среда, 24 апреля 2019 г.

სოციალური უტოპია: კ.ე. ციოლკოვსკი და კ.ს. მერეჟკოვსკი

სოციალური უტოპია: კ.ე. ციოლკოვსკი და კ.ს. მერეჟკოვსკი ი.ნ. ტკაჩენკო
კ.ე. ციოლკოვსკის სახელობის კოსმონავტიკის ისტორიის სახელმწიფო მუზეუმი, ქ. კალუგა
სექცია „კ.ე. ციოლკოვსკის სამეცნიერო შემოქმედების შესწავლა“, 2015

კ.ე. ციოლკოვსკის სოციალური უტოპია გამოხატავს სრულიად მოულოდნელ მსგავსებას ზოგიერთ იდეასთან, რომელსაც განიხილავს თავის „მიწიერ სამოთხეში“ კ.ს. მერეჟკოვსკი.
კ.ს. მერჟეკოვსკის „მიწიერი სამოთხე“ წარმოადგენს უტოპიას, რომლოს გახსენებას დიდი ხნის განმავლობაში არც კი ცდილობდნენ, რაც ხელს უშლიდა ორივე სოციალური პროექტის მსგავსი თვისებების შენიშვნას. ამ უტოპიებში შემოთავაზებული იყო საზოგადოების იერარქიული ორგანიზაცია კასტებზე ან ჯგუფებზე დაყოფით, რაც ანთროპოლოგიურ განსხვავებებს ქმნიდა. მათში აშკარა  უპირატესობა ენიჭებოდა ტროპიკულ ან თბილ კლიმატს, როგორც ყველაზე ხელსაყრელს ადამიანის არსებობისა და სოფლის ცხოვრებისათვის, ამასთან ფამრიკაში შრომა არასასურველად იყო მიჩნეული. ეს უტოპიები პირდებოდნენ უსასრულო ბედნიერებას, თუმცა ძალიან საეჭვო ხასიათის. ბედნიერების საერთო რაოდენობის შესახებ მსჯელობები ორივე ავტორის თაობათა ცვლის რიგში, ასევე  გარკვეულწილად ერთმანეთის მსგავსია. ორივე მათგანი ხაზგასმით აღნიშნავდა, რომ მათი უტოპიური პროექტები არ არის გათვალისწინებული თანამედროვეთათვის.
მაგრამ ყველაზე დიდი მსგავსება ვლინდება ევგენური პრინციპების მიმართ, რომლებიც მისაღები იყო, როგორც ციოლკოვსკის, ასევე მერეჟკოვსკისთვის. ორივე ვარაუდობდა ადამიანთა მოდგმის გაუმჯობესებას ხელოვნური შერჩევის გზით, რასაც ენიჭებოდა სრულიად განსაკუთრებული მნიშვნელობა; შერჩეული მწარმოებლებისა და ხელოვნური განაყოფიერების გამოყენება; სტერილიზაციის ფართოდ გამოყენება; შობადობის  შეზღუდვა ან  სრული აკრძალვა უვარგისი მწარმოებლებისათვის; სქესობრივი ურთიერთობების ჰედონისტური და რეპროდუქციული ფუნქციების გამოყოფა. ციოლკოვსკიმ შემოიტანა ინდური კასტების გარკვეული მსგავსი რამ, რომელიც კრძალავდა ქორწინებას სხვადასხვა კასტებს შორის.
მერჟეკოვსკის „მიწეირ სამოთხეში“ ასეთი რეგლამენტაცია უზრუნველყოფილია ბუნებრივი ანთროპოლოგიური განსხვავებებით. ციოლკოვსკის ევგენიკური პრინციპის თანახმად, მთელი კაცობრიობა უნდა წარმოიქმნას საუკეთესო მწარმოებელთა შეზღუდული რაოდენობიდან, შესაძლოა, მხოლოდ ერთი წყვილიდან.
რა თქმა უნდა, ევგენიკური მიდგომა თავისთავად ახლოსაა უტოპიურ ცნობიერებასთან. ეს საკითხი ჯერ კიდევ  პლატონმა და კამპანელამ წამოჭრეს. ციოლკოვსკის დროს სხვადასხვა ევგენიკურ იდეებს გარკვეული პოპულარობა გააჩნდა, მაგრამ საყურადღებოა ორივე ევგენიკური პროგრამის დამთხვევა და მათი რადიკალური ხასიათი.
არსებობს სხვა მსგავსი მომენტიც. ორივე ავტორის ფანტაზია სწულიად ან ნაწილობრივ უარყოფს ტანსაცმლის ტარებას, ზოგიერთი გამონაკლისით ავადმყოფების, დასახიჩრებულთა და ხანდაზმულებისთვის. ეს, ალბათ, შეიძლება ნაკლებად იყოს შემთხვევითი დამთხვევა და ვარაუდობს მერჟეკოვსკის „ზღაპარი-უტოპიის“ იდეების შესაძლო ნასესხობას „კალუგელი მეოცნებისგან“. ნებისმიერ შემთხვევაში, ჩვენ შეგვიძლია ვისაუბროთ ორივე ავტორის იდეების ერთმანეთთან თავისებურ „გადაძახილზე“.
უდავოა, რომ ამ უტოპიებს შორის არსებობს მნიშვნელოვანი განსხვავებებიც. მერეჟკოვსკიმ თავისი საზოგადოებრივი სტრუქტურა განსაზღვრა, როგორც პატერნალიზმი, რომელსაც ის უპირისპირებს ინდივიდუალიზმს და სოციალიზმს. ციოლკოვსკის „იდეალური სისტემაა“ ყაზარმული სოციალიზმი. ციოლკოვსკის სჯეროდა უსასრულო  პროგრესის, რომელსაც უნდა მოჰყვეს უშფოთველი ბედნიერება. მერეჟკოვსკი მას უაზრობად მიიჩნევდა, მისი აზრით, საზოგადოებრივ განვითარებას აფერხებს ევოლუციასა და გარდაუვალ შემდგომ დისოლუციას შორის არსებული წონასწორობა. მერეჟკოვსკი თავის მსოფლმხედველობას ტერიზმს უწოდებდა ცელიზმის საპირისპიროდ, ციოლკოვსკის მსოფლმხედველობა კი პირდაპირი მნიშვნელობით ანტიტერიზმია.  „მიწიერ სამოთხეს“ ჰედონისტური ხასიათი აქვს, ციოლკოვსკი კი უკიდურეს ასკეტიზმს ქადაგებს.
მიუხედავად ამისა, პესიმისტი მერჟეკოვსკი და ოპტიმისტი ციოლკოვსკი თანხმდებიან რეალობის სრულ მიუღებლობაში, რომელიც ვრცელდება ადამიანთა ბუნებაზე. რა თქმა უნდა, მურისა და კამპენელას უტოპიები ახლა ანტიუტოპიებად აღიქმება. მაგრამ „მიწიერი სამოთხე“ წარმოადგენს სასოწარკვეთილების უტოპიას, სადაც წაშლილია ყოველგვარი სხვაობა უტოპიასა და ანტიუტოპიას შორის. ცილოკოვსკის სისტემა გამოირჩევა უფრო დიდი პრინციპული არარეალიზებით. ეს ორი სოციალური პროექტი უტოპიური აზროვნების უკიდურესი გამოხატულებაა.

