ვილჰელმ რაიხის სომატური (სხეულის) ვეგეტოთერაპია
ავტორისგან: ჩვენ არ შეგვიძლია ყველა სირთულის სიტყვებით გამოთქმა. ჩვენდა საბედნიეროდ, მუშაობს ცნობიერების ცენზურა. მეტყველებითი ფორმულირების ამგვარი პრობლემების გამოსწორებას შეიძლება წლები დასჭირდეს. მაგრამ სხეულს შეუძლია პირდაპირ თქვას ამის შესახებ. ეს არ ნიშნავს, რომ სხეულით ჩვენ შეგვიძლია ყველაფრის გაკეთება, რაც მოგვესურვება. მაგრამ შესაძლებელია ფსიქოლოგიური რელაქსაციის გამოცდილების მიღება სპეციალური, სხეულზე ორიენტირებული ტექნიკის საშუალებით. ვ. რაიხმა თერაპია ფრიც პერლზს და ალექსანდრ ლოუენს ჩაუტარა, რომლებიც მოგვიანებით გახდნენ თერაპიული მიმართულების დამფუძნებლები. ცნობილმა ფსიქოანალიტიკოსმა და წიგნების ავტორმა კარენ ჰორნიმ აღნიშნა, რომ რაიხთან ურთიერთობამ სტიმული მისცა მის მრავალ იდეას.
ადამიანის ფსიქიკური და სხეულებრივი ბუნება ერთიანია, და ყველაფერი, რაც ფსიქიკურ სამყაროში ხდება, ადამიანის სხეულში აისახება. ადამიანის სხეულთან, კერძოდ, მასში დაგროვილ ფსიქიკურ დაძაბულობასთან მუშაობის დროს, შესაძლებელია მისი რელაქსაციის გამოწვევა, შებოჭილი ენერგიის გათავისუფლება და ამით ინდივიდის ფსიქოლოგიური პრობლემების გადაჭრა. საკუთარი სხეულის გაცნობიერების და განცდის სფეროს უბრალო გაზრდამაც კი, რომელიც სხეულთან არის დაკავშირებული, შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს მეტად სერიოზული ფსიქოლოგიური პრობლემების მოხსნა.
ვ. რაიხი სამართლიანად ითვლება სხეულის თერაპიის ფუძემდებლად. მან მოღვაწეობა დაიწყო, როგორც „მესამე ტალღის“ ფსიქოანალიტიკოსმა, ზ. ფროიდის ერთ-ერთმა საუკეთესო მოწაფემ. მოგვიანებით ის გამოეყო ფსიქოანალიტიკურ სკოლას და შექმნა თავისი მიმართულება სახელწოდებით სომატური ვეგეტოთერაპია. მისი მოსწავლეები იყვნენ ალექსანდრე ლოუენი, რომელმაც შექმნა სხეულის ბიოენერგეტიკული ანალიზი, და ფრიც პერლზი, რომელიც გეშტალტთერაპიის ფუძემდებელი გახდა.
რაიხი პოსტულირებდა ე.წ. ორგონული ენერგიის არსებობას, რომელიც თავისუფლად ცირკულირებდა მთელს სხეულში, რაც ჯანსაღი ორგანიზმის და ფსიქიკის ფუნქციონირების საფუძველია.
რაიხის აზრით, ორგონული ენერგია ბუნებრივად მიედინება ხერხემლის გასწვრივ, ზევით და ქვევით, აგრეთვე სხეულის ცენტრიდან პერიფერიაზე და უკან. კუნთების ქრონიკული დაძაბულობა, რომელიც იცავს უსიამოვნო განცდებისგან, ბლოკავს ორგონული ენერგიის თავისუფალ დინებას სხეულში კუნთების ჯავშანის რგოლებით, რომლებიც წარმოიქმნება სხეულში ენერგეტიკის ნაკადის პერპენდიკულარულად და შეესაბამება ცვლილებებს პიროვნებაში. კუნთების ეს ქრონიკული ბლოკირება ერთობლივად შეადგენს „კუნთების ჯავშანს“ ან „ხასიათის ჯავშანს“. ადამიანის ხასიათი შეესაბამება იმ კუნთების დაძაბულობას, რომელიც ჩამოყალიბდა და შენარჩუნებულია მის სხეულში და განაპირობებს დამახასიათებელ, ანუ სტერეოტიპულ (შაბლონურ) რეაქციას გარე სამყაროზე. ამდენად, ხასიათი და მისი მუდმივად თანმხლები კუნთების ბლოკირება ასრულებს დაცვით ფუნქციებს გარე სამყაროს არაპროგნოზირებადობასა და საფრთხეებისგან, გამოდის როგორც საკუთარი აღმკვეთი შინაგანი იმპულსების შეკავების საშუალება, რომელიც არ არის დაშვებული სოციალურ გარემოში.
როდესაც ადამიანი შებოჭილია დამცავი ჯავშნით, იგი კარგავს სპონტანურობას და ბუნებრიობას, მისი რეაქცია გარე სამყაროზე ხდება შაბლონური და მექანიკური, იგი კარგავს ღრმად და გულწრფელად გრძნობის, გრძნობების ღიად გამოხატვის, სიახლოვის ჭეშმარიტად განცდის, ცხოვრებისგან და სექსუალური კონტაქტისგან სიამოვნების მიღების უნარს. ის თავად ხდება მისი კუნთების ჯავშანის პატიმარი, რომელიც ცხოვრების ადრეულ პერიოდში დაცვის სახით შეიქმნა. რაიხის აზრით, ხასიათის ჯავშანი საფუძველს უყრის მარტოობას, უმწეობას, ავტორიტეტების მუდმივ ძიებას, პასუხისმგებლობის შიშს, მისტიკურ (ეზოთერულ) მისწრაფებებს, სექსუალურ ტანჯვას, უძლურ მეამბოხეობას, ისევე როგორც არაბუნებრივი, პათოლოგიური ტიპების მორჩილებას.
