
- Не паникуйте и не предполагайте худшего. Давайте посмотрим, как все будет развиваться и оставаться настолько уравновешенным, насколько это возможно.
- Не подавляйте свою иммунную систему чрезмерным страхом, который может вызвать симптомы.
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