A reality of it all, the relativity of measured distances in the mass of space time using a constant of QT ( quantum thought , where dark energy is formed, will be exposed. ;^)

You can continue to label that which goes against your preconditioned beliefs as 'false teaching', but that doesn't mean it is, just that it is, to you. We are each sons and daughters of God, individuated incarnations of Source/ Spirit. "Belief is just a way of tying yourself up in knots." - Matt Kahn ------ I was no longer a sinner the moment I discontinued my belief in the concept of sin. Unconditional love knows no forgiveness and simply loves and accepts ALL, as is.
You can continue to label that which goes against your preconditioned beliefs as 'false teaching', but that doesn't mean it is, just that it is, to you. We are each sons and daughters of God, individuated incarnations of Source/ Spirit. "Belief is just a way of tying yourself up in knots." - Matt Kahn ------ I was no longer a sinner the moment I discontinued my belief in the concept of sin. Unconditional love knows no forgiveness and simply loves and accepts ALL, as is.
Each human is a Soul playing a human role. We don't have souls, we are souls... we have a body. The Soul is eternal, as it is space-free, and timeless thus not limited or subjected to the laws of the physical realm. It is our unique, individuated expression of Spirit/God/Source. As demonstrated to us in our dreams when physically asleep, the language of the Soul is metaphors and symbolism. When interpreted metaphorically, rather than the often-taught literally, the deeper meanings of the Bible are un-veiled.
"There is only one absolute Truth, and all other truths emanate from it. When you find that Truth, your actions will be in alignment with it. Human action can reflect that Truth, or it can reflect illusion. Can the Truth be put into words? Yes, but the words are, of course, not it. They only point to it. The Truth is inseparable from who you are. Yes, you are the Truth. If you look for it elsewhere, you will be deceived every time. The very Being that you are is Truth. Jesus tried to convey that when he said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.’ These words uttered by Jesus are one of the most powerful and direct pointers to the Truth, if understood correctly. If misinterpreted, however, they become a great obstacle.
Jesus speaks of the innermost I Am, the essence of identity of every man and woman, every life-form in fact. He speaks of the life that you are. Some Christian mystics have called it the Christ within; Buddhists call it your Buddha nature; for Hindus, it is Atman, the in-dwelling God. When you are in touch with that dimension within yourself — and being in touch with it is your natural state, not some miraculous achievement — all your actions and relationships will reflect the oneness with all life that you sense deep within. This is love. Laws, commandments, rules and regulations are necessary for those who are cut off from who they are, the Truth within." - Eckhart Tolle
"Most people do not see their beliefs. Instead, their beliefs tell them what they see." - Matt Kahn
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На данном изображении может находиться: 1 человек, текст «"You are not the one who speaks the truth. You're the truth that speaks ~Matt Kahn www.TrueDivineNature.com»

Let's not forget, this primate body is a BioSpace Vehicle the QT6DP ( quantum thought 6 dimensional process), You can call it soul , air in the lungs, if you want) that we use to navigate the planet.
Viruses in our gut are the CREW and they influence our thoughts, be aware of this, for proper navigation, of this awful planet...
Саломе, по сути, говорит о противопоставлении двух логик – анального и сексуального: «анальная эротика, едва начав свой жизненный путь, оказывается оттесненной в угол», как бы вытолкнута в тень, генитальная, наоборот, сметая на своем пути все запреты, перерабатывает их для усиления удовольствия. Анальности приписывается выра-жение смерти, а генитальному – жизни. Выбрасывающееся вещество при этом не столь отброс, а «излишек, который должен быть запущен в бытие еще сверх индивида»" Айтен Юран
Письмо Юнга Графу Герману Кайзерлингу, 19 июня 1927 г.

Дорогой граф,

О вашем сне[1] могу лишь только заметить, что «повешение» означает «неопределенность»- состояние ожидания или предвидения с качаниями маятника, которые представлены вашими экскурсами в различные духовные сферы. Если вы говорите слишком много, то по закону противоречий внутри накапливается «неподвижность», и однажды найдет выражение (возможно, лишь симптоматично и косвенно). С наилучшими пожеланиями,

Искренне ваш, К. Г. Юнг

? (Письмо написано от руки.) В письме от 23 мая К. сообщал о странном сне, в котором его несколько раз казнили повешением. После каждой «смерти» внутренний голос обращался к нему: «Неподвижность усиливается». В ответе 28 июня К. выразил полное согласие с интерпретацией Юнга, особенно с идеей повешения как «неопределенностью».
Перевод «789 неологизмов Лакана» [осталось 767 слов]

âme-à-tiers (l’) сущ., ж.р. ► [11/01/77 , семинар «Он знал, что это был неверный свет луны на крыльях любви»] – И я скажу, что это размышление привело меня к тому, что есть реальное, и что мы отождествляем его с материей, но я предлагаю писать так: l ’âme-à-tiers*.

