вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

კანქვეშ ჩიპების მქონე ადამიანები. ვინ არიან ისინი და როგორ ცხოვრობენ?

კანქვეშ ჩიპების მქონე ადამიანები. ვინ არიან ისინი და როგორ ცხოვრობენ?
ადამიანი თითებს გაშლის - ცერა თითს და საჩვენებელს. წამი, და მიკროჩიპი იმპლანტირებულია მის ხელისგულში. კიდევ ერთი კიბორგი მზად არის სამუშაოდ. სწორედ ასე იქმნებიან ზეადამიანები. ვინ არიან ისინი და რატომ სჭირდებათ ეს?
 ბელგიური სტარტაპი „Epicenter“  თითქმის ერთადერთი კომპანიაა მსოფლიოში, რომელმაც ნაკადურ სისტემაზე დააყენა ადამიანების ჩიპირება. ორგანიზაციების თანამშრომლების ხელში იმპლანტირებული მიკროსქემები აღებენ კარებს, მართავენ დაბეჭდვის პროცესს პრინტერებზე და იძლევიან სადილის საფასურის გადახდის საშუალებას. ყველაფერი, რაც საჭიროა, - ეს მოწყობილობაზე ხელის აქნევა. „Epicenter“-ის  დამფუძნებელი და გენერალური დირექტორი პატრიკ მესტერტონი თვალსაჩინო მაგალითს იძლევა: მის ხელში მიკროსქემაა იმპლანტირებული. „ჩიპი ძალიან მოსახერხებელია. ეს ბევრ ჩვეულ ნივთს ცვლის, იქნება ეს საბანკო ბარათი თუ გასაღები“, - ამბობს მესტერტონი.
ჩიპირების ტექნოლოგია ახალი არ არის. ადამიანები მსგავს მიკროსქემებს იყენებენ ბარგის და შინაური ცხოველების ადგილმდებარეობის დასადგენად. „Epicenter“-ის  მიზანია დაამტკიცოს, რომ ეს ტექნოლოგია უსაფრთხო და სასარგებლოა ადამიანებისთვის. კომპანიებს შეუძლიათ აკონტროლონ დრო, როდესაც თანამშრომლები იმყოფებიან სამუშაოზე, აკონტროლონ, სად იმყოფებიან და რას იძენენ. ადამიანი, რომელსაც ჩიპი აქვს იმპლანტირებული, ვერ შეძლებს განთავისუფლდეს თვალთვალისგან, რადგან მიკროსქემა კანქვეშ აქვს შეყვანილი  და მისი მოშორება  არც ისე მარტივია.
   „Epicenter“-ი ასზე მეტ კომპანიას ემსახურება, სადაც ორ ათასზე მეტი თანამშრომელია. 2015 წლიდან დაახლოებით 150 ადამიანი დათანხმდა ჩიპირებაზე და არცერთი მათგანი იმედგაცრუებული არ დარჩენილა. „Epicenter“-ის ჩიპები იყენებენ NFC-ს, ტექნოლოგიას, რომელიც, სხვა საკითხებთან ერთად, უკონტაქტო გადახდების დროს გამოიყენება. NFC იძლევა მონაცემთა გაცვლის საშუალებას ორ მოწყობილობას შორის, რომლებიც ერთმანეთთან სიახლოვეში იმყოფებიან.
47 წლის ფრედრიკ კაიზერი, რომელიც „Epicenter“-ში გამოცდილების მთავარი სოეციალისტის თანამდებობას იკავებს, ასევე ჩიპირებულია, და კითხვაზე პრივატულობის პრობლემების შესახებ პასუხობს, რომ ამაზე არ დაფიქრებულა, მას უბრალოდ უყვარს სიახლეების მოსინჯვა, და ასეთ ტექნოლოგიებს განიხილავს, როგორც ადამიანის შესაძლებლობების გაფართოების საშუალებას, და, რაც მომავალში ყველგან იქნება დანერგილი.
        ყოველთვიურად, „Epicenter“-ი ატარებს ღონისძიებებს, რომლის მონაწილეებს შეუძლიათ უფასო ჩიპების მოგება. ბენ ლიბერტონის, სტოკჰოლმში კაროლინის ინსტიტუტის მიკრობიოლოგის თქმით, ჩიპის იმპლანტაცია უსაფრთხოა ჯანმრთელობისთვის, მაგრამ გაცილებით მწვავედ დგას ეთიკური პრობლემა. საქმე იმაშია, რომ მონაცემები, რომლების მოპარვა ჰაკერებს შეუძლიათ ადამიანის სხეულში იმპლანტირებული ჩიპიდან, განსხვავდებიან სმარტფონის ან კომპიუტერის მონაცემებისგან. ისინი ბევრად უფრო პირადულია და შეუძლიათ ინფორმაციის მიწოდება ადამიანის ჯანმრთელობის მდგომარეობის შესახებ, ასევე მისი აქტიურობისა და გადაადგილების შესახებ: სად დადის, რამდენად ხშირად სეირნობს, რამდენ ხანს მუშაობს, რამდენს და რას ყიდულობს და ა.შ. თუ ეს მონაცემი სხვებს ჩაუვარდება ხელში, მათ შეუძლიათ მისი ანგარების მიზნის გამოყენება. ზუსტად რომელი - ეს დამოკიდებულია ჰაკერების წარმოსახვაზე.
იმპლანტის ჩიპის ჩანერგვა რამდენიმე წამი სჭირდება. სპეციალისტს შეაქვს ჩიპი სპეციალური შპრიცით, ხორცში ცერა და საჩვენებელ თითს შორის. ეს არ არის მტკივნეული  და ხელზე არც ნაიარევი რჩება. ჩიპს არ სჭირდება ელექტროენერგია, ის პასიურია და მუშაობს ისე, როგორც საბანკო ბარათში უკონტაქტო გადახდის მოდული.
        პლანეტაზე ძალიან ცოტა ადამიანია ჩიპირებული, ამიტომ ჰაკერებს პრაქტიკულად არ აინტერესებთ მათში დანერგილი იმპლანტების გატეხვა. ადამიანის სხეულიდან მიღებული მონაცემების ჰაკერებისადმი ინტერესი უდავოდ გაიზრდებოდა, თუ ასეთი ტექნოლოგია უფრო გავრცელებული იქნებოდა. ახლა ჰაკერები ძირითადად სმარტფონებისა და კომპიუტერების გატეხვით არიან დაკავებული, რადგან პლანეტაზე ისინი  ადამიანების დიდ ნაწილს აქვს. იმ შემთხვევაშიც კი, თუ ჩიპირება უსაფრთხოა პრივატულობის თვალსაზრისით, მომავალში ჰაკერები შეძლებენ ამ ტექნოლოგიაში სუსტი ადგილის მოძებნას და დაიწყებენ დაუცველობის ძებნას მათ წინააღმდეგ, ვინც გადაწყვიტა მიკროსქემის  ჩანერგვა.

А новое, благородное лицо мафии Христа, очень скоро снимет маску, - обнажив свою историческую кровожадную суть, в том числе замешанной на гордой непогрешимости и папском абсолютизме.
Неужели можно поверить, что у религии антихриста новое лицо?
Мы верим в победу католической церкви над неверием, ересью, расколом, революцией деспотизмом, в победу над иудаизмом, мусульманством и язычеством. Реставрация временного папского правления необходима для этой победы, следовательно, мы верим, что оно будет восстановлено. (The Catholic World, август 1887 г., 27 том, стр.620)
Нигде догматическая нетерпимость так не необходима как правило жизни, как в области религии, поскольку для каждого индивидуума поставлено на карту его спасение. Так же просто как потому, что не может быть альтернатив в таблице умножения, не может существовать более одной настоящей религии, которая, единственным лишь фактом своего существования, опротестовывает все другие религии как ошибочные. (Католическая энциклопедия, 1911г.,14 том, стр.765)"
Война [то есть, американская Гражданская война 1861-1865] никогда не была бы возможна без зловещего влияния Иезуитов.» ; АвраамЛинкольн (1809-1865; 16-ыйПрезидентСША)
It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."- Marquis de LaFayette, French General who served under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War

"The Jesuits are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty." - R. W. Thompson, Ex-Secretary, American Navy
«Иезуиты ; смертельные враги гражданской и религиозной свободы.» ; R. W. Томпсон, Экссекретарь,АмериканскийВоенно-МорскойФлот

Клятва иезуита
Я ........., сейчас заявляю и клянусь в присутствии всемогущего Бога, защитницы девы Марии, благословенного архангела Михаила, святого Иоанна Крестителя, святых Петра и Павла и всех остальных святых, тебе, мой духовный отец, высший генерал общества Иисуса, основанного святым Игнатием фон Лойола в правление Папы Павла 3 и простирающегося до сего дня, возведённого через Деву-Богородицу, жезлом Иисуса, в том, что его святейшество папа, является наместником Иисуса и есть истинный и единый глава католической или всеобщей церкви на земле, и что имея ключ, чтобы связывать и отпускать, который дан его святейшеству моим Спасителем Иисусом Христом, он имеет власть отстранять от правления еретических королей, принцев, государства, республики, правительства, которые без Его святейшего подтверждения являются незаконными и должны с уверенностью быть уничтожены.
Далее я заявляю, что буду помогать всем или кому-либо из представителей твоего Святейшества в любом месте, где я бы не находился, стоять на их стороне, советовать и делать всё возможное, чтобы истреблять еретические протестантские или вольные учения законным или другим способом и разрушать всякую власть, на которую они претендуют.
Я обещаю и заявляю, что никогда не откажусь от того, чтобы согласиться принять какую-то еретическую религию, с целью распространять там интересы матери-церкви и содержать втайне с доверием все планы её представителей, и если они захотят время от времени давать мне инструкции, которые будут прямо или косвенно сообщаться устным, письменным или каким-то другим путём, то всё исполнять, что ты, мой духовный отец, мне предложишь, поручишь или откроешь....
Далее, я обещаю, что не хочу иметь никакого собственного мнения или собственного желания или какого-то духовного сомнения, но готов подчиняться каждому отдельному приказу, который могу получить от моего высшего генерала армии Папы и Иисуса Христа; что я безропотно пойду в любую часть земли и буду покорен во всём, что мне будет передано.... Кроме того, я обещаю, при каждой удобной возможности, объявлять открыто или тайно безжалостную войну против всех еретиков, протестантов и либералов, как мне это приказано, с целью вырывать их с корнем и сметать с лица земли; и я не буду обращать внимания ни на возраст, ни на ещё какие-то другие обстоятельства. Я буду их вешать, жечь, опустошать, кипятить, обезглавливать, душить и закапывать этих еретиков живыми, распарывать животы женщинам и разбивать головы детей о стену, чтобы только навсегда истребить эту проклятую кровь их. И если я не смогу убивать их открыто, то буду делать это отравленным кубком, удавкой, кинжалом или свинцовой пулей, не взирая на почтенность, положение, звание или авторитет этих людей. Я буду действовать всегда таким образом, как и когда мне будет приказано каким -либо агентом Папы или Главой братства святой веры общества Иисуса.
( Отрывок из книги Орден иезуитов
Когда подавляющее большинство общества становится больным на голову, оно автоматически признает себя абсолютно здоровым. Абсолютно больными же признаются уже только истинно здоровые. http://www.proza.ru/2014/07/21/167


Играют взрослые в войну,
Убить пытаясь всю планету.
Судьбу стараясь обмануть,
Бросают звонкую монету.