რაიხი კუნთოვან ჯავშანს შვიდ სეგმენტად ჰყოფს, რომლებიც განთავსებულია თვალების, პირის ღრუს, კისრის, გულმკერდის, დიაფრაგმის, მუცლისა და მენჯის არეში. თითოეულ სეგმენტს შეუძლია შეაჩეროს ან აღკვეთოს გარკვეული გრძნობები (ემოციები) ან ქმედებები.
1. თვალები. დამცავი ჯავშანი თვალების გარშემო გამოიხატება შუბლის უძრაობასა და თვალების „უაზრო“ გამომეტყველებაში, რომლებიც თითქოს უმოძრაო ნიღაბიდან იყურებიან. რელაქსაცია მიიღწევა თვალების ისე ფართოდ გახელით, როგორიც კი ეს შესაძლებელია (მაგალითად, შიშის დროს), რათა მოხდეს ქუთუთოების და შუბლის მობილიზება იძულებული ემოციური გამოხატვის, ასევე თვალების აქეთ-იქით ტრიალის და თითოეულ კედელზე დაფიქსირების გზით.
2. პირის ღრუ. ორალური სეგმენტი მოიცავს ნიკაპის, ყელისა და კეფის კუნთებს. ყბა შეიძლება იყოს ან ძალიან შეკუმშული ან არაბუნებრივად მოდუნებული. ეს სეგმენტი ინარჩუნებს ტირილის, ყვირილის, აღშფოთების, კბენის, წუწნის, გრიმასის ემოციურ გამოხატულებას. დამცავი დაძაბულობა შეიძლება შესუსტდეს ტირილის იმიტაციის, ბგერების წარმოთქმის გზით, რომლებიც ახდენენ ტუჩების და მბგერი იოგების მობილიზებას, კბენის, გულის ასარევი მოძრაობების დახმარებით და პირდაპირი ზეგავლენით კუნთების დამჭერებზე.
3. კისერი. ეს სეგმენტი მოიცავს კისრის და ენის ღრმა კუნთებს. ის ძირითადად აფერხებს რისხვას, ყვირილს და ტირილს. პირდაპირი ზეგავლენა კუნთებზე კისრის სიღრმეში არ არის შესაძლებელი, ამიტომ მოდუნების მნიშვნელოვანი საშუალებაა ყვირილი, ტირილი, გულის ასარევი მოძრაობები და ა.შ.
4. გულმკერდი. გულმკერდის სეგმენტი მოიცავს მხრების, ბეჭის ფართო კუნთებს, მთელს გულმკერდს და ხელებს მტევნებით. ეს სეგმენტი აფერხებს სიცილს, რისხვას, მწუხარებას, ვნებას. სუნთქვის შეკავება ნებისმიერი ემოციის ჩახშობის მნიშვნელოვანი საშუალებაა და ძირითადად ხორციელდება გულმკერდში. ამ სეგმენტის ჯავშანი შეიძლება მოდუნდეს სუნთქვაზე მუშაობის შედეგად, განსაკუთრებით ღრმად ჩასუნთქვის საშუალებით. ხელები და მტევნები გამოიყენება ზუსტი დარტყმის მისაყენებლად, რათა გაანადგუროს, დაახრჩოს, დაარტყას იმისათვის, რომ რაღაცას მიაღწიოს.
5. დიაფრაგმა. ეს სეგმენტი მოიცავს დიაფრაგმას, მზის წნულს, სხვადასხვა შინაგან ორგანოებს, ხერხემლის ქვედა მალების კუნთებს. დამცავი დაძაბვა გამოხატულია ხერხემლის წინ გაღუნვაში. როდესაც კლიენტი წევს, ზურგის ქვედა ნაწილსა და ტახტს შორის მნიშვნელოვანი შუალედია. ამოსუნთქვა უფრო რთულია, ვიდრე ჩასუნთქვა. ჯავშანი ძირითადად აფერხებს ძლიერ გაღიზიანებას. საჭიროა, რაც შეიძლება მეტად, პირველი ოთხი სეგმენტის მოდუნება, რათა დიაფრაგმაში დამჭერებზე მუშაობა იყოს შედეგიანი. ამ სეგმენტში მუშაობა ხორციელდება სუნთქვის და გულის არევის რეფლექსთან მუშაობის საშუალებით (ამ სეგმენტში ძლიერი ბლოკის მქონე ადამიანები პრაქტიკულად ვერ ახერხებენ გულის არევას).
6. მუცელი. მუცლის სეგმენტი მოიცავს მუცლის ფართო კუნთებს და ზურგის კუნთებს. წელის კუნთების დაძაბვა დაკავშირებულია თავდასხმის შიშთან. გვერდებზე დამცავი ჯავშანი ქმნის ღიტინის შიშს და უკავშირდება გაბრაზების და სიძულვილის აღკვეთას. რელაქსაცია ხდება ადვილად, თუ ზედა სეგმენტი უკვე გახსნილია.
7. მენჯი. ბოლო სეგმენტი მოიცავს მენჯის და ქვედა კიდურების ყველა კუნთს. რაც უფრო ძლიერია დამცავი ჯავშანი, მით უფრო გაწეულია უკან მენჯი. დუნდულების კუნთები დაძაბულია და მტკივნეული. მენჯი რეგიდულია, ის „მკვდარია“ და არასექსუალური. მენჯის ჯავშანი ემსახურება აღგზნების, აღშფოთების და სიამოვნების აღკვეთას. აღგზნება (ან შფოთვა) წარმოიშობა სექსუალური სიამოვნების შეგრძნებისგან. ამ სფეროში სიამოვნების განცდა შეუძლებელია, ვიდრე მენჯის კუნთებში აგზნება არ შეწყდება. ჯავშანის მოხსნა შეიძლება მენჯის დაძაბულობის გზით, შემდეგ კი ფეხების ქნევით და ტახტზე მენჯის დარტყმით.