Примечания по переводу:

* Гомофония с фр. la matière (материя).

Роберт Александер пишет: «Реальное, пространство/время души [n’espace/temps; то есть, непространство/время], которое является «l’âme-à-tiers» [букв. душа-а-третий] субъекта, то есть «parlêtre» [говорящим бытием]. Реальное является этой чертой, дырой, этой конститутивной бездной, «существенной и первоначальной нехваткой»» (P. 224). «Это также, как мы увидим, l’âme-a-tiers «составляет троицу» РСВ (Реальное/Символическое/Воображаемое), которая является «тремя измерениями пространства, в котором живет говорящий», это «другой способ», короче говоря, «работать с пространством, в котором мы действительно живем», «адская троица» <…>» (P. 225-226).

Роберт Александер считает, что l’âme-à-tiers нужно читать так: âme – это перечеркнутое S (субъект), à – objet petit a, который находится на пересечении РСВ, а также между субъектом и Другим, tiers – это Бог, Другой, где и из которого исходит бессознательное (Robert Alexander. Lacan phénoménologue // Eikasia: revista de filosofía, 2014. – № 56. – P. 226).


Рассмотреть источник веры, ее специфику — задача трактата «Страх и трепет».

Кьеркегор выводит главным героем — рыцарем веры — библейского Авраама и стремится показать экзистенцию Авраама и его поступки сердцем. Рассмотрение веры, которую олицетворяет Авраам, позволяет увидеть его неповторимую единственность, несущую чудо.
.речь медицины с самого начала делает всё, чтобы от измерения пола уйти: заболевание, за исключением редких случаев поражения репродуктивной функции, никак не связано в речи медика с полом. Мы привыкли к этому как к чему-то совершенно естественному и тем самым не замечаем того влияния, которое вселенная науки под видом сотрудничества с демократическим прогрессом на субъект оказывает, подталкивая его к тому, чтобы совершенно с метафорой пола порвать.» Смулянский Лекция «Современный женский субъект: истерия и обсессия»

I stumbled upon some HUGELY inner-resting symbolic, archetypal/ mythological and etymological links to the female hormones, #fertility and anger, #PMS.  ;)
This will blow your mind! As far as I can find, i believe this to be an original synchromystic revelation. full presentation here https://www.patreon.com/posts/8799279

Notice questioning gets us closer to consciousness and the deeper purpose of existence. All we experience is inviting us to receive, decode and transmit pure energy streams that flow freely and naturally through the human antenna. We invite ourselves to let go of thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that block our energy channels. Paying close attention to who and what raises and lowers our frequency invites us to make life changes to raise and stabilize our energy. As system upgrades allow us to receive and process more light, our perception shifts. We grow from inside out. The state of body reflects mind and energy.

Notice being open to the experience of a sad and tender heart is seeing one's true reflection. This gives birth to fearlessness. It is not the streetwise feeling that we know to avert danger. True fearlessness comes from allowing the world to be privy to our heart. It is the willingness to be open, transparent, vulnerable. Fear evolves into this fearlessness naturally as we surrender. To experience such fearlessness, we must experience fear. Living in challenge awakens fearlessness yet this is not the same as living in constant crisis. Every moment is a challenge to be genuine, to speak our truth, live in congruence with Soul. Letting go implies we enjoy challenges arising. We cannot be genuine by avoiding responsibility, denying or thinking we can turn away from the constraints of ordinary life. Fearlessness emerges as we know we decide how to respond to energy. We can go deeper into our lives, uncover core beliefs and patterns that drive us, create our perceived challenges and emotional triggers. Only then do we stop counting stars and see our true reflection.
Notice what happens as key cultural stories are understood as symbolic of another reality. What if paradise, is not out of this world, but rather, a state of being we each expand into? Opening to a higher energy state is an ability that all humans can eventually acquire. Reality shifts as we shift from the belief that it is possible to energetic awakening, to awareness of the factors required to cultivate and maintain higher energy states. As we learn the true nature of food, consume only high vibrational energy, we begin to strengthen our divine connection. Subtleties then have more presence, seem to appear in our scope. As perception occurs, we breathe in more divine energy. Opening to the divine raises our vibration. As we recognize power of intention, master the breath, emotions and extend the energy of love, we emanate enough creative strength to radiate the divine inside ourselves. Only then do we see the world as it already is. In legends, this has many names; Heaven, Eden, Shambhala, Shangri'La, the experience of God or divine source, others. We are that which we seek. The beauty we see reflects the divine energy we are receiving within.
Notice a key step to understanding ourselves, our dreams, perceptions and experiences of reality, is to recognize the rhythm and patterns of our breath. The breath is linked to our emotions. Master the breath, master our emotions. The more we engage in conscious breathing, the easier it is to master the monkey mind. As we cease to separate meditation from everyday existence, cease to separate work from play, this is when the real light shines though