August 28, 2012 at 11:47 PM
The western modern mind is conditioned to see differences where the Zen mind sees similarities. The western mind separates mind from body, which has led to the modern western chemical technological form of medicine. It does this because it separates the observer (itself) from the observed (western science). Hence views things outside of itself and thus externally. The inner connection, that of understanding something by being part of it, by walking in its shoes is lost.

In western universities you get a PhD when u can prove u can fully separate yourself (observer) from the observed (this is the inverse of compassion and empathy), and reduce fields of life to separate and independent variables.

To become a Zen master u must see that there is no spoon. That when U bend the spoon bends. When U bend the air bends, when U bend the waves bend. The one (western mind) creates conflict and its best fruits are oxymoronic ways to deal with the conflict: war machines. It declares war on everything as solution; war on cancer...war on this war on that...


The other creates peace and its core app (practice) is compassion. The one studies the world out there, the other the world as Self. The (true) Buddhist traditions attempt to "innerstand" or understand by becoming part of something. In this approach the goal is self cultivation while the other's chief focus is technology or thus apps separate from the observer. The esoteric practices in the west (and also some of the east) are also based on a full zoning out (below more on this).

Yet in the true esoteric traditions referring above to Zen as example: in everything we see self and its story. In the seed, the ocean, fire, water....in the hill...in the spoon. These are all symbols of Self. Simply the Self with a thousand faces.

The following is a quote i just read: "Achieving your goals - starts with your thoughts, ends with your actions".

This is a graphic example of how the western mind will always end up juxtaposing things. The implication here is that thoughts are separate or separable from actions. They are not. The truth is found in a dutch word called "voortschrijdend inzicht". Which means something to the order of new or breaking insights. That as we go we will learn in the very actions we take and that this kind of just-in-time insight is what really guides and emerges from the process itself. The "way" forms as we venture to go it and innerstand it. But look here how the western mind juxtaposes these two and puts one at the beginning and the other at the end.

 Mistaking Concepts for Reality: PLATO'S CAVE

This juxtaposition leads to what Plato termed the Cave problem where we see the shadows but not reality itself, which agrees with the Map of J.L. Borges where we create a map and than we take the map for the real. The map is taken for real while it is profoundly inaccurate. In the east this is called Maya or the matrix of illusion. The western mind lives in these thoughts or shadows, a virtual reality, and not in the real world they try to represent.


Eduardo Galeano speaks of a Colombian untouched town of fishermen who refer to "sentipensar" as one word. Sentipensar is "feelingthinking" as one whole. Obviously this indigenous town survived the descent and still see One. But the west has descended into division thinking (space-time). Now we are returning to the One thinking again or ascending. Yet as mentioned in my prior articles there are two tracks which this divided mind is taking to return to the One eye or a unified view or also called illumination (enlightenment).

This mind which juxtaposes is able to abstract and conceive (see above Map and Cave)  by virtue of removing itself from reality/the world and so look at it, which those in original unadulterated oneness don't/can't, but this process creates a profoundly distorted image of reality. (In my writings and videos i have referred to this as the observation problem.) The problem, as mentioned above is that in this stage it starts to take this distorted image for the real. But there is a reason we had to descend into the illusion.

Why the Descent?

The whole original mind, which hasn't descended, is in touch with real reality but or so doesn't think about it, is "it", is in it but/thus as self. There is no distance in the indigenous mind between self and other. They are in I & I state. Now what I propose is that the western mind detached itself and descended into this cave or Matrix but that this falling away and returning to the One, is necessary for and constitutes self awareness. So there was a very important reason for descending into this illusion, cave or matrix. But to create this yield we had to become aware that it is an illusion and not to remain stuck there.

So what I am saying is that we needed this descent (from original paradise) into the illusion of maya or separateness in order to return to the Oneness view (One eye) but 'now/in order to become' (self) conscious. This is the same as having to loose something to know you had it. Something crucial is added to the process by this descent and return to Oneness. 

2 Illuminations

As a caveat it serves to note toward the end of this article that there are references in metaphyiscal sources to 2 One eyes (All seing eyes) or views of Oneness. Two pathways to illumination for this descended or split mind. With regards to the "one eye", which refers to seeing union versus opposition, one source of metaphysical literature implies that the "one eye" is a representation of the pineal gland and it's activation. In the New Testament is stated: "If thine eye be single, thy body be full of light"? In this source we find the same seeing, that the opposites are one, in the statement to "be innocent yet cunning." This pathway back to Oneness is based on what I call touching or embracing the opposite.

The Pineal is at the top of the head. Yet toward the bottom of the brain we find the so-called reptilian brain. Also we find in much occult literature represented that toward this lower end of the brain we find the bicameral lateralized mind also ebbing away toward finding a One eye view emerging, also outside of normal space time and also toward a light (illumination or enlightenment) of sorts. In the old testament this one eye is also referred to and in terms of the idol shepherd or antichrist archetype. The name Lucifer is referenced in this context which obviously also means light bearer. This is the detached observer which instead of embracing the opposite or shadow further or completely severs itself from it. In the islamic tradition this antichrist or dajjal sees with One eye ("his left eye, he's blind in the right eye")... https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=one+eye+symbolism&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&biw=1440&bih=755&wrapid=tlif134618431072110&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=giQ9UIuGAqOV6QGblIG4Dw

The lower One eye goes hand in hand with the imagery in the link here of the right eye being blind which is the feminine side being repressed by an over active masculine or left brain awareness, which  leads to the way of the opening of this reptilian one eye. This reptilian brain or one eye is also a transcendent sense but to a lower, beyond space time, frequency and dimension, yet also represented as a light of sorts. It is the cold light of reason divorced from feeling and the feminine. In the images of this One eye above associated widely with 'The Illuminati' we see thus a symbol of this practice of repressing the shadow toward illumination or the opening of the lower One eye which is thus also a portal of sorts..

It is argued that in order to open the higher One eye we need to foster a union with the feminine which is what opens the transcendent sense of the true Self and thus also a passage to a higher dimension and light (also). http://i50.tinypic.com/vzyipt.jpg

2 Raptures

So toward both ends we find a One eye vision emerging, the one in terms of a spiritual awakening of sorts but to a lower spiritual dimension and the pineal gland activation representing the passage to a higher spiritual dimension. It should be noted that both tracks will tend to represent the pineal gland as central to their process of enlightenment but and based on the above mentioned toward the lower one eye we find the symbol of the reptile, because of its cold, detached and inhuman nature, abounding. In line with the left eye being the one that is opened and the right eye being blind the One eye that is opened here is really the dream come through of the left brain which is a form of technological singularity or One vision which is really the anti or inverse version of the true enlightenment via a union with the feminine (feelings). The light at the end of this tunnel is the inverse of the light of reason and full exclusion of the observer. I have described this in an article as how eventually this track leads to becoming an alien of sorts and an alienation from the Earth.

The pineal is associated with psychic ability and so is the reptilian one eye. in this sense both tracks lead to psychic abilities but of a fully inverse nature.

So the bicameral mind with an almost abscent corpos calosum is to be harvested either toward the lower One eye or the higher one. It is these 2 developments taking place on this planet. In this sense we find in the fullfillment of end-times prophecy and the return to pre-descent times of the cycle two scenarios looking quite alike and hard to discern which is the right one and which not. We find the return to the emerald city (the neon radioactive green) via a full blissing out of the split self on the one hand and we find on the other hand, by virtue of the inclusion of the (real) feminine the return to the real Zion which would be a pre-descent world based on the One eye view and not seeing differences anymore but with the added value of self awareness.

The harvest toward the emerald city is by virtue of a full loss of self which is why we see this city being inhabited on the one hand by soulless blissed out zombies and on the other being raptured to a fully mechanical singularuty cyber machine hive mind based world somewhere off planet.

 Silence is not the absence of sound. In this conundrum lies the essence of the hangout; and the difference between the most important spiritual path of the west and the east.
whatever is around you now u have asked for. Not in a fully conscious way. This is why only work on the shadow or unconscious (dreams) will show you how you are creating what you have. To a large degree what is around you is your shadow. So no real change is possible if you don't see this first, cause u have created it. This is the only way u can be hacked mentally, by (subliminally) placing (subversive) ideas in your mind/unconscious...but you thus do the creating of them...: a woman was brought up in a system where her mother would on a daily basis remind her (based on what her father did to her) that all men are promiscuous...as adult "ends-up" always with these players... She cannot end the cycle by fighting these men...she is programmed to attract this...she is (unconsciously) asking for this... it is the same if an organization or nation is falling more and more under a dictatorial regime. you (as a person/group or nation) must see this if you are to attract and create something new by "asking" for something new. America (all of them) are now where the next step in and toward (true direct) Democracy (based on true individuality) must be taken. The Occupy movement (no coincidence it started in US) is part of this determining what "we" want (asking) as nations...true democracy. (The east is looking at us make this step to true individuality and true democracy.) But it will not work if this first step mentioned above is not taken (see how we have unconsciously asked for what is now upon us...) and if we don't know, based on this, how to "ask" for (and thus attract) something new (a new kind of leader/ship)...


Scripture tells us that Passover takes place in the upper room.
Could that be within us?

In as much as the Bible describes the temple with winding stairs going up which would be the Serpent motion of Kundalini.

And then speaks of the right side or right hemisphere going into the third.

Could the upper room within us be the third ventricle of the brain? It is where all of this is located.

Let us go to Stedmans medical dictionary and read a description of the third ventricle of the brain. You can Google it.

Here is the description of the third. The third ventricle has a narrow roof, a floor, and four walls. The wall in the back is known as the posterior wall. The wall in the front is known as the anterior wall. The walls on the side are known as the lateral walls.