ქრონიკულად დაძაბული სეგმენტების რელაქსაცია ჩვეულებრივ მიმდინარეობს ზემოდან ქვემოთ.
კუნთოვანი ჯავშნის რელაქსაცია ადამიანს მის პირვანდელ ბუნებაში აბრუნებს, როდესაც ის განიცდის გულწრფელ სიამოვნებას, სიცოცხლისუნარიანობას, ხდება უფრო თავისუფალი და გახსნილი, შეუძლია მიიღოს სრული სექსუალური კმაყოფილება.
შეიძლება ითქვას, რომ კუნთების ჯავშანის არმქონე ადამიანს არ აქვს ხასიათი, ის სიტუაციებზე რეაგირებს სპონტანურად და შემოქმედებითად, და არა სტერეოტიპულად. ხასიათი ხომ, პირველ რიგში, წარმოადგენს ჩვენს ხარვეზებს და შეზღუდვებს ადეკვატურ ჯანმრთელობაზე. თავის კვლევებში რაიხმა აღმოაჩინა, რომ კუნთოვანი ჯავშნის სრული მოდუნების შედეგად ადამიანები იცვლიან თავის ყოფასა და ცხოვრების წესს, მიმდინარეობს ღრმა ფსიქოლოგიური ცვლილებები.
ქრონიკული კუნთოვანი დაჭიმულობა ბლოკავს სამ ძირითად ბიოლოგიურ აგზნებას: შიშს (შფოთვას), რისხვას და სექსუალურ აგზნებას.
მუსკულატურის რიგიდულობა აღკვეთის პროცესის სომატური (სხეულის) მხარე და მისი შემდგომი არსებობის საფუძველია. გარკვეული გრძნობების ღიად გამოხატვის აკრძალვა იწვევს აღკვეთის მექანიზმის გაძლიერებას, ქმნის კუნთოვან ფენებს და ავიწროვებს მას.
სხეულის თერაპიაში თვითგამოხატვის ფორმა და ქცევა აღიქმება, როგორც უფრო მნიშვნელოვანი პარამეტრები იმასთან შედარებით, რასაც ადამიანი გამოხატავს სიტყვით. ეს პოსტულატი ასევე გადავიდა სხვა თერაპიულ სისტემებში. სიტყვებს შეუძლია მოტყუება. გამოხატვის გზა არასდროს ცრუობს.
ფსიქოლოგიური ზრდა წარმოადგენს ფიზიკური და ფსიქოლოგიური ჯავშანის რელაქსაციის პროცესს (რადგან ერთმანეთის იდენტურია).
What follows are some excerpts from Paul Levy's article "The Mind Parasites of Colin Wilson: Fiction or Reality?" (link at bottom). A lot of it goes in line with my essay "Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life": https://veilofreality.com/…/timeline-reality-split-frequen…/
One important issue that is addressed in Levy's article is how "wetiko" (hyperdimensional occult forces) specifically target people who are in the process of "waking up" and also distract (and attack) people who are learning about (and expose) the "topic of all topics" and who the real (hidden) controllers of the Matrix are.
These distractions relate very much to the ever rising short attention span epidemic with people not being able to focus or hold attention to read longer articles and then even complain about it and want truth to be "spoon-feed" in sound bytes and summaries. I've written about that in my essay from the point of view of how society is being conditioned with this lack of focus and attention span through technological over-stimulation.
However, the root of this "short-attention span" epidemic is wetiko, the predator working through people's minds and distracting them. In other words, if you have trouble focusing or reading longer articles or even books, in particular about this topic, it is a sign that "the matrix has you" and the "predator" is working through you to vector you away from the truth while also installing all kinds of excuses of why you can't hold the attention or don't have the "time" to get into it, and then taking that "suggestion" as your own. That's also how the "alien mind virus" becomes normalized. Or you are being distracted or attacked by others who act as "portals" through which wetiko is working as well. These kind of distractions/attacks are actually signs that you are on the right track and serve as a teaching function from a higher (esoteric) perspective to test your sincerity, will, and effort to seek truth. Attacks can also happen through one's own mind to install the "self-destruct suicide program" which Levy talks about in his article as well.
Having said that, here are some "lengthy" quotes from the article to read if you can hold the attention ;-). Make sure to read the whole article below as well.
"It became clear that Weissman had been doing an exploration inside of his own mind, and he was beginning to realize that there was something “alien”—an “autonomous other”—living inside of him that appeared to have its own independent will that was resisting his inner investigations. To quote Weissman, “I became aware that certain inner forces were resisting my researches;” it was as if these inner forces didn’t want to be illumined. This wasn’t a passive form of resistance; whatever these inner forces were, they were involved in active resistance, as if being discovered was their worst nightmare.
Relying on “ignorance to keep the human race in chains,” these negative forces not only feed off of our ignorance, they actively promote it. Weissman was beginning to realize that these inner forces were simultaneously feeding off, reinforcing and hiding within his unawareness, as if his psychic blind-spots were the open doorway through which these forces insinuated themselves into his psyche. Weissman wrote, “I knew why it was so important to them that no one should suspect their existence. Man possesses more than enough power to destroy them all. But so long as he is unaware of them, they can feed on him, like vampires, sucking away his energy.”
Austin writes that “they had also established themselves at a deep level of the human psyche, where they could ‘drink’ the energies that human beings draw from their wellspring of vitality.” The main channel through which these vampires work is consciousness, or more specifically, our lack thereof.
These darker forces will do everything in their power to avoid being “outed,” including trying to inspire the person who is onto them to turn self-destructively on themselves in suicide. When someone gets close to illuminating these darker forces, they can obscure the person’s connection to their intrinsic life-affirming creativity so that their creative life-force turns against itself and gets acted out self-destructively, potentially even resulting, in extreme cases, in suicide. This puts Weissman’s suicide in a deeper context, as his act of self-destruction becomes more comprehensible once we see what he was in the process of exposing. Getting closer to the light within ourselves simultaneously illumines these vampiric forces and catalyzes them, as being illumined is their worst nightmare, which is to say that the closer we get to the light, the more fearsome the forces of darkness can appear.