Notice that to truly connect with others, we have to be willing to allow the unconscious to surface and face our shadow. Things that trigger us, that evoke disgust, rage, horror, anger, fear, disdain, or any negativity toward the external world evoke similar feelings about ourselves. This invites us to dig deep, and let go of feelings of unworthiness and fear of vulnerability. As we give ourselves permission to speak our truth, whatever our challenges, we love and accept ourselves, and the world perceives an accurate reflection of who we are. Although we may believe in immortality. or feel we are immortal on some level. what makes this life valuable is that it does not last forever. Making the most of life is being natural and feeling whole as we are in time that remains.
Notice what happens as it hits that human consciousness exists before birth and continues after death of a body. As perception shifts, we become game changers. Imagine we now access streams of uninterrupted consciousness, all stored feelings and vibrational wisdom of the universe from the dawn of time. Deeper insights grow accessible when living with a pure, open heart. Access to such insight comes with great responsibility, and to wish the same for all. At a very basic level, we are the energy that forms the fabric of existence itself. We can choose to deny, fear of our abilities or, we can choose to stand in our true power, activate our full potential and burst through our self-created boundaries.
Tear It Down
Jack Gilbert, 1925 - 2012
 We find out the heart only by dismantling what
the heart knows. By redefining the morning,
we find a morning that comes just after darkness.
We can break through marriage into marriage.
By insisting on love we spoil it, get beyond
affection and wade mouth-deep into love.
We must unlearn the constellations to see the stars.
But going back toward childhood will not help.
The village is not better than Pittsburgh.
Only Pittsburgh is more than Pittsburgh.
Rome is better than Rome in the same way the sound
of racoon tongues licking the inside walls
of the garbage tub is more than the stir
of them in the muck of the garbage. Love is not
enough. We die and are put into the earth forever.
We should insist while there is still time. We must
eat through the wildness of her sweet body already
in our bed to reach the body within the body.

Notice in order for kundalini energy to move up through our spine, all our energy pathways in the spiritual body must be perfectly aligned. During shifts, many of us experience pain & discomfort in the lower back as electricity is moving upward. On an energetic level, we need to give the body space to work with the energy. Laying down directly on Earth or a flat space helps. Slow down, relax, accept the process of energy working through us. Allow mother Gaia to align us with our Truth. We underestimate our relationship with Earth and her power to bring us into alignment with true being. This experience invites us to surrender on a whole new level. The purpose of spiritual rebirth (kundalini rising) is rewiring of the brain into billions of new neural Light pathways so it functions without the old lower 3-D polarities (and disconnects) of left- right brain consciousness. The ultimate return to innocence is to have all energy systems fully activated and perceive the totality of the universe.
Notice many human beings reach for deeper fulfillment, wish for life to be larger, more something. As it hits that life is not a thing we win or lose, not a race to be first to die (we all get here), it dawns we decide on the intensity of our pleasure and pain. We decide to focus on misery or ecstasy or explore both. Inner peace is not familiar to all. Yet, how profound is our experience of life? Suppose we enhance our perception, fully activate the sophisticated machine called the human being. What does this reveal? What if only when in the core love vibration (pleasant state) can we find full expression of who we are in limited the time we give ourselves? Regardless of our experience, a huge collective shift is occurring. Growing conscious of how we hold our body, how thoughts and emotions function within us, is what transforms our experience of ourselves. HUman well-being unfolds from within.
Notice we are taught to assume we must work toward becoming extraordinary beings or somehow better than we already are. We are taught to admire superheroes, to view the desirable as separate rather than see and ground the super-human within us already in this world. Standing in personal power involves tuning into and acting out of compassion, accepting our limitless capacities, blossoming into our fullest potential. Imagine what life would be like if we vibrated our infinite worth, and lived fearlessly. How is reality shifting?

Notice versions of our reality that we are not consciously aware of exist on different vibrational levels. Parallel realties arise with every choice we make. A split between possibilities on one timeline is often subtle for those who experience it. Yet, those around us who tune in always sense the change. We've all had moments where we encounter people we have not seen in a while and something about them seems different. We may pick up on a new energy, sense emotional healing or releasing. On one level, major life change may seem like forks in the road yet, on another level, they echo vibrational shifts. As we do inner work, we shift into greater levels of expansion. Our beliefs are filters only that allow awareness of possibilities that align with our self-image. Dr. Bruce Lipton shows that our DNA expression is controlled by positive and negative energies of our thoughts. As we alter messages we send our cells. our DNA adjusts. As self-perception changes, new realities of endless possible ones suddenly open to us.
Notice physical illness reflects issues that ripple to the surface and reveal our true nature. Perceived illness shakes us up, invites all those involved to look deeper to deal with key issues, such as; death, fear, pain, depression, anxiety, stress, and also love. As we come to view ourselves as energy in flux, we gain insight into the process. Unresolved emotions surface and intensify to be released. When permitted to flow, life energy as the breath, moves in a natural purification cycle. When blocked, fear energy can take shape as self-sabotage. When our energy is clean, balanced, flowing, we feel joyful and productive, and everything falls into place. Rhythm of the breath tells an emotional story.
Notice consciously living the hero's journey adds depth and meaning to our lives. This is about recognizing opportunities for growth, change and taking responsibility for shifts. As we awaken to mind, body and spirit, integrate all three in our lives, deeper fulfillment arises. Being open to enjoy the rain, find blessings in the storm and energize in the sunlight, are all part of the Path. Initiations lead to finding balance, laughing more, building on our foundation of love and seeing it comes in many forms. Breathe, and see deeper into reality.

Notice this moment offers unprecedented opportunities for those who are ready to face and master fears. This requires seeing synchronicity in all events and encounters, tuning in with a open heart, being more honest with ourselves so to engage in more meaningful, transparent relationships that connect with others. Being open to new ideas implies we are willing to venture out beyond the safe harbour, willing to push the envelope of possibility. Like a hibernating star, we are preparing to unleash explosive energy, gauging where and when to release all that we are. Speaking our truth is like being in our vortex, allows us to radiate our gifts and grow conscious of a mission larger than ourselves.

 have no interest on 2 weeks retreats as not enough time to do complete work...and I also find important to know each person who come to see me.......therefore anyone who has visited my place have done tree dietas first and never got a strong brew unless they are ready to sustain it.and to some people that were. too fragile may just be in ceremony only with their tree diet.I bave refused to give the medicine to many .......palo maestro dietas for a minimum of a month will strength your body and shield you to possible entities attacks ….a curandero will then add arkanas to protect the space and you...in ceremonies where there are too many participants you may not have enough time to put arkanas on each individual and if the people have no tree diets they are more in a fragile situation..when yoou start practicing with the medicine first you work with plants diet ...the ayas brew much later.... to protect yourself ..then once you have enough strength and plants knowledge you may practice in ceremony....a facilitator may nott have such skills to provide a safe place and perform arkanas nor has knowledge of palo maestro dietas...it is important for everyone to prepare with plants dieas before going in a ceremony...many curanderos will do individuals arkanas to protect you ..yet upon how many people in ceremony and where the doors opens you may be more vulnerable ..the tree will be your arkana and shut the many doors of ayas focusing only on the plant diet door...ayahuasca is a vine who needs a tree to grow...you are the tree.....I wish I had better communication skills hopefully even with my poor English I am passing a message....…….this article of
Bernhard Guenther. has some very good points I may not share all his vision yet I find that his path has profound insight....https://veilofreality.com/…/altered-states-entrapment-pla…/….