A roof, a floor and four walls. Your upper room is ready and furnished.

Just bring yourself. Climb the winding stairs to the right side and you're ready to pass over.

If you can help me, I would be grateful
For Pay Pal click this link- http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/#Donate



I know that what I am about to say has a different meaning then that which is being told to us by the media and science but nonetheless since I have been saying this for years here. Let me say it again.


Bill bdona91078@gmail.com




Back to ancient europe where some people would be awoken from their sleep and see a demon sitting on their chest.

Behind the demon was a black horse staring down.
The picture below

Pretty scary.

And what do you know.
A horse being a mare, it became a nightmare

Bill If you can help http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/helpingout.htm

Popular projections of what a transformation in consciousness is going to look like are, in most cases, a revamp of ‘the box’. A bigger, better box in which there is an upgrading of the paradigm that improves the conditions in which we can indulge our addictions in a ‘green’ way. As essential as ecological awareness is, it is not enough. The new paradigm cannot be actualized from the intellectual abstraction of a dualistic interpretation of a ‘better world’, built on the infrastructure of the existing mutant matrix which generates this paradigm.

The full human blueprint, prior to our genetic modification, already exists and is etherically present in every cell of our bodies. Resurrect the full divine immortal human blueprint and you will realize the visual, audible feed-back of the true space-time continuum… a transcendent paradigm for the human design that is the sensory organ for planetary ascension – as Earth is the sensory organ for human ascension.

The new paradigm cannot be interpreted and determined as a theory, but as a living frequency returned to the only instrument on which we can experience the truth of creation: our bodies.“

– Juliet Carter
I'm very much in alignment with what Will Spencer wrote here. Time for a real shift in consciousness. As long as you ask to be governed by voting (which is your consent to be ruled over...not matter what candidate) and believe in and feed the authority of government, identify yourself with a political party, and hence become/are an authoritarian follower, you give your individual power away and essentially your own soul potential and spiritual sovereignty ...or as Morpheus would say, "the matrix has you", no matter how well-meaning your intentions.

"This is why I don't 2016 election. No matter who becomes president, they will take the helm of yet another failing institution: the US government.

I know this because the era we're living in is one defined by the beginning of the failure of all the institutions mankind has used for the past several centuries to achieve this stage of evolution.

Those institutions have now outlived their usefulness. They have become, to the last one, predatory and self-serving (aka "ponerized"), and like rotten fruit must be discarded.

Or if you prefer, when you get to a national park you park your car and walk the rest of the way. Same thing. We about to do some walkin' y'all.

Because the coming era is not of institutions, but individuals. As institutions fall, the individual will rise. The individual MUST rise. These processes are happening simultaneously. It's easy to see if you know what you're looking for.
Our collective choice, then, as individuals is either to take active part in our own rising. Or we can devote our energies to propping up institutions that will ultimately fall, and force us into a state of rising anyway. Most likely through cataclysm.

This is why I don't "Feel the Bern" or "Climb the Hill" or "Dump With Trump." It's silly. It's all ending, people. Seriously.

What if you took all the thought and effort and money you put into these campaigns, supporting them, learning about them, etc. and turned that energy inward to improving your own lives, minds, bodies, hearts, and relationships? What if you pursued your own healing and enlightenment with the same vigor with which you pursue the latest attack on whatever Republican troll clown made a silly comment online?

Can you see the energy that you are wasting - that is being actively sucked from you - in service of a thing that would discard you in an instant?
I am under no illusions that the government cares about me. Nor business. Nor any institution. I am, and we are, sources of fuel for them.

And frankly I'm not a source of fuel for a blind, consumptive behemoth running rampant with exploitation on a fragile planet. I'm a human being. A tiny yet infinitely powerful and precious creature. Just like you.

So instead my intellectual, financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual efforts are entirely focused on improving the individual, meaning myself, and lifting up the people around me from the inside out, in the ways they both ask and permit me to. This is why I am who I am, and why I do much of what I do. Some of which I talk openly about, some I don't.

Because I don't take part in failing, predatory institutions, any more than I have to for the time being. And I am emotionally prepared for them to be gone.
And I don't believe these institutions can be reformed (resurrected, really) to new and greater health. I don't. They're doing what they were designed to do, only now like mindless zombies. They just consume with no regard.
So let us each un-zombify ourselves, and place our energies on ourselves and our communities to the extent we feel called to do so. It's better there.

I know I won't convince many of you. And that's fine. But if you wish to see another way, if the current one is unfulfilling and nonsensical (which it is) there is a road you can walk where it will all make sense.

That road is hard, and scary, but at the end of it is peace and understanding.
The alternative is chaos and confusion, which defines the 2016 election (as you may have noticed), and the world today. I simply don't want to have any part of it."

- Will Spencer
okay, in response, number one, i pet goat has absolutely zero "dark occult" imagery in it whatsoever.🤦😒
in fact, its loaded with some of the BEST and most accurate high level esoteric symbolism of #enlightenment and rebirth of #consciousness that one could animate, other than my own films, of course, and more recent ones such as "in shadow". I will be illuminating in many future videos and books what nobody seems to understand, WHY christ is LITERALLY the ALL SEEING EYE, he is LITERALLY described in the bible as the "CHIEF CORNERSTONE," that the builders rejected. Not just any old cornerstone, the CHIEF CORNERSTONE!

LITERALLY the CAPSTONE, the pyramidion, the benben stone of the primordial mound of the abyss, the omphalos and baetyl stones, which is literally the culmination of what all of my full films are all about! See the entire Symbols of Power film series and go back to square one, do not pass go, do not collect 200$. > https://buff.ly/2sGNTx2

the CAPSTONE literally means the HEAD, the CROWN, the PINNACLE, the APEX, the MOST HIGH, where the resurrection literally takes place, as christ (the cerebrospinal fluid) is born of the pia mater in the third ventricle, (the manger), and descends to hell, and is risen once again at age 33, the 33rd vertebrae where it is crucified at golgotha (place of the SKULL), the CAPSTONE, the CHIEF CORNERSTONE THAT THE BUILDERS REJECTED, the CAPSTONE of the enlightened christed anointing of the thalamus in the waters of the csf in the third ventricle!

this is literally what i pet goat was symbolizing with krishna dancing in the lighthouse, the axis mundi, the world pillar, which is the human spinal column, and why crhist is resurrected from the cave of the underworld upon the solar bark of Ra in the film, as the enlighenment of mankind, where he crumbles the false temples built by hammer and stone, as the only temple of god is the one which dwelleth the inward spirit (breath), as "the temple was not built of hammer nor axe" for the light of god is WITHIN YOU! From Darkness, into LIGHT!

the illuminati know alot more about consciousness than anons and alt news personalities do. But you wont find THIS going viral...

#follow @LiftingTheVeilOfficial is now on all social media.
All of my full video presentations and articles can be found at buff.ly/2IjLm1S for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more!

 So Who is this mysterious man? Is everything merely coincidence?
Who Is Saint Germain?
El Morya succinctly describes Saint Germain, "The Lord of the Seventh Ray, who is the Master of Alchemy, teaches not only the uses of the energies of freedom and the spirit of liberty, but also the way of the alchemical ritual as a necessary component of soul liberation. His ritual is alive with meaning. In his retreat in Transylvania he unveils the symbology of the ritual of the atom and the fomulae of the cycles for the release of God's energy in manifestation in man. ...On Friday night call to be taken to the Cave of Symbols, the retreat of Saint Germain on the North American continent, so that you may be saturated with the violet flame focused there and so that you may begin to master the ritual of the atom for the Aquarian age.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saint Germain
Saint Germain ...is more than an ascended master to me—he is the very spirit of freedom in the heart of America. ...He is the master of the Aquarian age just as Jesus was the master of the Piscean age.

Saint Germain comes to teach us the way of freedom. He asks the question: "What does it really mean to choose freedom?" And he answers it: "It means to free the electrons in your body and consciousness to flow with freedom's fire. It means to allow the electron to choose the path of freedom and not to subject that electron to the bondage of a limited consciousness, a limited matrix. It means to free your own self-awareness so that you can be aware of the self as having the potential of the Infinite."

I know that I am not unique in that millions of Americans today feel the tie of their heart flame to our beloved Saint Germain, our Uncle Sam. He was embodied as the prophet Samuel, hence the name. Saint Germain overshadowed the early American patriots in the framing of the Constitution and in the designing of our flag. He even anointed our first president, George Washington.

Saint Germain teaches that without the freedom to create there is no freedom. The opportunity to create is the basic endowment we have with the gift of free will.

The masters, through Saint Germain, have sponsored America to be a pilot nation for the republican form of government, for representative government according to the inner path of initiation. Those who have the greatest attainment in the Christ consciousness are intended to rise to the position of being statesmen and great examples of virtue to the people. ...They are intended to have integrity—the determination to be wed to a cause with nobility, love, purity, and so forth. ...And, of course, the ascended masters do sponsor every nation as the leaders of the nations are responsive to their vibrations.

More from Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saint Germain...

Saint Germain's Incarnations
Ruler of a golden-age civilization in the area of the Sahara Desert 50,000 years ago.

High priest on Atlantis 13,000 years ago. Served in the Order of Lord Zadkiel in the Temple of Purification, located where the island of Cuba now is.

Prophet Samuel, eleventh century BC, Israel. Great religious leader who figured as prophet, priest, and last of the Hebrew judges.

Saint Joseph, first century AD, Nazareth. Protector of Jesus and Mary.

Saint Alban, late third or early fourth century, town of Verulamium, renamed St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England. First British martyr. Sheltered a fugitive priest, became a devout convert, and was put to death for disguising himself as the priest so he could die in his place.

Teacher of Proclus. The last major Greek Neo-platonic philosopher, Proclus (c. 410-485, Athens) headed the Platonic Academy and wrote extensively on philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, and grammar.

Merlin, c. fifth or sixth century, Britain. Magician, seer, and counselor at King Arthur's court who inspired the founding of the Order of the Knights of the Round Table.

Roger Bacon, c. 1220-1292, England. Philosopher, educational reformer, and experimental scientist; forerunner of modern science renowned for his exhaustive investigations into alchemy, optics, mathematics, and languages.

Christopher Columbus, 1451-1506, probably born Genoa, Italy, settled in Portugal. Discovered America in 1492 during first of four voyages to the New World sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.