This can help us to understand the known psychological fact that the greatest danger for suicide is right before someone is going to have a breakthrough. Demons typically make their worst stink right before they are vanquished. This understanding can also help us to re-contextualize when we experience seemingly darker forces getting evoked in our mind-streams. For example, when we feel “attacked” by what seem to be the darker forces of the psyche, instead of interpreting this as evidence confirming how screwed up we are, we can realize that this is an expression that we are getting closer to the light within ourselves; shadows are not merely the absence of light, but are also an expression of its presence. In other words, the more light there is, the more the darkness becomes activated and visible. Since the darker forces want to derail us from our path, we can learn to understand that their manifestation is a reflection of exactly the opposite—that we are on our right path. We tend to think of illumination as “seeing the light,” but “seeing the darkness” is also a form of illumination.
Weissman writes, “What I had discovered was, of course, so fantastic that it could not be grasped by the unprepared mind.” What Weissman had stumbled onto—that there were negative forces in-forming and shaping humanity’s mind so as to compel us to unconsciously act out their agenda, all the while hiding themselves from being seen, sounded crazy, absolutely crazy, to people who subscribe to the agreed-upon consensus reality—which unfortunately, is most of humanity. Weissman’s realization was too much for the “unprepared mind” to take in; what he was pointing at creates too much of a shock—is too traumatic—for most people. Weissman was realizing that if our species continued to stay asleep to what was actually happening, that these negative forces could potentially destroy our species. He wrote, “In some way, the human race has to be made aware of its danger.”
Reflecting on the position he found himself in as he tried to communicate his discovery to others, Weissman writes that it is “more probable that people would simply dismiss me as insane.” For when someone has seen these mind-parasites, which is to be in touch with a deeper level of our basic sanity, to the ones still afflicted by and unconscious of these entities—i.e., the majority of our species—the one who is pointing out what is actually happening is typically seen as insane. I can totally relate to Weissman’s predicament; it is as if he is describing the situation I’ve found myself in for most of my life.
In his journal Weissman writes, “the human mind has been constantly a prey to these energy vampires. In a few cases, the vampires have been able completely to take over a human mind and use it for their own purposes.” These vampires can possess someone, who unwittingly becomes their secret agent—their secret being secret even to themselves—as they then become the channel through which these higher-dimensional forces actually enter into our third-dimensional reality and enact their seemingly counter-evolutionary agenda. The person so possessed—without being aware of their depraved circumstance in the slightest—becomes a marionette on a string, the human instrument for these nonhuman darker forces of deception to act themselves out in our world.
Having our minds co-opted and taken over by these “energy vampires” can happen (in small or big ways) to anyone of us at any given moment in time—e.g., when any of us unconsciously acts out our unhealed abuse, indulges in our addictive behaviors, speaks falsely, or succumbs to “groupthink,” to use just a few examples.
Most of humanity is being influenced by “hidden” (which is one of the meaning of the word “occult”) forces operating deep within our unconscious minds in ways that profoundly impoverish the quality of our awareness, all the while not having the slightest realization that this diminishment is even happening. These malevolent forces occlude us in such a way that our occlusion becomes self-perpetuating, the result being that we can’t even tell we are occluded. Once our mind is “programmed”—massaged into shape—by the mind parasites, we become more like automatons and zombies than creatively alive human beings. Speaking of people who have fallen under the thrall of these sinister forces, Austin comments that they “were moving mechanically – mere chess men in the hands of the mind parasites.” If we ask people in the grips of the mind parasites why they are acting out in the unconscious habitual way they are, they will often have a ready-made rationalization and justification. Their “cover-story” unknowingly serves the agenda of the mind parasites, as it camoflauges these sinister entities’ operations within their own minds so that they continue to remain ignorant of the source of their own impulses, thoughts, beliefs and actions.
Austin writes, “once a human being has been ‘conditioned’ by the mind parasites, he is like a clock that has been wound up; he only requires attention once every year or so.
Groups of people so conditioned can easily enact their inner state of fear and limitation in such a way that they police themselves, acting as their own control system—they then become complicit in keeping each other asleep. Anyone snapping out of the programming is seen as a threat by those still under its spell. Most people become so accustomed to their confinement—it seems “normal,” just the way things are—and not knowing anything different, they easily become complacent, satisfied and actually “happy” with their current state of limitation, confusing it with freedom, thinking they are simply being in touch with “the real world.”
Weissman writes, “it is so important for the mind vampires to keep their presence unknown, to drain man’s lifeblood without his being aware of it. A man who defeats the mind vampires becomes doubly dangerous to them, for his forces of self-renewal have conquered. In such cases, the vampires probably attempt to destroy him in another way – by trying to influence other people against him.”
They organize themselves—be it through creating inner or outer obstacles—so as to oppose any effort (including this very article) that brings attention to their stealth operations to larger circles of people.
When someone begins to wake up, it is as if the forces of darkness, through the “control system” built into society and its institutionalized structures—which have become internalized within people’s minds—becomes alerted and mobilized in such a way as to make sure the person who is becoming aware of the operations of these inner adversaries and beginning to remember who they are gets taken back down, silenced, and put back to sleep. The mind parasites are able to “draft” unsuspecting others to become portals through which these forces can exert their influence into our world so as to seduce, distract or obstruct us from our path. People who are asleep to these nefarious forces unknowingly become enlisted to be the zombie-like foot-soldiers of the mind parasites, unwittingly serving their agenda of making sure no one steps out of line.