To love is not to possess,
To own or imprison,
Nor to lose one's self in another.
Love is to join and separate,
To walk alone and together,
To find a laughing freedom
That lonely isolation does not permit.
It is finally to be able
To be who we really are
No longer clinging in childish dependency
Nor docilely living separate lives in silence,
It is to be perfectly one's self
And perfectly joined in permanent commitment
To another--and to one's inner self.
Love only endures when it moves like waves,
Receding and returning gently or passionately,
Or moving lovingly like the tide
In the moon's own predictable harmony,
Because finally, despite a child's scars
Or an adult's deepest wounds,
They are openly free to be
Who they really are--and always secretly were,
In the very core of their being
Where true and lasting love can alone abide.”
~ James Kavanaugh
The biggest obstacle in healing our wounds and traumas or regarding any issues/problem we may encounter in our lives (and collectively) is that we identify with experiences and feelings. It's crucial to feel ALL feelings but not identify with them (It's a fine line). The trap of identification is far-reaching. It not only relates to artificial concepts of official cult-ure such as identifying with a nation/flag, a political party/side, a religion or any belief system but even identifying with a personality trait (positive or negative), your job/carrier, you astrology sign/chart, a diet ("I'm a vegan"), etc. In short, identifying with anything you do, think, believe or feel.

Non-identification is easier said than done because it's so automatic and mechanical and it's also based on social/cultural conditioning and programming. The deeper we dive into our bodies somatically and touch our inner core, releasing and feeling all feelings we have denied or suppressed (most of them we are not aware of consciously), the more we touch upon our true self: free, joyful, and peaceful.

Reginald Ray talks about the issue with identifying with experiences in his book "Somatic Descent":

"Usually when we live our life we identify with our experiences. We think “I am this anxiety. I'm a very anxious person" or "I'm a very competent person. I can carry through anything, I can do anything" or "I'm a very loving person" or "I'm a person that has this trauma or that trauma. I'm a person who feels very shaky. I'm a person who is perpetually lonely.”

What’s happening here is that we are identifying our person with a particular experience. Because we have that approach in modern culture, it’s not possible for us to really handle very much at all because it's too threatening. Therefore, most of us have gotten into a pattern of walling off most of the unpleasant experience that’s in us or most of the experiences that are inconsistent with who we think we are. We're identifying with experiences.

What we need to do is to shift our sense of who we are. We need to step back from identifying with our history, with our traumas, and with our problems. Okay, so you could say, what does that mean step back, how, step back into what? In the practice of somatic descent (somatic/body scanning meditation) we are learning how to make contact with that basic being, that fundamental nature, that unconditioned openness, that sense of the infinity of the vastness of our own being. In other words, we're going to begin to see that the person that we truly are (and most fundamentally are) is not the anxiety-ridden person, the fear-ridden person, the aggressive person or whatever it may be. Actually, who we truly are when we look most deeply into our own state of being is empty and it's open and it's warm and it's not impeded. It's free and it's joyous. That's who we are. That's who we truly are.

We need to touch and be touched by this empty fastness that is our true person, our true nature. It's a very interesting experience to meet this depth of our own self. [In order to access this space within us, we need to go deep into our bodies] and we’re going to have to let go of ideas about who we are and what it means to be human that maybe we've carried around our whole life and never knew we’ve had them.

We're going to touch if I might say so, the eternal part of our self, the infinite part of our self. And one very stunning part of that meeting of our fundamental nature is that far from feeling generic are neutral or empty or cold, when we touch this infinity of openness and space at the basis of our very being, we feel more than ever in our whole life that we've come home to our self. Then we feel this is truly who I am. In that space all the questions are answered and there's a peace that is unbelievably affecting."

I've also written about the Trap of Identification in this article from a Matrix perspective:
- Divide & Conquer and the Trap of Identification

Our Karma is also stored in the body and needs to be released through the body. Karma in that context is “unprocessed experience” going back lifetimes which gets crystallized in the body, creating tension and restricting the flow of life force. Thoughts and emotions set up in the past and present affect the cycles of the future. These events, thoughts, and emotions can then become trapped in the body. We can see how this “stuck” cyclic energy causes us to repeat life patterns as these traumas become trapped within their own dimension of time. Many issues we deal with are traumas which are stuck in time (and have become crystalized energy) which we relive in the present over and over (as reoccurring “issues”) — until we go back to the creation point and release the trapped energy. As I mentioned before, a lot of stuff we carry in our bodies is not just related to whatever happened in childhood and this lifetime, but ALL of our ancient memory (including past lives) are held on as unprocessed experiences and are stored somewhere in the body.

Throughout the years, I’ve been able to release trapped emotions stored in my body from past experiences through bodywork, yoga, breathwork, and dance. However, the most effective way to dive deep into my body and process wounds and trauma has been via somatic meditations. This is a form of body scanning by putting awareness on any tension held in the body. The key in this process is not to analyze anything, nor judge or try to change anything, In short, it’s about getting out of the head and tuning deeply into the body. At first, it’s not always that easy because we have become so disconnected and desensitized from our body. Usually, there are many layers of armor in the body (defense mechanisms that have built up over time) to work through before we can access the core emotion trapped in the body.