Sir Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, England. Philosopher, statesman, essayist and literary master, author of the Shakespearean plays, father of inductive science and herald of the scientific revolution. Took the initiation of the ascension May 1, 1684, then reappeared as:

Le Comte de Saint Germain, the "Wonderman of Europe," eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. According to Prince Karl of Hesse, the Count revealed himself as the son of Prince Ferenc Rakoczy II of Transylvania; others have speculated he was a Portuguese Jew or son of the king of Portugal. Outstanding alchemist, scholar, linguist, musician, artist and diplomat; worked behind the scenes to bring about a United States of Europe and to forestall the bloodshed of violent revolution. His powers included bi-location, appearing at court and then dissolving his form at will, removing flaws from diamonds and other precious stones, and precipitating an elixir that prevented aging. He was also ambidextrous and could compose simultaneously a letter with one hand and poetry with the other, or two identical pieces of writing with each hand. He visited Marie Antoinette and her intimate friend, Madame d'Adhémar, who later wrote the story of his adeptship and warning of the coming debacle and death of the king and queen.

(See Madame d'Adhémar, Souvenirs de Marie Antoinette, excerpted in Isabel Cooper-Oakley, The Count of Saint-Germain [Blauvelt, NY: Rudolph Steiner Publications, 1970].
"Saint Germain on Freedom," in Pearls of Wisdom, 1977, vol. 20, nos. 31-52; 1978, vol. 21, nos. 1-7;
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays, Book One, chap. 7, Book Two, chap. 7.)

More pages on Saint Germain Master Alchemist:
Saint Germain Master Alchemist table of contents
Saint Germain's Etheric Retreats
Saint Germain, The Man Who Would Not Die videos
Saint Germain's Heart Meditations
Saint Germain's Keepers of the Flame Fraternity
Saint Germain On Alchemy
Knowing what we now do about psychopathy and religion, we can say in all confidence that in essence what religion actually is, is a “psychopath machine.”** This being the case, it should be immediately outlawed. In reality, there is absolutely no good that comes from religion; it destroys the human mind and was indeed designed to do just that. Religion contains elements of psychopathic thought in it which cause normal people to become psychopaths if they are not already so. Or, as stated above, psychopaths by proxy. These otherwise normal, non-psychopaths, will begin to think and do things in the same or similar ways to primary psychopaths. The mind of secondary psychopaths are not as clever as primary psychopaths though.

This is because they only mimic, think and do what primary psychopaths want them to – they are like puppets or zombies, and most of this is done through “suggestion” and/or subliminal messages received by these people through their religion. And this is not a phenomenon of one religion, but of all religion. It can be more readily illustrated in some religions than in others, but the overall effect is the same with them all. And that is because religion is not representative of the true natural human thought process – it is a distortion of that."

SOS !!!!! Nanochips and Smart Dust: The Dangerous New Face of the Human Microchipping Agenda
A continuous assault on the public psyche by the entertainment industrial complex aims to disorganize and derail the individual.

It’s a world governed by terror, and to find relief from such continual fear and stress we’re invited to seek shelter in meaningless, self-destructive habits and pursuits.

The celebrity role models in our culture lead the way, setting the example for how to abandon ourselves to the mainstream orgy of debauchery and stupidity.

Via the 24/7 news cycle format, the media keeps the shock and awe flowing, and corporate pop-culture is the escape.
This kind of programming is necessary to turn people into celebrity puppets whose behavior is to be emulated by the public.

This the mind-controlled celebrity conspiracy is ubiquitous

Being subjected to programming and conditioning develops a form of schizophrenia in the victim, causing them to take on two distinct personalities

The stars that do this best become icons of psychic dictatorship symbolism, using their careers and souls to pimp occult messages and ideas to the masses.
They are programmed play the role of fame and success, but are ultimately wired to self-destruct before the entire world. Miley Cyrus, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry and Amanda Bynes are a few of our contemporaries.

We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of the man. As long as the human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things.”
― Manly P. Hall
The esoteric system is all based upon the ultimate motive. Ultimate motive is the service of truth itself, a complete dedication to the service of the realities of existence.”
― Manly P. Hall, Esoteric Wisdom for Modern Living
Definitions of empiricism
the theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience. Stimulated by the rise of experimental science, it developed in the 17th and 18th centuries, expounded in particular by John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume.
"Fernow played up a widely accepted historical dichotomy between European theory and British empiricism in science."


The central problematics of feminist empiricism can be captured in two apparent paradoxes.
Emerging in the eighteenth century, political economy drew on the individualism of Hobbes and Locke, the pragmatism of Machiavelli, and the empiricism of Bacon.
He is however thoroughly within the tradition of British empiricism in philosophy.
Yet habit is the linchpin for the philosophical way of thinking that James called radical empiricism , and later pragmatism.
There were errors of interpretation in feminists' critiques, for example, concerning the extent to which analytic philosophy incorporated empiricism .
Empiricism certainly has a role to play, but it cannot be the empiricism of ivory tower academics, and it cannot be an exclusive role.
Fernow played up a widely accepted historical dichotomy between European theory and British empiricism in science.
In this way his practice is closest to Aristotelian critical empiricism that requires careful observation and a comprehensive theory that will make those observations meaningful.
The temporal delimitation suggests an arbitrary empiricism reluctant to address either the agony of contemporaneity, or the pathological prehistory of modernity.
Ryle's attitude to dispositions is part of the heritage of logical empiricism .
The constructive empiricist position is that empirical adequacy suffices for the purpose of science.
Locke, as a moderate empiricist , accepted that there were both material and immaterial substances.
In this, as in much else, he was followed by generations of empiricist philosophers.
For the Stoics were thorough-going empiricists and believed that sense-impressions lie at the foundation of all of our knowledge.
David Hume, a leading 18th century empiricist philosopher famously said ‘one cannot derive an ought..
What is the strongest argument against Hume's "An Ought cannot be derived from an Is"?"You cannot make prescriptive or normative statements (about what ought to be) from descriptive statements (about what is) without making certain assumptions".

I started off studying Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. and the professor said on the first day: u see prices, markets etc etc all these economical things are based on the buying and selling of individuals. what makes them buy or sell is the black box. if u want to know about the black box u need to leave here and go study psychology. At that instant i picked up my bag and left to Amsterdam where Psychology (study) was located. u c nothing else even came close to contending with psychology as a choice of study/profession for me. u see human beings are by far the weirdest and most intriguing things on the planet. how could one want to know about anything more than this. but beyond that u see we really don't know about anything which itself is not known via the human mind. in a way everything is really psychology. it's just that we are not yet sufficiently mentally toilet trained to see this. u see whether it's the body, matter or law, its really how humans or the human mind sees these things that we are studying. even if we use machines, its always a mind which ends up having to interpret what machines register. and these machines are also fathomed by minds and thus in our mind's image. yet as evidenced by how real psychology has been excluded from so many areas in science itself, we still in west are extremely unconscious that as Jung said: "the world hangs on a thin thread, and that is the psyche of man." the west has fallen into the illusion of the observation problem in attempting to know the world yet forgetting or excluding the observer itself from the equation. this is in and of itself a highly peculiar situation, even on earth for the old cultures none committed such an error of observation on which our whole culture has been erected. this is why sooner than later and actually right now the whole thing is coming down, because it is all based on the observation or measurement problem. what science is now studying is called by real Buddhism Maya or the desert of illusions. this is why this global society has alienated itself fully from nature and the natural and this to the degree that it is looking at itself as progeny of Aliens or cosmic bugs which are themselves some sort of artificial intelligence." D.H

We need be become our own personal leaders and internal authorities, learning to trust ourselves and our own power in the process instead of giving it away to anyone else; therein lies the development of true spiritual sovereignty. Many people have the need to follow some “figurehead”, be it a government ‘personality’, medical professional or spiritual guru. Individuals oftentimes get sucked into the ‘celebrity matrix’ and latch onto authors and researchers they admire as well, blindly following what they say without doing their own fact-checking or listening to their bodily intuition. There is a big difference between getting inspired by people who put out work that resonates with us (and from whom we can learn new points of view) and putting those same folks on a pedestal, living only by the content of what they publish without questioning it at all, and projecting absolute authority onto them, whether it’s done consciously or not.

The latter situation is how we wind up getting cut off from our own inner knowing intuition guidance system – the ‘network’ which holds our personal truth that is unique to us, and which lights up our individual path and illuminates our life lessons. When we abdicate personal accountability to sovereign thought and deed, it puts us into a tunnel vision situation which actually disconnects us from our divine nature and innate wisdom. It is about simultaneously recognizing and honoring both our individuality and our inter-connectedness, relating with others and striving for community but not getting lost in self-limiting group/hive mind thinking.

Always think for yourself, never follow anyone blindly, and never fall into an unquestioning mindset, no matter how charismatic or “wise” your heroes may appear to be. Never give in to group and peer pressure if it contradicts your own experience, intuition, and research. Part of the “problem” is also that most of us yearn to “belong”, the instinctual tribal identification. So many of us look for a group, movement, political party, community, religious/spiritual collective to identify with and belong to. We are social creatures, after all, and that desire for bonding is natural and instinctual.

There is also nothing wrong with these kind of groups/movements per se, and obviously we need to connect, network and create community in order to create an alternative to the isolation/distraction/division tactics of the parasitic elements which currently rule human interactions. However, if it’s at the expense of personal sovereign identity, and group-think overwhelms and replaces individual thought, creativity and expression – especially since everyone is very different and unique (an astrological/Human Design birth chart can show these differences very well) – then it actually becomes a reflection of the NWO’s globalist agenda, which is to make everyone the “same”, even if it’s more subtle and not by force alone. This is the disease of homogenization – the “cookie cutter” compliant consumerist virus.

Another human trait is the drive to be loved and accepted. Many of us diminish ourselves (mostly unconsciously) in order to belong and be accepted by our chosen “tribe”. This can result in suppression of intuition and one’s own inner knowing, one’s “own personal truth” and voice in terms of what one’s unique soul is here to do and learn. Under the strain of group/peer pressure situations, we can lose (or not trust in) our personal inner guidance, simply because we don’t want to be rejected and abandoned. This is also the basis of the thought processes for authoritarian followers in cult-like circumstances (including political party affiliation), grown adults who still need “Mom” and/or “Dad” to tell them what to do, what to think, etc.

It’s a bit of a paradox, because on one hand we all need to network, build community and connect with each other, but at the same time we need to be our own person and live our lives as individualized expressions of a Unified Conscious Awareness. Sometimes we need guidance and feedback from others, since we all have our blind spots; but there are times where others project their shadow onto us (including shame and guilt-tripping, even under the disguise of “for the better good of us”) and group/peer pressure circumstances force us to either conform or break free from “the tyranny of the majority”. Oftentimes, these events also result in a “you are either with us or against us” attitude (prevalent amongst many militant groups and nations), when you are only supported as long as you are a part of the group/movement and fully indoctrinated into their particular ideology.