As the drama unfolds, at a press conference in which Dr. Austin was trying to alert the world to the danger it faced, he said, “Our aim today is to warn the people of the earth about a greater menace than they have ever faced…. These forces are more dangerous than any yet known to the human race because they are invisible, and are capable of attacking the human mind directly. They are able to destroy the sanity of any individual they attack, and to cause suicide. They are also capable of enslaving certain individuals and of using them for their own purposes.” It gets my attention that the very situation that Wilson is describing through his fictional narrative is actually getting mirrored by the deeper process that is currently playing out in our world—darker forces, covertly operating in the shadows, attempting to enslave humanity. This isn’t a paranoid conspiracy theory, but is hidden in plain sight, visible to all who have developed the (inner) eyes to see. Weissman continues, “their [the mind parasites’] role is to take over a man’s mind, and to cause him to become an enemy of life and of the human race.”
Weissman wrote, “Now I suspect that these mind vampires specialize in finding races who have almost reached this point of evolution, who are on the brink of achieving a new power, and then feeding on them until they have destroyed them.” In addition to the weak and defenseless, these psychic vampires seek out people who are on the verge of a quantum, evolutionary leap in consciousness, but have not yet fully integrated their realizations and stabilized themselves in the higher, more coherent level of consciousness that they are beginning to access. These individuals are in an energetically sensitive and “charged” condition, and their openness and vulnerability invites these vampiric entities to gorge on the light of their prey’s expanding awareness, thereby preventing them from having enough energy to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. Like moths attracted to the light of a flame, these darker forces are particularly attracted to people who are actively engaged in consciousness raising activities, seeking truth, and speaking out about it with the intention of helping to awaken others.
Continuing his articulation of these mind parasites, Weissman continues, “It is not their actual intention to destroy – because once they have done this, they are forced to seek another host. Their intention is to feed for as long as possible on the tremendous energies generated by the evolutionary struggle.”
As he was beginning to realize the intent of these mind parasites, Weissman continues, “Their purpose, therefore, is to prevent man from discovering the worlds inside himself, to keep his attention directed outwards.” The strategy of these predators is to distract us so as to keep our attention directed outside of ourselves, thereby stopping us from finding and utilizing the immense light of intrinsic awareness within ourselves, which would “kill” the vampires by rendering them impotent.
Austin writes that “their chief power seems to lie in their ability to unbalance the mind.” Either creating or feeding off of the natural potentiality of the psyche for dissociation, it is as if the mind parasites split the mind and compel a one-sidedness where we lose touch with our intrinsic wholeness and the full spectrum of possibilities that are always available to us. Inspiring and then feeding off of the resultant polarization, the mind parasites exploit, take advantage of, piggyback on and encourage people’s unconscious tendency to project their shadow outside of themselves. To quote Austin, the mind parasites “keep man looking for his enemies outside himself.”
Austin continues, “the chief weapon of the parasites was a kind of ‘mind-jamming device’ that could be loosely compared to a radar-jamming device.” It was when the mind parasites knew a person was “onto them” that they would use whatever measures were at their disposal to obfuscate themselves so as to keep their covert operations hidden. Austin writes, “The parasites had always used this ‘obstructing’ method against the human race – deliberately distracting the mind when it begins to get to grips with its own secrets.”
Whenever anyone would get too close to discovering their ploy, these parasitic entities would try—through their connections to the person’s unconscious mind—to disorient them, diverting them from their path".
- Paul Levy, from http://www.awakeninthedream.com/mind-parasites-of-colin-wi…/
From whole justice systems to whole military systems to Olympics, whole Hollywood, music industry to the very global church spanning the whole globe and we are only trying individuals. This case of Olympics doctor was possible without a full network? 2 CEO's have stepped down in this case. Who was making these visits mandatory? When are we going to start to try the rings and networks behind and between the individuals doing this. When is the whole organization implicated? And beyond? What would it mean if the whole church is implicated and not individual priests at this rampant scale ? Can our justice system try whole systems and orgs and itself?
Ok lastly about the peace they calling. There can be no peace before justice. Neither outside nor inside. U c justice is making it right with the inner repressed and suppressed part of ourselves. The inner homeless and sexually abused part of us we drug numb to not feel. Peace before justice is done to our shadow is bliss-out not real peace. What God unite man cannot separate. The shadow will come back and bring down the deceiver in us from within. That's when we meditate to get peace from our anxiety. So how can that be real peace if it is based on placing the shadow (anxiety) part of me under embargo? That's not real peace. Meditation for peace as a means to cut off the shadow is like war for peace: an oxymoron or lie (self deception). The real peace comes after justice or the shadow work of self honesty. Look this old church is in its last convulsions. It's last show 4 the blind of soul. Remember it says when they say: Peace and safety (outside while inside the cup is full of rats and filthy); then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape their shadow.
SPELEN MET HET RECHT: Using Laws to Benefit Oneself
Only a totally dissociated split mind can compartmentalize the whole thing in a way like this. u see the big trick in the law is if u can't "prove" something it doesn't exist. This is where the criminal law (strafrecht) stands squarely in the way of all commonsense of the direct cause and murder of an innocent man. even though he and everyone else sees the truth the compartmentalized legal mind (OM/Hoofdofficier van Justitie) says here: "Maar het is stragrechtelijk/juridisch het enige verhaal wat wij kunnen vetellen". I have never heard this many oxymorons in such a short period. this is the height of compartmentalized oxymoronic thinking where all moral commonsense and every possible reality is separated form the strafrechtelijke (criminal law) bubbel ... what I have been studying for a long while now is the effect of legal training on the legal mind, desensitizing it from feeling Justice, which is here graphically shown to be a "hoogstand" (masterpiece) in compartmentalization and the use of laws to find all possible loopholes to obstruct justice and benefit the police officers here. we must look very keenly at what we are doing in this field of training legal minds. if u feel strong about justice this is an outrage. The real question begged here is what happens that after mastering this area of law (strafrecht) all feeling and sense of justice is lost?