- From "Soul Evolution, Universal Laws, and Karma in The Body"
All in the interests of self-esteem one may cover one's true emotions, put on a front, and at considerable cost avoid exposing one's weaknesses. The persona that develops protects one from unwelcome narcissistic wounds. What is even more spectacular, likewise in the interest of self-esteem, is the capacity men/women have for deceiving themselves. The techniques of self-deception are numerous. Psychological usage groups them all under the single title of rationalization, a term signifying, of course, precisely the opposite of reason... Reason fits one's impulses and beliefs to the world of reality; rationalization fits one's conception of reality to one's impulses and beliefs. Or, as the aphorism has it, reasoning discovers real reasons, and rationalization, good reasons, for what we do."

- Dr. Gordon Allport, "Personality: A Psychological Interpretation"
“Our Karma is also stored in the body and needs to be released through the body. Karma in that context is “unprocessed experience” going back lifetimes which gets crystallized in the body, creating tension and restricting the flow of life force. Thoughts and emotions set up in the past and present affect the cycles of the future. These events, thoughts, and emotions can then become trapped in the body. We can see how this “stuck” cyclic energy causes us to repeat life patterns as these traumas become trapped within their own dimension of time. Many issues we deal with are traumas which are stuck in time (and have become crystalized energy) which we relive in the present over and over (as reoccurring “issues”) — until we go back to the creation point and release the trapped energy. As I mentioned before, a lot of stuff we carry in our bodies is not just related to whatever happened in childhood and this lifetime, but ALL of our ancient memory (including past lives) are held on as unprocessed experiences and are stored somewhere in the body.”


A big misconception on the spiritual path or any path that involves sincere self-work is that problems and challenges in life will just disappear at some point. While inner work and healing our wounds, trauma and shadow aspects definitely affect the “outside” world and can create better circumstances and relationships, it’s not as simple as many New Age teachings convey based on the distorted or over-simplified idea of the law of attraction. In other words, being confronted with many problems and challenges in one’s life does not necessarily imply an “undeveloped” inner life nor does external success, and “smooth” circumstances necessarily imply that one is more “advanced” internally and has healed everything and resolved all karma.

Many inter-related factors come into play based on everyone’s individual soul evolutionary journey; too much and too complex for the mind to understand. The mind and ego always look for reasons and justifications, dividing experiences into “good” and “bad.” Most often, if not all the time, we mistake symptoms for causes. The deeper impulses and consequences of the universal law of cause and effect have been set in motion eons and lifetimes ago and are not perceptible to the conscious mind. [...]


- The Law of Cause and Effect
- The Tunnel of Light Trap and Fringe Disinformation
- The Law of Agreement
- Karma in the Body and The Law of Ascent and Descent
- How to Measure Your Progress
Learn that My divine nature never worked so nobly in human nature as by suffering; and because suffering is so efficacious, it is sent out of great love. I understand the weakness of human nature at all times, and out of love and righteousness I lay no heavier load on man than he can bear.

This “divine furnace of purifying love” demands from the ardent soul a complete self-surrender, and voluntary turning from all impurity, a humility of the most far-reaching kind: and this means the deliberate embrace of active but conscious suffering, a self-discipline in tortuous tasks.

The fact remains that only such bitter knowledge of wrongness of relation, seen by the light of ardent love, can spur the will of man to the hard task of readjustment.
All those self-regarding instincts—so ingrained that they have become automatic—which impel the self to choose the more comfortable part, are seen by the awakened intuition of the mystic lover as gross infringements of the law of love.

It is in this torment of contrition, this acute consciousness of unworthiness, that we have the first swing back of the oscillating self from the initial state of mystic pleasure to the complementary state of pain.

However harsh its form, however painful the activities to which it spurs him, the mystic recognizes in this breakup of his old universe an essential part of the Great Work: and the act in which he turns to it is an act of loving desire, no less than an act of will.

In psychological language, the process of mortification is the process of setting up “new paths of neural discharge". The energy which wells up incessantly in every living being must abandon the old road of least resistance and discharge itself in a new and more difficult way."

~ from "Mysticism: The preeminent study in the Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness" (Chapter 3: The Purification of the Self)

The misconception of many New Age and pop-spiritual teaching is that the “ascension” or “awakening” process is a straight road up to ever more bliss and love. That’s why many people get hooked on peak experiences and can create what is called in esoteric science, a false foundation, resulting in faux “enlightenment” experiences.

These deceptive peak experiences can be installed via psychedelics/medicine plants or even with certain meditation techniques, resulting in dissociation which can create an artificial “bliss” experience by going out of the body. In fact, if you meditate “correctly” and you are able to dive deep into your body, dissolving all the tension, armor and defenses you are holding on to unconsciously, it will bring you your wounds and pain which can be very uncomfortable. But it’s only in this state of discomfort where real healing happens, facing your fears and wounds.

That is the law of ascent and descent. The path towards awakening spirals up, down, in, out, back, and forth; expanding on all levels and bringing up everything. Anything that is asleep within us (unconscious) will be put under the spotlight of Truth.

You can only truly rise into higher levels of being as deep you are willing (or able) go into the shadow and darkness of yourself, revealing all trauma and wounds accumulated not only in this lifetimes but over lifetimes. We are also affected by ancestral/genetic trauma, “inherited” by our family line.

We are not only dealing with childhood trauma to varying degrees but past life traumas that are being re-activated in the current life as well for us to face and heal. That’s also why the western psychotherapeutic approach (while necessary and helpful to a degree) is limited because it only looks for the cause/creation point of a wound/trauma in your present life, most often in early childhood, related to your parents and upbringing. The intellectual recognition of your “issues” is also not enough and only the very beginning of a much deeper emotional and somatic inner process.

The inter-relationship between a specific cause and effect are never truly clear to us in our very limited mental perception. Hence we all can easily mistake symptoms for causes."
Bernhard Guenther ❤️

There still exist many defenses against the full experience of accumulated feelings in you. Keeping this in mind will help you to focus your attention and awareness upon these defenses to overcome them more and more. You can systematically lower the threshold of defending against your deep accumulated experiences which have become poisonous from not being released. These painful experiences cannot be released if they are not felt, known, expressed, and lived through as fully as possible.