There is also a hierarchy in groups/movements that can result in hive-mind thinking, where the opinions and proclamations of the founders/leaders within these organizations are accepted without question as “the truth”, and the opinions of group members becomes just a parroted version of those who are higher-up on the “ladder”. This ties also into the “bandwagon fallacy“, “appeal to authority“, “Stockholm Syndrome“, and “political correctness” logical fallacies that are so prevalent in public discourse these days. The parental image, projected onto “leaders” and authority regimes, is part of this Public Relations programming package, where Government is lauded as the ultimate exemplar of the collectively-perceived Daddy/Mommy figure.

No one is perfect, and ultimately, it’s about sovereignty and autonomy – becoming fully-realized individuals and seekers of truth while at the same time striving to connect with others. So, having healthy boundaries is an important part of this process, as well as establishing healthy self-love parameters. None of our ego personalities are without fault, and at times we swing between self-diminishment/low self-esteem and over-inflated narcissistic tendencies. It’s a continuing lesson for all of us, and constant vigilance is required.

This is not an easy journey, because, as children, none of us were taught how to tap into our own inner guidance systems and trust our inner knowing/intuition, and as a result of this disconnection we are all are wounded and conditioned to varying degrees. In fact, most wounded people yearn to belong – to be a part of a group, or identify strongly with a nationalistic or spiritual identity. Sometimes, such desires result in outbreaks of unconscious trauma bonding, where belief in government (or other external authoritarian constructs) generates this unhealthy “connection” pathology on a macro level, the ultimate Stockholm Syndrome.

We are all traumatized/wounded/conditioned to varying degrees, and these psychological states serve to cut us off from our own inner knowing and inner guidance, and even disconnect us from basic critical thinking skills – hence why many people look for guidance outside of their own innate gifts, from someone whose perceived ‘authority’ bestows them with the right to tell them what to do and what to think. People also are programmed to feel safer when there are others who “follow” in the same manner that they do – the ‘herd/pack mentality’ that has contributed to a great deal of suffering on the planet.

The way I perceive the “awakening” concept is that it involves becoming a true Individual, connected to one’s higher self/intuition; a fully embodied sovereign Being who contributes to humanity (in whatever natural form this takes for each individual, based on his/her talents/lessons) and, at the same time, remains a unique personality who can think for him/herself. It’s not a state of feeling constantly “blissful”, but rather it’s about being grounded in this life, whatever the future may bring – understanding that there is a purpose to every existence, as we are engaged in the cosmic play of awakening within the evolutionary dance of individual and collective consciousness.

- from my essay "Individuality, Embodiment, and the Anchoring of a Higher Frequency"

"4 the resurrection of Educ: society has 2 grow around People not people around Soc"
"Real knowing comes from deep inward reflection into Self vs voyeuristic observation excluding the looker " D .Halley #ResurrectionOfTheDivineFeminine Resurrection of The Divine Feminine

For real change, we need feminine energy in the management of the world. We need a critical number of women in positions of power, and we need to nurture the feminine energy in men.

― Isabel Allende

They killed her means the resurrection of the antiSelf zombie. at the end the row of alters/clones shows the zombie vessel which is the container of the devil. for those who have seen the Movie Split its the same shattered mind in countless alters and the zombie is the resurrection of that shattering into the Beast... You see the antiSelf upside down "resurrects" into the Anti-Earth which is powered/possessed by the darkness of the beast. u see they get this from the collective dreams which are portents showing what the bible calls the Apocalypse, of the end of the 3d world and the rebirth of this shattered mind into a anti-Earth... D H https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmd-ClpJxA

In the darkness, where we learn to see.
The shadow is the repressed/neglected contents of ones personality & personal experiences, the shadow lives in the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a realm which unknown to our conscious awareness, but can be brought to light through the individuation process.
As one does shadow work one reveals the once repressed contents of ones personality and personal past.
And when I say realm I mean mentel realm in terms of the personal unconscious
There are several aspects to shadow, the historical aspect is the trauma based past that we burry which unconsciously determines all our behavior. In the present it is that part of us we cut off and don't want to see or hear. The shadow however will not allow that shadowless part a night's rest until it is acknowledged
A simple way to put it is: a guilty conscience will never stop to...hunt you from...within...as hard you try to...forget about it...you unconsciously create layers over layers of...suppression under pressure ...one of consequences is that the emotional... body is altered or even destroyed
Same mechanism applies to a traumatic experience. ...
The difference between them is extension of the...damage on all...bodies
I you became conscious of the...damage alone or helped you can start work around it...as a first...and get gradually ready to hit the...core of the. ..problem
But no one can teach you how to deal with the...recul once you. ..hit the core of the problem...that's all up to each individual
When the...pressure is finally... released
In that moment they need to search for a brutally honest person. ..to point them in the right. ..direction and be ready to take a full hit...in...and stand their ground while doing it..."----
"to feed the poor doesn't exclude but goes even deeper namely to to see and accept ur inner poverty....); but its good to see the controlled opposition on the prosperity gospel unto 7min (of the video) than starts the right definition that Osteen & Trump measure success in the capitalistic material terms (Schaeffer) and are really Ann Rand Apostles and her dictum: "Blessed are those who triumph over others and get rich". Pls don't hog up the whole thread comments...give one and leave space for others to also participate (try hard to see what we are really talking about here... beyond the politics of it)"
We are a thoroughly materialist world which doesn't know that u can be killed psychologically and still walk around in body

What they call psychology at universities is not/barely psychology anymore"

You see the war is on the body, cause the mind is gone and only the body is showing whats happening
We are witnessing the massive zombification of a planet but don't see it's happening
D. H

 have no religion, i have no tradition, i have no culture...my perception of reality and truth will not be decided by any elders who wished to carve their stories, their beliefs into stone. My experience of life will be born moment by moment, measured not through the creeds of mortal men but by every breath and ray of light that finds me.'


“It is non-symbiotic Annunaki genes, spliced time and again into the original masterpiece of the divine Human blueprint, that has caused us to veer off the path of conscious evolution into this heartless nightmare of so-called advancement. It is the Annunaki gene code that drives us to solve conflict with murder, to rape children to satiate the festering sexual insanity born of the disconnection between the heart and the divine procreative centers. It is the Annunaki consciousness that riddles and plagues our literature and film with endless scenarios of cop shows and serial killers. The around-the-clock transmission of negative dramas and loveless, abusive pornography is beamed through our homes and our bodies by satellite broadcasts that saturate our airspace, incessantly stimulating the reptilian brain and triggering adrenal toxicity. Our obsession with death is their legacy, for it is they who brought to Earth not the seed of life, but the obscenity of death.
This jewel, our Earth, . . .is prime real-estate and the Annunaki want to call it home. It cannot be fought for but it can be retrieved; not through any battlefield but through the unified field – through the resurrection of the divine Human blueprint.
With the reconnection of circuitry, you instigate an acceleration of electromagnetic Source Consciousness into this time-space frequency zone, undermining the present predominant fear-based, conflict-riddled world structure simply by being; each one of you adding a fractal of consciousness to the required critical mass of the new paradigm hologram.” - from Worldbridger

Love is The true Justice of the shadow" D.H.

To love you must let go of the EGO, the flesh must die, vanish completely than we can experience the true crystal clear pure love, the sophia, feel the vibration rhythmical waves of mystic music, the positive vibration
True love is to love the psychological enemy in
myself, the part I with my all don't want to feel in myself"""

"Love is never afraid of fear. Fear is always afraid of love." - Sri Chinmoy

"It's easy to love the side
of us which feels loved"

U cannot understand, much less predict Nature. Get out of her Temple.

Psyche is soul. Soul cannot, like nature, be grasped in statistics and Pinocchio dry stiff straight theories. The only language to do justice to soul is poetry and music and spirit. I'm allergic to the language of surveys, stats, data when trying to deal with soul. Soul is poetry and music...pain...true bliss...grace... Only soul can grasp soul. This is why in my dreams i rendez vouz with Bob Marley, Prince, MJ....BM's sons...Jung...real sufferers...addicts...cancer patients...thieves... Those who look inwards... Only musicians and poets, martyrs...like Goethe...know soul. There's a certain feel and natural flow to poetry...which alone, like a good soup, feeds the soul... Stats cannot grasp pain of the soul.. the individual pain... The resurrection of the soul... It's soaring and fall...death of the soul... Stats seeks to control and contrive...like the gmo engineers...There is no secret ingredient... U must live it and suffer it to know it. Pay the price... Can't study it out there in surveys...outside if urself... Must bear the cross. I must rebuke the statisticians who have tried to grasp soul and nature with this paltry thing. Open back the temple for Sophia... Throw out the money lenders out of her true temple: churches and universities... She had returned.. u cannot understand love... U can only love love.... U can only love Sophia...""

U don't study, experiment on, compartmentalize, manipulate...a living conscious beautiful being u love. We need a school that can teach us how to love again. We need to bring back philo-♥-Sophia at the center of our universities and schools, at the center of our laws (like Bolivia)...at the center of our justice system...like Iceland. Love of Sophia is love not only of wisdom but she is the wisdom of god embodied in earth or nature. Nature is lady justice and our law. We let reason show the way and con us out of our spirituality and art, which is where we find communion and ritual as the right method to love her again. To really touch earth, for that is what love is: touching her... This is why we love dancing and running and walking, because this is when we are connected to her. This is why for African and Indian tribes dancing is prayer. But reason was not able to love nature, only to know her as an equation, machine, system, resource, whore. We need a way to learn how to love her again...by communing and being alone with her again. In this dignified, respectful, prayerful approach she will show us her full glory again."