Love is The true Justice of the shadow
In lieu of teaching true (sense of) self at universities (and in this case in particular Law), much based on the difference between (and how we use) consensus corporate) versus (true) democracy: lawyers act it like a role in movie. Than after go home to have a cigar and a beer. The curriculum (Law) has become learning the script. But do we really feel justice? The painful truth is that without a true Self we become very much cartoon figures void of real reality.
Politics is not law or the law, politics is more or a circle.
The law can never be what one applies to another. The one and only real Law is that WE (not God) via our own shadow make ourselves feel and live what we do onto others
Studying Law makes u more evil
U see the true law is
the Hand of God
look politics is just the equivalent of a relationship between 2 people/parties. The deeper dimensions of this relationship are deeply psychological. Law will not fix a steadily deteriorating relationship. Lawyers come into the pic to structurize the war and exit/divorce. Their tools are to escalate and or force agreements etc. To really fix severely damaged relationships and heal, cause most of these conflicts are really fraught with unconscious historical complexes, real depth psychology/therapy/mediation is needed. quantum physics and complex mathematics understand the dynamics of circular or spiral processes. And only depth psychology can get at them from within.
circle means spiral dynamics which is indeed boomerang but thus all of the deeper processes of/underlying boomerang...and thus projection of historical unresolved trauma (or thus historische psychologische erfenis or bagage) and how they toxify relationships and make win win's impossibly etc etc etc. let me just say this: the kingdom crisis is muuuuuuch deeper than a budget problem... that's just the point of eruption for deep unresolved stuff to erupt out like a Tsunami or Volcano
Touching the shadow is deep compassion with parts of ourselves we avoid with all we have. Up to now we've heard of having compassion for others but this work is having compassion with rejected parts of ourselves or parts we at all costs avoid seeing.
I mean can I really have compassion for You if I can't walk in the shoes of parts of myself? see, compassion is not trying to fix or change these parts in me. It's really the opposite of cutting off and rejection. There's no cognitive understanding in shadow work. understanding really separates u from what u are trying to understand. Shadow work is really standing in the shoes of the shadow as in compassion or as in art where we become part of what we are relating to. Like we can't sing a song about depression if we not depressed. Understanding is really still a form of voyeurism. shadow work is more a deeper knowing by becoming something, feeling deep respect and connection to deeply repressed inner parts not knowing it from outside which really disconnects like when we study something. It's indwelling in a part of ourselves not even we ourselves want to see or feel. So shadow work is not feeding the poor; it's feeling poverty. U see feeding the poor is still running from the deep experience of poverty and loss. Shadow work is Not knowing laws out there but feeling what it is like to be treated unjustly. It's not understanding the distraught, it's feeling what it is like to be hopeless. These repressed parts in us seek not to be fixed, but to be heard and innerstood. That's what heals. U see this is what ur shadow is really wanting u to feel deeply within and out of the dreams. It's being fully naked and not using anything to cover up or make up whatever u are down in the undercurrents of that detached cognitive knowing feeling. This is why it is deep knowing...by embodying and experiencing...and nothing that can be caught neatly in a Q&A format. But where the questioner deeply touches and embodies the answer in oneself.
"when people try to rationalize something that is, they're merely projecting themselves and their insecurities onto it.
TO SPEAK of death, Greek uses a masculine noun: Thanatos. In figural representations Thanatos appears, together with his brother Hupnos, Sleep, as a man in the prime of life, ..
.“Thanatos” is inherently masculine, “ Mors” is inherently feminine, and “Letus” is inherently neuter. So again, the best fit ...
Funny to hear Pres O say the justice system is unjust and talk about it as some thing/system fully like something separate from people as being unjust while it is racist people running this system that make it unjust? its like speaking of debt but not the people making the debt. Can we speak of an unjust justice system so separate from the people running this system?
Beyond Reactive Mind
Precious metals are perfectly transparent and inherent. U have nothing to hide when u r living not reflexive but reflective.. when living in reflex mode u will always be opaque and dense... When living by the law in the book u will always be a liar. With real world (in quote) i don't mean the fake scripted world. that world has short-breath and its time has come. We are living in the apocalypse which means everything concealed is coming out like a great tsunami. For that fake world will treat u contrary to ur actions. I mean with world in the quote the real world which cannot be contrived with machinations and conspiracies.... for those dealings with that fake contrived conspiring world "it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. Because how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God." (1P)
this is so incredibly sad and tragic: Look what we are doing to our children. The soldier/vet says he has murdered over 40 people. The shadow will make it impossible to live after this (post trauma). @2:14: "I pee at night from post trauma. He comes to me and says: Why did u kill me? Why did u kill me? Can u function the day after something like this? Can u eat? Can u succeed in life?". In the post below this one of the brave girl speaking out to Obama regarding using young men via drones to kill innocent people we get another glimpse of how you cannot make young people do this. both the killer and the killed are killed here. look at this man in this video than look at video below (will repost it in comment here.). I think pres. Ob had no choice, the shadow spoke here via this woman. How can we authorise our own children to murder our brothers abroad and we give capital punishment for murder of one civilian of another civilian in one country?
Both attacking and defending is reacting. Whenever you react or do anything externally triggered: out of fear for punishment or lust for rewards (grades or sweets), u are alienating urself from ur vital self and vital force. And operating remote controlled by external forces via highly fragmented controllable aspects of ur mind.