When feelings stagnate, energy stagnates; and if energy stagnates, you cannot move. As you know, feelings are moving energy currents. They transform constantly from one set or type of feeling into another, as long as the energy flows freely. Not experiencing feelings stops the movement of those currents and therefore stops the living energy. The stagnation of energy currents traps not only feelings but concepts as well. You generalize from single occurrences and hold on to the resulting false beliefs. It is rare that stagnant feelings do not also include stagnant conceptualizations of life. These may exist in the deepest recesses of the soul, totally hidden from consciousness.

Over and over again you are entrapped in the cycle of reproducing the past in one way or another until you can summon the courage to choose to live through now what was not lived through before because of your defenses. You cannot come out of these repetitive cycles, no matter how good your intentions are and how much effort you use in other ways as a substitute for experiencing your feelings, unless you really fully reexperience your earlier feelings. You must cross the barrier behind which you still harbor deep feelings so tucked away that you are not at all aware of them. And for that reason, you can still delude yourself that unhappiness and bad moods just befall you out of nowhere, or that you have bad luck.

The human predicament is the dualistic split, which is nothing but a delusion of perception. This delusion has many facets, one facet being a split in the human consciousness itself. Human beings may feel one thing, believe another, and act without knowing how both these functions govern them. Lack of awareness of what you feel and what you really believe creates another manifestation of the split. When you unify knowing and feeling, you work toward mending and integration, which manifests as a wonderful new awakening and sense of wholeness.

When feelings are not experienced in their full intensity, the inner life flow must become stagnant. People will find themselves inexplicably paralyzed. Their actions will become ineffectual; life will seem to obstruct all their goals and desires. They find closed doors to realizing their talents, their needs, their selves. So-called laziness may be one manifestation of this paralysis. A lack of creativity or a feeling of general despair may be another. In this latter instance, people may often use a current event or difficulty to explain away their inner state. The truth is that a sense of futility and confusion about life and your role in it must envelop you when you resist living through the feelings you harbor; you go on harboring them because you delude yourself that avoiding the feelings will hurt you less than exposing them. There are many other manifestations.

The total experience of a feeling is as available as your willingness and readiness to venture into it. These feelings are often accumulations of centuries and millennia—not just decades. Each life incarnation presents the task of cleansing yourself by experiencing and understanding them. You are purified when there is no more waste material. After you terminate this life cycle, the conditions, circumstances, and environment of your next life into which you are drawn by an inexorable law of life will afford you the opportunity to bring to the fore any previously accumulated waste material. But memory of previous incarnations is blotted out, so that you have only this life’s past experiences to draw on.

The dimming of memory is a byproduct of the life/death cycle in which everyone is caught who denies feeling experience. When you go on denying awareness and refusing to feel the experience of what you have lived through in this very life, you perpetuate the process of dimming memory. Thus you perpetuate the cycle of dying and being born, and this process always manifests as a break in the continuity of awareness. Conversely, you eliminate this discontinuity of awareness, and with it the entire cycle of dying and being born, by living through whatever has accumulated from this life wherever it is possible to re-establish the links of memory. If all the feelings of this lifetime are fully experienced, all residual matter of previous lives will automatically be dealt with because the trauma of the now is only a trauma because the previous pains had been denied.

Fighting your feelings and defending against them creates a whole extra layer of experience that is alienated from your core and therefore artificial and more painful than the original experience it fights against.

Stating in your meditation your intent and wish to experience all accumulated feelings and rid yourself of waste is the best and most effective beginning. Through this meditational approach, energy is released that can be directed to this all-important purpose. You often persuade yourself that you lack the energy and the time to go into the depths of your feelings. At the same time you spend a lot of energy on other activities which may well seem more important at the moment. No matter how vitally important the other activities are, they can never be more important than this exploration, for attending to this life task is your true reason for living. In addition, it is the key to productive living for you right now.

Your spiritual self with all its joy, safety and peace is right behind the sadness and pain. It cannot be activated by a direct act of will, nor by practices and actions that leave out the necessity to experience all your feelings. But your spiritual center does manifest inexorably as a byproduct, the result of the direct act of will to go through your denied feelings.

Through these gateways you will find true life. All the many temptations that beckon you to follow paths which imply that it is possible to find the spiritual reality of yourself without going through these gateways are wishful thinking. There is no way around what has accumulated in you and has poisoned your whole system—your spiritual, your psychological, and often also your physical system. This poison can be eliminated only by feeling what you hoped you could avoid feeling. Then a new energy influx comes in ever greater measure. Many of you have experienced to some degree what I am saying here, and therein lies your growth. But you all have to go further in this regard. The self-punishment for hatred and spite, for cruelty and greed, for selfishness and one-sided demands upon others must be released so you can go into the terror of your fear, your shame, your pain. When you stop fighting this, you will become real, open, and truly alive.”

– from “Dissolving Your Fears – Importance of Experiencing All Feelings” by By Eva Pirrakos, Pathwork Lecture No. 190
I love this woman so much and I'm immensely grateful to be her partner. Her openness, vulnerability, honesty, and sincerity to dive deep into her own process with full self-responsibility has been truly inspiring and has helped to me get more in touch with my own vulnerability and wounds in order to heal. Her depth and ability to hold space with true embodied compassion has been like a balm for my soul and has made me a better man. The more we engage in this process together (which is certainly not easy at times), the stronger our love growths, using our relationship for alchemical inner transformation.

May this post of Laura and her picture from 6 years ago be a reminder that all of us suffer to varying degrees and most often try to cover it up in our social media presence (or in everyday life) with "happy" pics and selfies because we are too ashamed to show it or cannot even admit it to ourselves. You never know what is going on deep inside a person or what they are going through just by a picture alone or based on their public personality mask. May we be more compassionate not only with others but especially with ourselves.