“When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.”
- Fred Rogers


There can be no Love without Justice
I've tried to show you that u can't love anyone really if u haven't loved all of u, especially all those unlovable parts of urself (shadow) which remain frozen in time, homeless and hungry. Before that all there is is either over-attachment as a cover up of over detachment. A contrived affected attachment to cover up our deep sense of separateness. It's hard to describe how incredible it feels when u relate to the world when u are finally back whole. U see u don't need to over attach when U are (than) truly able to walk in shoes of others, feel their pain (Innerstand), because u accept that part in yourself, and therefore not become attached to it. From here the saying true love sets free, does not reject or fixate. The peace that one feels disentangling from detachments and attachments to world is indescribable and paradoxical cause that is when one can truly become one with world and remain all-one. And so not become one with world/other. At cost of fully loosing oneself in the other. There there cannot be peace and love before justice (shadow work: the sword)

U can hide the lie but u can't hide the truth. A part of YOU/ME knows it is lying. And I mean within the individual. This part of me will trip Me up with accidents, diseases, calamities...falls...from within. It will give u some time, but we are at the end of a cycle. And Pisces must move onto Aquarius. We will either wake up or go deeper to sleep due to the compensation by the shadow. This world is in the process of learning this life lesson. Many will not be able to take the truth as it has started to pour out like a Tsunami due to its unearthing via tectonic shifts. It makes no sense to fight it cause it is happening from within. It is within us (individually and collectively). that there's a part of us which will always fess up through cracks and creeks (tectonic shifts) regardless of what the deceiver in us tries. The truth will always find and outsmart the lie. Justice is not some external show in an external court, it happens deep inside oneself. We can choose to work with the shadow and what has to come out or not. The external justice system is like the med system which conceals symptoms. it's the ego trying to hold itself accountable. Not thus. The top (collectively the ego) cannot police itself. This is why the true justice system is deeper within and it will study ego (itself) from within itself. Not only love but also justice is written in our heart or atoms (inside). Thinking creates a virtual reality and so creates big Pharma instead of the real pharmacy in our bodies, and an external justice system which is a virtual projection of how the shadow works inside. Both thoroughly synthetic and fictions of what real health and justice are. This virtual justice system does not feel justice it knows laws. It's concept of health is hiding symptoms. True health is how the symptoms are trying to correct us, trying to get us to feel the things the ego runs from. Brace urself everything needs to come out now: cause a next step is being taken out of the sea of Pisces." D.H.

This is the true story of consciousness. The epic battle is for our attention. To capture our attention out there. Outside of ourselves. Whether to fight or attach to something. Whenever we focus only on something outside of ourselves we loose our way in the desert of illusion. The illusion blinding us to the truth that there is no spoon. This is the fall from paradise, the plunge into matter, caught in the matrix, space-time. when we come back home, attention rests back on self. Within this mindfulness nothing out there is able to hold our attention for too long. Cause there is no out there to the awakened self. This is when attention returns home to self. When attention rests in self, slowly true Self is felt. This is ur true center. The battle behind all battles is for ur attention. It is to get u to fight something, which is the same as holding fast too much to something outside yourself. Either way u are trapped in the illusion than, because everything is contained in Self and Self in everthing. Let ur attention return home to itself, than you will find the (true) love after (the fake) love."

The beauty of the real journey is that it must be made by oneself. You have to make ur own mistakes. If not it is not ur life. If someone else does it for u its a lie. Few are destined to make this lonely but real journey. Real help is self help....is to help u to listen to ur self. Not to take over the wheel. The whole purpose of the real journey (not evolution) is to find and do urself. But trust me it's the narrow one. when everybody turns on u and u are the only fish swimming upstream u will be close to urself. The yellow brick road is the popular one full of bling and glitter but fully from the outside and so shallow and empty as hell inside. U can see it in the eyes. They are glassy. Whatever doesn't come from inside will kill u."

"this is extremely important. Creativity or divergent thinking is the most important form of thinking, its actually the goal of the whole journey of self awareness and individuation. if u can't think creatively u are in a mental prison and here is stated that a huge study found that it is slowly programmed out of the children by school. it's true because creative thinking is self referential and school and university programs the opposite. My most beloved Professor called me a divergent thinker, see link in comment..."

"I often show the dangers of too much phallic develloped which has now possessed technological science. Herebelow I link a video which shows the exact opposite: which is possession by the feminine archetype. A very very huge part of the Love & Light movement is based on this and it is a going back to the earth and rejection of all science and technology. Both poles are equally dangerous and really a reaction of too much of one pole. the 2 poles are one going totally techno (phallic); the other is going back totally to live off the earth and rejecting the masculine and everything technological. Touching the shadow is the middle way and a union of the opposites. As in this video the one (also called tree hugging etc) is a reaction of too much of the other opposite pole. In this way both are obstructing the union of oppoistes in the person which awakens true (quantum) nature in us.""


The Art of Pilgrimage
Take time...breath...look around...enjoy the beauty of the scenery. U are what u are looking for. What u are looking for lives in the Now. not even in ur head or ur thoughts. it is the One thinking about ur thoughts, listening to its own wor/l/ds, observing its own observations. It is not material, thought, or something here or there. Has no passport. It cannot be taken away from, or given to you. there's nothing u can do to earn it or loose it. Its when u forget the score...that moment when u play for the playing; forget winning or loosing. Yes the matrix is all about locking ourselves out of this true gold with goals and strategies...strategising and tactics...methods... Its hides in the stillness of you...where all expectation evaporates...relax...nothing is expected of u... its free, cannot be bought or sold...cannot be earned... it manifests when u stop expecting...coercing, contriving...planning... looking for it... Every plan, every model, every theory and paradigm is veiling u from it/u. The true journey is where journeyer and destination merge. GOD CANNOT LIVE SEPARATE FROM YOU! u are a ray of the great light returning home to itself. There's nowhere to go when u are coming back home to yourself. only realisation of Self. chains will break



Пересмотрев множество изречений о любви, я нашел, что остроумных среди них немало, а собственно определений почти нет. Наиболее точными, законченными и краткими мне представляются четыре:

«Каждый из нас – это половинка человека, рассеченного на две подобные камбалам части, и поэтому каждый ищет всегда соответствующую ему половину. [...] Таким образом, любовью называется жажда цельности и стремление к ней».

«Любить – это находить в счастье другого свое собственное счастье». Г. Лейбниц

«Истинная сущность любви состоит в том, чтобы отказаться от сознания самого себя, забыть себя в другом “я” и, однако, в этом же исчезновении и забвении впервые обрести самого себя и обладать самим собою». Гегель

«Любить – значит жить жизнью того, кого любишь».
Л. Н. Толстой

И все-таки многие важнейшие свойства любви не затронуты этими изречениями – и мне захотелось определить их по-своему. По мере сложения определений я стал чувствовать, что они принадлежат не столько мне, сколько разным личностям со своими позициями, мировоззрением, жизненным и профессиональным опытом. Ниже я привожу эти определения от имени тех, кому они с наибольшей вероятностью могли бы принадлежать, хотя, конечно, не уклоняюсь и от личной ответственности. Итак, представим нечто вроде платоновского пира, на который собрались наши современники.

Первым ринулся в бой военный: Любовь – это боевая готовность души. И тела тоже. Дерзость. Азарт. Напор. Любой ценой добиться цели. Собрать бы всех влюбленных – была бы сильнейшая армия в мире. Только... воевать ей не с кем.

Социолог: Любовь – уникальное чувство хотя бы потому, что в этом случае мы представляем интерес не какими-то своими полезными функциями, а сами по себе. Любовь – это редкая и опасная профессия: быть самим собой.

Женщина-психолог: Любовь – это самогипноз. Мы гипнотизируем себя образом другого человека и начинаем от него ежеминутно зависеть.

Ее коллега, мужчина: Любовь – это наркотик, точнее, избирательная наркотическая зависимость одной личности от другой. Наркотиком может быть не только что-то, но и кто-то.

Студентка мехмата: Любовь – это бесконечное отношение двух конечных существ.

Пожилая женщина: Любовь – столь долгое занятие, что одной жизни для нее мало. Любовь – это готовность провести вечность вдвоем.

Мужчина загадочной, «печоринской» внешности: Любовь – это стремление так незаметно присвоить себе волю другого человека, чтобы он чувствовал себя свободным, – и при этом желал только меня.

Красавица лет двадцати пяти, выпускница престижного вуза: Любовь – это просто красивый миф. Как вечный двигатель в физике, единорог в зоологии, Атлантида в географии, философский камень в алхимии. Любовь ¬– это миф, созданный поэтами.

Поэт (говорит дольше всех): У слова «любовь» есть только шесть точных рифм: бровь, кровь, новь, свекровь, вновь, морковь. Эти рифмы не случайны, они образуют ритмический узор самой любви, смену ее возрастов.
1. Бровь. Встреча, милый облик, чудное мгновенье. «Взгляд один чернобровой дикарки...»
2. Кровь. Пробуждение страсти, волнение в крови. «...Полный чар, зажигающих кровь».
3. Новь. Сближение, радость, утро мира, обновление души и тела.
4. Свекровь. Семья, дом, расширенный круг родни, сложные внутрисемейные отношения.
5. Вновь. Вспышка нового, быть может, последнего чувства. «Я встретил Вас – и все былое в отжившем сердце ожило...»
6. Морковь. Мирная добросердечная старость. «Милый, натри мне немножко моркови...»
Так что любовь – это не только люб, это овь, овь, и еще раз овь.

Математик: Сила любви прямо пропорциональна квадрату ревности. Любовь увеличивается с каждым случаем ревности, потому что одновременно возрастает оценка возлюбленной (ее любит кто-то еще) и страх ее потерять (она может полюбить другого).

Юноша с длинными волосами: Любовь – это НЛО. Только не летающий, а летальный. Вроде гранаты, замаскированной под яркую игрушку. Повернешь ключик, заведешь пружину – и тебя нет.

Фотограф: У меня по роду занятий фотографическая память на лица. А любимое лицо невозможно запомнить – оно засвечивает фотопленку памяти.

Лингвист: Любовь трудно определить, потому что она выражается в междометиях, а не в полнозначных словах. Начинается удивленным «О-о!», проходит через охи и ахи, разряжается стоном: «А-а!!!» Ну что к этому добавить?

Физик: Любовь – это межличностный резонанс, или, по-нашему выражаясь, положительная интерференция, когда две встречные волны взрывообразно усиливают, а не гасят друг друга.

Музыкант: Любовь – это натянутая струна. Все дрожит, отзывается, становится музыкой. Со временем она провисает, и ее нужно заново натягивать.

Художница: Сент-Экзюпери сказал, что любить – это смотреть не друг на друга, а в одном направлении. Мне кажется, не то и не другое. Любить – это стоять вполоборота друг к другу и видеть, как лицо любимого дочерчивается пейзажем, линией горизонта, как даль приближается и становится лицом.

Автомобилист в темных очках, со шрамами на лице: В отношениях нужно соблюдать дорожные правила: не уверен – не обгоняй. Не обгоняй в своих чувствах партнера, если не уверен в его взаимности... А любовь – это когда разбиваешься вдребезги на обгоне.

Спортсмен: Любовь – это спринтерский забег на стайерскую дистанцию. Нет сил на ожидание. Сердце рвется вперед, задыхается. Всех опережает и первым приходит к финишу. А там его никто не ждет.