Lately we are witnessing more and more public suicides. People and animals committing suicide in public. Here an orca attempts suicide in public. The keeping captive of Gorillas or whales etc is criminal. But beyond that (more from the inside) the teaching of circus tricks to these majestic beings (which goes for any kind of forcing to 'mimmic' something from the outside or tricks) is abuse. U see its always done with punishment or reward...and is mind control thus. The deeper pain is that this also goes for a large part of our schools and society at large. Teaching any thing from without or what we call nowadays skills: is a circus trick. Only the inner gift (talent) sets free.. It cannot unfold in a circus or zoo... It can only be cultivated in a garden from within. For the so-manieth time we do this to these majestic creatures which represent our true Self because we do it to our (true) selves. We are the only species which has mass self incarcerated ourselves. This is why we are witnessing mass suicide on the planet. A whole planet has become suicidal...if we realise how we are destroying our own abode... we must read the inner meaning of these collective events/tragedies. the human species has become suicidal... Sooner or later everything imprisonment will become suicidal
Punishing errors is the Highway to never Learning
At this point in time, which is by all records an end of cycle, the biggest fear is to realize we are powerful (not in the phallic sense) beyond measure. Most of the resistance we find wihtin and by others is driven by fear to see that we are able to be free and untouchable by disease and any foe, from within. From Henley's Invictus:
"...Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
It's time to wake up humans and realize who you trully are...
yes real greatness is what we fear. the control of the masculine pole is grandiosity. this we desire, but when it comes to really advancing it is much easier to fail it.
the grandiosity of the masculine side is control, real greatness is letting go and surrendering...
he aim is to not only prevent criminal behavior,
but to predict it too" This is not only the beginning of a police state but its predictive programing cause what u expect u will also create. The society that gets pulled into this bubble has gotten lost in a projection bubble and is not in touch anymore with reality. You see this is a society with no self awareness. cause if not they would realize that a fine line is crossed here where prediction and expectation start to create reality itself
Ok 10 beasts on u beating the life out u but u died of acute stress. If I were the Dutch police chief I would take self responsibility here cause the price u will pay for this in credibility and integrity is self murder (suicide) compared to getting away with murder. Sometimes it's wise to just take the fall
When the police arrests 200 people at a time for protesting against an institutional form of racism u know a great true shadow wave of awakening is sweeping over the world
U cannot control a child if u have lost control in the process of trying to control the child that is out of control. If a parent loses control in trying to bring order to the child, the parent is really the one who lost (control) here. This goes also for police using excessive force to control and bring order to out of control persons or situations. In this case on applying the law; the police focused too much on the other looses all sight and control on self. Also in this sense; if terrorists get u to overreact and even engage in war they have psychologically and technically won. I will become like the one u hunting down. The current model is all in reverse.
f premonitions exist...we exist in a dream world". What he (in video) is saying is that our current world view: the world being physical, based on the space time and thus separate from the observer is wrong. if its like the dream world (and it is!) it means that we are essentially creating the reality we inhabit with our projections (or thoughts and the consequences of these) and that every part of reality - that is surrounding (the looked) the dreamer (as in the dream) - is basically a part of the dreamer (the looker). this changes the landscape of reality drastically from what we now believe it is. this is equivalent to people in their dreams not knowing they are dreaming. At this point understanding the observation problem and thus that we are basically in and moving around in a self-field, where any part of the world around us is playing out aspects of our self and shadow, would be the equivalent out of sleep of becoming lucid or enlightenment. in the dreams the more we reject the unconscious and thus the fact that the dreamscape the dreamer is in is basically all mindscape, the more a nightmare costellates extreme versions of our shadow and conflict, surrounding us. This is also happening outside of sleep in real life (collectively) and only a critical mass becoming lucid outside of the sleep dreams will undo the constellation of this colelctive nightmare outside of the dreams now being referred to as an apocalypse of sorts. This is the true meaning of awakening.
Definitions look at the world as separate from the observer. Via meaning we participate in the world via symbols where we are one with it. This is why the tribal people really still inhabit a world we now refer to as quantum. They read the world via signs which are symbols. In the west we do participate fully in co-creating what is around us but we fully dissociate from that and experience it as separate from us. Which is the way definitions approach the world. The modern reductionist in scientific view is really dissociated. We are tacitly all supporting what is unfolding around us. Yes even the police state. D. H
It is not even true religion , it is Thanatos drive as collective shadow, masculine death fear , as intrusive collective dick willing to control uncontrollable nature and our innerverse phallic-narcissism. oriented on gain religion the phallic deity.- result collective psychosis. death of natural spirituality and essence of individuals . We re loosing our family members and relatives, friends because of this divide and conquire psyop hypnosis mind virus. Solution - depgramming- Gnosis, natural law, mandatory psychopath IQ test " """"The average Greater Middle East dweller is lacking an anima [8] proper, since his only female ideal is the mother. His psychic economy is typically of the phallic-narcissistic kind. Such a civilization, it seems, is caught between the matriarchal and patriarchal stages. Phallic-narcissistic cultures have a sectarian view of social life,The phallic-narcissistic male experiences the slightest emancipative tendency as an act of disloyalty and disobedience. In the religion of the Old Testament the phallic deity demands total obedience and loyalty. The religion focuses on zeal. Transgressions are punished with mass murder, as in the horrible carnage of Exodus 32:26-28. In a suicide bombing, or in a school/workplace shooting, the phallic-narcissistic male (while covertly identified with the Mother-phallus) destroys the transgressors, but also destroys himself. This is the utmost consequence of the death drive. The destructive drive is predicated on the weak ego. In order not to experience reversion to infantilism and inertness he sacrifices a limb to the maternal goddess of the unconscious. The psychic connectivity, a form of umbilical cord, is thus severed. The limb could be a family member, or it could be himself, or a limb of his own. A common motif is to sacrifice, for instance, a finger or a tooth in order to prove loyalty to the clan. It is also a standard initiatory rite in primitive religion; to subject to torture, laceration, or mutilation in some form. [9]The phallic sentiment compensates the mother complex by means of destructive acts that serve to damage wholeness. The archetype that dominates a civilization is formative of its culture and therefore of personality. Lacking an anima, [8] the phallic-narcissistic male has no notion of true womanliness. Mother remains the ideal. If a woman cannot live up to motherliness, she must be a harlot, which is why women tend to suffer much abuse. This notion permeates the phallocentric cultures, which also include certain Middle East Christian ones. Today, in Europe, immigrants of certain derivation are notorious for harassing European women, as they cannot see them as anything but whores. In phallocentric culture, womanhood is equated with motherhood and nothing else, except harlotry. A female film student in Brussels recently made a film project about this phenomenon.