We suppress our authenticity because we want to avoid the pain of not being loved. By suppressing our authenticity, we create suffering for ourselves. Then we get into situations in life, and relationships, which are not authentic, for the sake of attachment. Now, it's inevitable, almost inevitable in many situations, that if a person moved towards authenticity, it's going to create the pain of maybe losing or threatening an attachment. They are going to have to be able to handle that pain. If they can't handle that pain, they are going to stay suppressing their authenticity, which means they are going to create more suffering for themselves. So there is no painless authenticity."

~ Gabor Maté
Our new podcast episode is up:

The vast majority of people in the modern world are disconnected from their bodies and live in a very hard-centric existence. Official culture and the matrix keeps these people disembodied by design so that they are disconnected from their inner guidance and true creative power. Laura and Bernhard discuss this process of embodiment; which is reuniting body, mind, and spirit and how this brings us to heal the trauma stored in our bodies as we reconnect to it. Other topics in this episode include the importance of somatic meditation and other embodiment practices, the trap of over-focusing on the intellect, developing emotional intelligence, and the dangers of Transhumanism, A.I., and 5G interfering with the embodiment process.














Образование ума не прибавляет

Есть логика массовых процессов. И, разумеется, любая система старается личность превратить в социального индивида, но далеко не всегда это получается. По крайней мере, в зоне авраамических религий (иудаизма, христианства и ислама) это сделать очень трудно. Это легче сделать в индуизме и конфуцианстве, но в нашей зоне это сделать трудно, к счастью. Есть нечто, например, отношение с Абсолютом, что не укладывается в системные характеристики...




Интеллигент — это тот, чьи интересы к духовной стороне жизни настойчивы и постоянны, не понуждаемы внешними обстоятельствами и даже вопреки им. Интеллигент это тот, чья мысль не подражательна».Солженицын

План трансгуманистов по уничтожению человечества
Новая эволюционная утопия: трансгуманизм
Человек без личности и души
:Сегодня ученые, предприниматели, бизнесмены – все, кто определяет технический прогресс, – изменили условия формирования личности. Новые технологии вносят изменения во все сферы нашей жизни: производство, сферу услуг, гуманитарную сферу…
Они меняют уже не только сознание, но и самого человека. В том мире, который они создают, – а сейчас он уже постинформационный – мы подошли к такому этапу, когда объектом изменений является не природа, не окружающий нас мир, а человеческая личность.
Вместо человека-личности инициаторы этих перемен говорят о «человеческом ресурсе», «человеческом капитале». Они воспринимают нас исключительно как удобных производителей предметов и товаров, востребованных сегодня на рынке.
Все, что способствует формированию человека-потребителя, обладающего определенным набором «компетенций» для обслуживания транснационального бизнеса, – это приветствуется. А все, что не вписывается в этот подход, что способствует формированию человека как личности, – отрицается за ненадобностью.
То есть, происходит не просто духовное принижение человека – нас реально превращают в нечто совершенно иное.
И делают это не какие-то маргиналы – все развитие человечества повернуто в этом направлении. Я бы вообще использовала сейчас слово «прогресс» в негативном смысле, потому что техническое развитие неизбежно сопряжено с нравственным падением.
Вспомним хотя бы историю о создании Вавилонской башни…
Как строили каинитскую цивилизацию тысячелетия назад, так и продолжают это делать.
Причем все это – за счет уничтожения в человеке его духовного начала, его личности.
Сегодня эти тенденции достигли апогея, поэтому на слуху и становится все более распространенным понятие «трансгуманизм», являющееся концептуальной основой, определяющей, что есть человек.
Для трансгуманистов человек – это некое переходное звено к постчеловеку, лишенному своей духовной сущности.
Мы видим движение к постчеловечеству во всех областях: экономике, социальной политике, образовании, культуре, искусстве, здравоохранении. В медицине развивается подход к человеку как к биообъекту, набитому органами, которые можно использовать для трансплантации, разного рода генетических экспериментов.
Если бы человек воспринимался как самостоятельная личность, это все было бы невозможно. Традиционная система ценностей, морали и нравственности заменяется предельно практичной и гибкой для бизнеса биоэтикой.
И новое поколение, очевидно, будет воспринимать себя как «человеческий капитал» уже без всяких усилий и внушений сверху?
О.Ч.: Да, в этом ключевую роль играет перестройка образования. Точнее, о реформе или перестройке говорить даже глупо – речь идет о полном демонтаже старой системы. Еще в 2009 году авторы известного форсайт-проекта «Образование-2035», в частности, Дмитрий Песков, позже назначенный главой отделения «Молодые профессионалы» Агентства стратегических инициатив, изложили нам свои планы.
Фактически речь шла о том, что вся эпоха Нового времени, основавшая классическое образование, уже подошла к концу и образование в его нынешнем виде больше не нужно. Оно не отвечает потребностям технологического и информационного общества…
Технический директор Google Рэймонд Курцвейл
КР: Биотехнологии пока еще принимаются не так охотно – и в этом, думается, главная проблема глобалистов. Им же придется убеждать людей отдавать свое тело «в пользование» кибертехнологиям. Думается, кому-то по душе придутся истории о расширенных возможностях организма и мозга. Но будут ли такие существа полноценными людьми? О.Ч.: Трансгуманизм как раз занимается созданием антропоморфных существ, которые призваны заменить человека. Это происходит двумя путями: с одной стороны, человек превращается в киборга, c другой – роботов делают все более человекоподобными. Потом они сходятся в определенной точке, и вы уже не можете отличить человека от робота. На смену интернету приходит нейронет – единый мировой электронно-биологический мозг, который будет объединять всех пользователей. Об этих процессах прямо говорит президент Курчатовского института Михаил Ковальчук.
Таково главное стратегическое направление реформаторов.
Неслучайно нашу классическую Академию наук сегодня всячески теснят и прессуют.

This woman is telling half truth, artificial unnatural Religion is part of Trans humanism , zombification program.

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