Супружеская пара, школьные учителя, он – литературы, она – английского языка.
Он: Любовь – это то же самое, что счастье, только наоборот. Любовь: мне нужен кто-то, кому и я могу быть нужен. Счастье: я нужен тому, кто нужен мне.
Она: Любовь – это когда и во сне видишь того, кто спит рядом. Счастье – это когда просыпаешься и видишь рядом того, кого видел во сне.

Последним высказывается философ: Любовь – такое отношение к другому существу, которое делает невозможным существование без него. Кратчайшее определение любви: нельзя быть без.

Offering a serious explanation of Nature, the Greeks prioritized numerical over physical phenomena. Encoded ratios of creation mirror the universe. The mathematics that bring beauty, symmetry, and order to the existing world include the golden ratio, pi, phi, the Fibonacci series, fractals -- extrapolations of the structural patterns underlying nature and cosmology.

"...the spine has a peculiar place in esoteric anatomy...We find that the seven highest vertebrae...are related to the Seven Rays and in numerical order. Thus, the Atlas or first vertebrae in the column supports the world of the mind, and the First Ray is the most related to the head and its contents, the brain...The vertebra that make up the spinal column at the back of the thoracic cage are related to the twelve Signs of the Zodiac, in their usual order from Aries to Pisces...The five lumbar vertebrae are related to the five elements, as they are known occultly: ether, fire, air, water, earth." Dr. Douglas Baker, Esoteric Anatomy Vol III

Secrets of All Religions : "You were taught that Jesus was crucified at the age of 33 between two thieves at Golgotha place of the skull, between the left and right hemispheres of the brain! Jesus' s age of crucifixion symbolizes the spinal column which has 33 vertebrae. the ventricles compose the literal holy grail shaped cavity. the inner Sanctum, "holy place"( which is represented by the manger and the later the tomb) of your skull which shelters the Pia Mater "Tender mother"( mother Mary ) which is responsible for producing the cerebrospinal fluid ( the salt of salvation/ salivation) where the "Chrism is born of the tender mother. and baptized in the river Jordan (spinal cord), wanders its life throughout the nervous system and later returns and is crucified at the 33rd vertebrae. where it Crosses the arbor vitae of the cerebellum and returns to the cave where it is Sanctified (made holy) and resurrected or symbolically "born again" from the cave of the third ventricle, where you become "baptized , anointed or Christed,as the cycle continues iver again , just as the allegory of the risen Phoenix reborn or resurrected from its own ashes after death" ….As your cerebral spinal fluid (Christ) climbs your 33 Vertebrae (Jacob's Ladder) and meets your 12 cranial nerves ( 12 Disciples) it ignites the pineal gland which is your resurrection

Ingo Swann says here the scientific method is premissed on a materialistic bias and only recognizes this reality. Therefore he says science missed half of the brain, cause this half is based on consciousness which is not material (matter). He says only an experiencialistic parapsychology could trully study consciousness. He refers to the eminent Oxford Professor Penrose regarding the inability of the old scientific method (on which also western academic parapsychology is still based) to study consciousness. Ingo says that there's a shift from this materialstic method to one 4000 years old he calls the Vedic Model going on. Last night in a dream I saw in a magazine I was referred to as Parapsychologist Dimitri Halley. This is no coincidence cause all my work lies at the threshold of Jungian individual psychology and the Parapsychology of the collective unconscious. And Jungian Psychology was really the resurrection of this Vedic Model which centers on the Self or Atman and is thus the first steps of an experiencialistic parapsychology.

The new age a speaks of ascension but forgets that we must first be crucified. I used to speak alot on the ascension but it makes little sense if we do this without understanding the crucifixion. Because of not ascension becomes blissing out. It is not literaly nailing urself. Many know the whole passion mechanically by heart, but still dont know its real inner deeper meaning. Tomorrow/later I will put alot of emphasis on the crufixion and explaining what it really is.

Joseph Campbell
30 მარტი, 2013 · 
"What has always been basic to resurrection, or Easter, is crucifixion. If you want to resurrect, you must have crucifixion. Too many interpretations of the Crucifixion have failed to emphasize that. They emphasize the calamity of the event. And if you emphasize calamity, then you look for someone to blame. That is why people have blamed the Jews for it. But it is not a calamity if it leads to new life. Through the Crucifixion we were unshelled, we were able to be born to resurrection. That is not a calamity. We must look freshly at this so that it's symbolism can be sensed."

Joseph Campbell, Thou Art That, p. 112
Few people, (especially flat earthers,) think about navigation except for sailors and pilots of aircraft, however, the ability to navigate has built the world we live in from ancient times, allowing trade and diffusion between countries and continents by sea and desert, going back farther back in Mankind's history than you can imagine..Amber from the Baltic in Egypt, Egyptian Faience in Norway, Jade axes in Scottish Neolithic graves. The roots of these navigating skills are lost in trade secrets, religion and deliberate obscurity by those who were in power over the people during the last two thousand years. Those Rulers are long dead and their Empires have slipped into dim memories, however, everything that was conceived and lost is eventually resurrected so it is time for their secrets to be revealed.

Today, navigation is carried out by satellite navigation systems where your position is automated by comparing the angles between your device, the center of the earth and the angle to the satellite. In ancient times navigators used the stars in exactly the same way. Hence the saying "as above so below".

Navigation and earth measurement is a form of mathematics based in spherical geometry, but to carry this out requires an instrument with which to measure the angle from the body in the sky being observed, your position and the center of the earth, this is known as triangulation.

The instrument ancient people used was hidden from us and yet its image can be seen all over the world in full view of the public.
You see, you know what this ancient scientific instrument is, you have seen it many times. The ancient instrument is a model of the solar system and is divided into the four seasons of the year and the four parts of the day.

Because it has the ability to measure the changes that make up both destruction and creation, order and chaos that we interpret as Time, it reflects a spiritual knowledge as well as a practical one. "In balance with Nature one could say."

The instrument became a sacred Temple and Church Instrument for measuring the heavens and that is the reason it could not be replicated in its time and used openly, this forced people who needed it to continue trading across oceans to create something as a substitute that still does the function required..

In the spirit of evolution, I want to show you a series of pictures of evolved navigating instruments that are known to history, and the last photo which is of the grand daddy of them all, that is not known to us and yet it is from this instrument that they are all descended The primal instrument is a 360 degree circle with cross bars to act as a fulcrum and a sight line and so the later inventions are a part of a circle as you would expect They are even named after a circle. From left to right the last instrument still used today by some sailors is the sextant,(6th of a circle) before that the quadrant (4th of a circle) then the octant (8th of a circle) , before that was the back staff and astrolabe and finally the wheel cross that was absorbed into Christendom from the Celtic people during the expansion of the Roman Empire which eventually became a religious symbol and taboo.

That's why you don't know about it, it is not in the curriculum, it was not knowledge for the common person, only for the ruling elite,yet it is on every church in full view of the public and preserved in stone for posterity by long dead Templar's and Masons who wanted to pass on to future generations the knowledge of our past under the noses of religions who guarded it.

On the front cover of my book, The Golden Thread of Time, you will see a faceless figure in a hood and Templar style cloak carrying parts of the ancient instruments that designed the pyramids, travelled the oceans and created the first analogue clock in the 14th Century." - Crichton Miller

Apparently im getting alot of backfire since no one knows about the solstices or the zodiac. lol, so heres straight from wikipedia:

"A solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice each year (around June 21 and December 21) as the Sun reaches its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. The seasons of the year are directly connected to both the solstices and the equinoxes.

The term solstice can also be used in a broader sense, as the day when this occurs. The day of the solstice has either the most sunlight of the year (summer solstice) or the least sunlight of the year (winter solstice) for any place other than the equator. Alternative terms, with no ambiguity as to which hemisphere is the context, are June solstice and December solstice, referring to the months of year in which they take place.

At latitudes outside the tropics, the summer solstice marks the day when the sun appears highest in the sky. Within the tropics, the sun appears directly overhead (called the subsolar point) from days to months before the solstice and again after the solstice, which means the subsolar point occurs twice each year.

The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction.

For an observer on the North Pole, the sun reaches the highest position in the sky once a year in June. The day this occurs is called the June solstice day. Similarly, for an observer on the South Pole, the sun reaches the highest position on December solstice day. When it is the summer solstice at one Pole, it is the winter solstice on the other. The sun's westerly motion never ceases as the Earth is continually in rotation. However, the sun's motion in declination comes to a stop at the moment of solstice. In that sense, solstice means "sun-standing".

This modern scientific word descends from a Latin scientific word in use in the late Roman republic of the 1st century BC: solstitium. Pliny uses it a number of times in his Natural History with a similar meaning that it has today. It contains two Latin-language morphemes, sol, "sun", and -stitium, "stoppage". The Romans used "standing" to refer to a component of the relative velocity of the Sun as it is observed in the sky. Relative velocity is the motion of an object from the point of view of an observer in a frame of reference. From a fixed position on the ground, the sun appears to orbit around the Earth.

To an observer in an inertial frame of reference, the planet Earth is seen to rotate about an axis and revolve around the Sun in an elliptical path with the Sun at one focus. The Earth's axis is tilted with respect to the plane of the Earth's orbit and this axis maintains a position that changes little with respect to the background of stars. An observer on Earth therefore sees a solar path that is the result of both rotation and revolution.

The component of the Sun's motion seen by an earthbound observer caused by the revolution of the tilted axis – which, keeping the same angle in space, is oriented toward or away from the Sun – is an observed daily increment (and lateral offset) of the elevation of the Sun at noon for approximately six months and observed daily decrement for the remaining six months. At maximum or minimum elevation, the relative yearly motion of the Sun perpendicular to the horizon stops and reverses direction.

~Birth of the Sun(Son) of God - Winter Solstice

Jesus birth sequence is completely astrological. The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which, on December 24th, aligns with the three brightest stars in Orion’s Belt. These three bright stars in Orion’s belt are called today what they were called in ancient times: The Three Kings. The Three Kings and the brightest star, Sirius, all point to the place of the sunrise on December 25th. This is why the Three Kings “follow” the star in the east, in order to locate the sunrise—the birth of the sun. And after this time on December 25th, the sun moves one degree, this time north, foreshadowing longer days, warmth, and Spring. And thus it was said: the sun died on the cross, was dead for three days, only to be resurrected or born again. This is why Jesus and numerous other sun gods share the crucifixion, three-day death, and resurrection concept. It is the sun’s transition period before it shifts its direction back into the Northern Hemisphere, bringing Spring, and thus salvation.

@Liftingtheveilofficial is now on all social media. full video presentations and articles can be found at buff.ly/2IjLm1S

#Jesus #Resurrection Vs. Allegory of Plato's Cave. The #enlightened being steps out of the cave, #darkness, #illusion, and overcomes #death. - by Carina Alva
Mithra the SUN allegory was also born from the ROCK. The Rabid rabbit hole of delusion and darkness into the light. #LiftingTheVeil

J-Zeus was also stashed away in the cave as a baby and emerged when the time was ripe.

In Kriya yoga was known as the “Cave of Brahma”, representing the third ventricle of the brain, the true fortress of solitude in man, and why the yogis would isolate and meditate in a cave for years.

This represents from womb to tomb, the process of death to the world and birth to the spirit. Represented in what I call “As Above: So Below the Belt in my Symbols Of Power film series. full From Womb to Tomb presentation here >> https://www.patreon.com/posts/8201567

More will be fully expalined in my upcoming Symbols of Power: EOSteric EOSter film in production right now.

see my full Symbols of Power presentation series for so much more! >>

@Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media.
All of my full video presentations and articles can be found at patreon.com/LiftingTheVeil
 for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more!

excerpt from the full "Demonology: Basis Bias or BS?" presentation. © Cullen smith https://buff.ly/2NWtEDE

Anyone remember the film Apocalypto by Mel Gibson?? well you;re going to find out WHY a movie about ECLIPSES is named APOCALYPTO!

The esoteric and true Etymology (ROOT MEANING) of the WORD Apocalypse, comes from APOLLO+CALYPSO... Apollo is an ancient name and archetype for the SUN, and Calypso is an archetype of the death goddess nymph of the underworld, meaning "to CONCEAL, to HIDE", so she's the DE-mon archetype, or DEity of the MOON, the DEceiver that takes over during the DEcline of the seaSON or the DEath of the SUN, so shes the ruler of the dark underworld of the NIGHTtime, the time when the SUN has died and gone into the underworld until it will be RE born.

*Re or pronounced RAY is the also the the egyptian SUN god, named RA or RAY or RE which is the RAY of LIGHT from the SUN

So of course this is why the word means nothing more than an ECLIPSE, or when the MOON (the ruler of the dark underworld of NIGHTtime) CONCEALS or HIDES the light of the SUN and then the light returns or is reborn, when the death of the "LIGHT of the world (Jesus, the SUN of god) is then RESURRECTED (meaning to RISE UP again), or RE'S ERECTED (Re/Ra, or Ray is the egyptian SUN god of LIGHT, and ERECT, or to RAISE UP), also the death and rebirth of enLIGHTenMENT, (MENT meaning MIND).

So its nothing more than The cycles of nature, the UNI-VERSE, literally "TURNING AS ONE" and #consciousness travelling through the dark ages and then the rebirth of the En LIGHT en MENT (light of the mind).

so it's the ecLIPSe of caLYPSo ecLIPSing the elLIPSe of Apollo, the SUN. kindergarten wisdom, everyone KNOWS what an eclipse is, why not an apoCALYPSE?!

ALL of our modern and ancient words and religious archetypes are ALLegories of ASTROTHEOLOGY, the study of the STARS(astro) as DEities (theology).

late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church Latin apocalypsis "revelation," from Greek apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo- "from" (SEE APO-) + kalyptein "to cover, conceal" (SEE CALYPSO).

This is something harmless enough to prevent any hope of a mass awakening, while at the same time causing in fighting between truth seekers with endless debates about something no one can change and that ultimately will help no one avoid the planned chaos and mass extermination that’s coming.

Enter the flat Earth “movement”. A controlled opposition COINTELPRO psychological operation from day 1, complete with its own books and videos full of Fake and misleading disinformation, its Fake internet bloggers, its Fake followers and Fake “grass roots” movement and Fake spiritual awakening.

A resurrected notion that was so ridiculous it was EASILY put to rest thousands of years before NASA, Google Earth or computers, by people who were a whole lot more in touch with their true spiritual nature than most are today.

You don’t have to believe NASA is telling the truth to recognize that FE is a fraud, specifically designed to infiltrate and take over the truth communities to distract and divide! That’s the REAL goal of FE, and why it needs to be exposed for what it is a clever, satanic form of psychological warfare designed to divide and conquer by confusing, distracting and controlling the opposition who are slowly but surely learning that NO government agency is “for” the people.

Educate yourself before it's too late! #flatardfriday

U cannot understand, much less predict Nature. Get out of her Temple.

Psyche is soul. Soul cannot, like nature, be grasped in statistics and Pinocchio dry stiff straight theories. The only language to do justice to soul is poetry and music and spirit. I'm allergic to the language of surveys, stats, data when trying to deal with soul. Soul is poetry and music...pain...true bliss...grace... Only soul can grasp soul. This is why in my dreams i rendez vouz with Bob Marley, Prince, MJ....BM's sons...Jung...real sufferers...addicts...cancer patients...thieves... Those who look inwards... Only musicians and poets, martyrs...like Goethe...know soul. There's a certain feel and natural flow to poetry...which alone, like a good soup, feeds the soul... Stats cannot grasp pain of the soul.. the individual pain... The resurrection of the soul... It's soaring and fall...death of the soul... Stats seeks to control and contrive...like the gmo engineers...There is no secret ingredient... U must live it and suffer it to know it. Pay the price... Can't study it out there in surveys...outside if urself... Must bear the cross. I must rebuke the statisticians who have tried to grasp soul and nature with this paltry thing. Open back the temple for Sophia... Throw out the money lenders out of her true temple: churches and universities... She had returned.. u cannot understand love... U can only love love.... U can only love Sophia...
My new full film playlist! The esoteric secret symbolism, etymology of the #Coronavirus #covid19, "#NewNormal" agenda. The REAL #SCIENCE, the real agenda EXPOSED! #5G smart cities, the internet of things, #ID2020 mandatory vaccinations, social distancing, social credit system, mass population control, tracking and surveillance, facial recognition, total lockdown, police state, #illuminati control grid, dystopian technocracy and MUCH MUCH MORE. wish it would let me add the damn thumbnail image to the post. get this info out, folks, the disinfo from both msm AND alt media is out of control and must be stopped.

@Liftingtheveilofficial is now on all social media. full video presentations and articles can be found at Patreon.com/LiftingTheVeil
 for full #esoteric films, research articles, livestreams, lessons and mind blowing content on theology, mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, science, #biology, #health and so much more! SEE YOU SOON! MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND #WISDOM!

my new video is up!
Occult secret symbolism of Social credit Ai 5G "smart grid," the Internet of Things, the central intelligence, the matrix, Skynet, is already underway. The #NewNormal is about to begin. Or will you stand with me or will you fall to your knees? #LiftingTheVeil #socialcredit Make sure to like, subscribe and hit the bell notifications button for full films and more videos! Access the free archives @ https://www.patreon.com/LiftingTheVeil

my full current events "CronyVirus Agenda Truth" film playlist:

World's Foremost Scientist Speaks Out: Dr John Ioannidis https://tinyurl.com/y7t7fxu5

Lady Gaga & The Coming Global Citizen- Lifting The Veil https://tinyurl.com/y9c7kttj

CronyVirus: Kontrolling the Kaos, Elite Consolidation of Wealth & Power https://tinyurl.com/ycj3gfyr

VacciNation: Esoteric Etymology & Symbolism UNMASKED! https://tinyurl.com/ybcqd2hc

Navigating The Maze: A Universal Rite of "Passage" https://www.patreon.com/posts/7495977

@Liftingtheveilofficial is now on all social media. full video presentations and articles can be found at Patreon.com/LiftingTheVeil
 for full #esoteric films, research articles, livestreams, lessons and mind blowing content on theology, mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, science, #biology, #health and so much more! SEE YOU SOON! MUCH LOVE, PEACE AND #WISDOM!

Do u know the difference between bitching about things and ranting about things?

Yes for the Self
the personality is just Marketing...a mask

Personality is the marketing of the individual
yes to not say pimping out
its self pimping Babylon is Pimpers Paradise
90% of the money goes in self Marketing/Pimping in Babylon
Mission statements and the mission comes form the pimp
he had it right but didn't get out of the external rebel reactive mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNZcf8WtBiY

cause rebel (lyrics at the end of the song) is still reactive
rebel is still slave only Jung inner stood the real Nazarene not the marketing the church made of him it really came form the east
Europe was supposed to be the New Jerusalem
but they killed us cut off europe from her real roots colonized europe
only europe could understand the self
Jung = our Merlin
English in dutch means Angels I find Europeans still have the more human side
only Europe understood the Individual but was hijacked the east is collectivism
so the real war was always on europe
the indigenous are whole but Europe had to bring the individual
without which collectivism is slavery but of course the false church co-opted the whole thing
and we are now here today a world in a mental prison
look the meaning of Christ = Self
not the cartoon the church made of it human being is too organic for programs
we weren't made for repetitive constrictures
Definitely, it's going against the inner
NLP that the shadow becomes more wrathful
yes and it only drives it into every deeper compensations
Emulating habits & quirks of "successful" people...
if the expectations of the observer determines whether it is a wave or particle, what then determines the people in a controlled and surveillanced society?

Part of bringing the Gospel is remaining an outcast till the cross. Anything else is Marketing/PR
Or let me put it so: u need a lot of Self to stand next the truth

The pain is u don’t
have enough self
To stand with the truth

When u have people behind u ur confident, when ur alone ur really confident (7 Jr Son)

look u want breaks & benefits
I just want truth
its like food to me
Not only Rx, CBT and reprograming methods really cut off sexual trauma, push back under making true healing impossible
Like easily 90% of woman in this country & planet have to seriously question where their somatic ailments are coming from
The Rat Race want
to change u
from the outside
has become an:
Afval (rat) Race
You got the horse race;
You got the dog race;
You got the human-race;
But this is a rat race, rat race!
Personality is the marketing of the individual
Mental health is a psychological state of self sovereignty not drugging the mind into frozen zombie that will explode at anytime

u see we can only change something, by quantum law, when we see how we are part of creating the very problem we are fighting
If u are not angry and outraged at this point u have a problem
Divine Wrath its part of our infinite being we must not repress it.
yes the current anger management paradigm is to kill the divine wrath
The whole of modern medicine is one big effort to suppress the shadow, think of Viagra
In big people there are kids and in kids big people (7 Jr old son)
God doesn't punish, our own shadow does the correcting
My definition of Justice: he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. But with difference the shadow is dangerous & from inside
when have u seen a teacher take 50% responsibility for the low grades in their evaluation of a student of their own teaching?" D. H.

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