The adolescent age is connected with phallic-narcissism, hence the cockiness of the male.A phallic-narcissistic economy implies that the ego territory must ever be expanded, its borders always defended, and personal shortcomings must be blamed on others, by way of transfer of sin. The motherly unconscious is the fount of life. It is when the matriarchal paradigm becomes dominant and men lose their individual autonomy that Thanatos awakes. She is then become the phallic Mother. Feminists are really the modern devotees of the Mother-phallus.
Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция с международным участием «Случевские чтения: феноменология и экзистенциальная психотерапия".
ავტორისგან: ჩვენ არ შეგვიძლია ყველა სირთულის სიტყვებით გამოთქმა. ჩვენდა საბედნიეროდ, მუშაობს ცნობიერების ცენზურა. მეტყველებითი ფორმულირების ამგვარი პრობლემების გამოსწორებას შეიძლება წლები დასჭირდეს. მაგრამ სხეულს შეუძლია პირდაპირ თქვას ამის შესახებ. ეს არ ნიშნავს, რომ სხეულით ჩვენ შეგვიძლია ყველაფრის გაკეთება, რაც მოგვესურვება. მაგრამ შესაძლებელია ფსიქოლოგიური რელაქსაციის გამოცდილების მიღება სპეციალური, სხეულზე ორიენტირებული ტექნიკის საშუალებით. ვ. რაიხმა თერაპია ფრიც პერლზს და ალექსანდრ ლოუენს ჩაუტარა, რომლებიც მოგვიანებით გახდნენ თერაპიული მიმართულების დამფუძნებლები. ცნობილმა ფსიქოანალიტიკოსმა და წიგნების ავტორმა კარენ ჰორნიმ აღნიშნა, რომ რაიხთან ურთიერთობამ სტიმული მისცა მის მრავალ იდეას.
ადამიანის ფსიქიკური და სხეულებრივი ბუნება ერთიანია, და ყველაფერი, რაც ფსიქიკურ სამყაროში ხდება, ადამიანის სხეულში აისახება. ადამიანის სხეულთან, კერძოდ, მასში დაგროვილ ფსიქიკურ დაძაბულობასთან მუშაობის დროს, შესაძლებელია მისი რელაქსაციის გამოწვევა, შებოჭილი ენერგიის გათავისუფლება და ამით ინდივიდის ფსიქოლოგიური პრობლემების გადაჭრა. საკუთარი სხეულის გაცნობიერების და განცდის სფეროს უბრალო გაზრდამაც კი, რომელიც სხეულთან არის დაკავშირებული, შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს მეტად სერიოზული ფსიქოლოგიური პრობლემების მოხსნა.
ვ. რაიხი სამართლიანად ითვლება სხეულის თერაპიის ფუძემდებლად. მან მოღვაწეობა დაიწყო, როგორც „მესამე ტალღის“ ფსიქოანალიტიკოსმა, ზ. ფროიდის ერთ-ერთმა საუკეთესო მოწაფემ. მოგვიანებით ის გამოეყო ფსიქოანალიტიკურ სკოლას და შექმნა თავისი მიმართულება სახელწოდებით სომატური ვეგეტოთერაპია. მისი მოსწავლეები იყვნენ ალექსანდრე ლოუენი, რომელმაც შექმნა სხეულის ბიოენერგეტიკული ანალიზი, და ფრიც პერლზი, რომელიც გეშტალტთერაპიის ფუძემდებელი გახდა.
რაიხი პოსტულირებდა ე.წ. ორგონული ენერგიის არსებობას, რომელიც თავისუფლად ცირკულირებდა მთელს სხეულში, რაც ჯანსაღი ორგანიზმის და ფსიქიკის ფუნქციონირების საფუძველია.
რაიხის აზრით, ორგონული ენერგია ბუნებრივად მიედინება ხერხემლის გასწვრივ, ზევით და ქვევით, აგრეთვე სხეულის ცენტრიდან პერიფერიაზე და უკან. კუნთების ქრონიკული დაძაბულობა, რომელიც იცავს უსიამოვნო განცდებისგან, ბლოკავს ორგონული ენერგიის თავისუფალ დინებას სხეულში კუნთების ჯავშანის რგოლებით, რომლებიც წარმოიქმნება სხეულში ენერგეტიკის ნაკადის პერპენდიკულარულად და შეესაბამება ცვლილებებს პიროვნებაში. კუნთების ეს ქრონიკული ბლოკირება ერთობლივად შეადგენს „კუნთების ჯავშანს“ ან „ხასიათის ჯავშანს“. ადამიანის ხასიათი შეესაბამება იმ კუნთების დაძაბულობას, რომელიც ჩამოყალიბდა და შენარჩუნებულია მის სხეულში და განაპირობებს დამახასიათებელ, ანუ სტერეოტიპულ (შაბლონურ) რეაქციას გარე სამყაროზე. ამდენად, ხასიათი და მისი მუდმივად თანმხლები კუნთების ბლოკირება ასრულებს დაცვით ფუნქციებს გარე სამყაროს არაპროგნოზირებადობასა და საფრთხეებისგან, გამოდის როგორც საკუთარი აღმკვეთი შინაგანი იმპულსების შეკავების საშუალება, რომელიც არ არის დაშვებული სოციალურ გარემოში.
როდესაც ადამიანი შებოჭილია დამცავი ჯავშნით, იგი კარგავს სპონტანურობას და ბუნებრიობას, მისი რეაქცია გარე სამყაროზე ხდება შაბლონური და მექანიკური, იგი კარგავს ღრმად და გულწრფელად გრძნობის, გრძნობების ღიად გამოხატვის, სიახლოვის ჭეშმარიტად განცდის, ცხოვრებისგან და სექსუალური კონტაქტისგან სიამოვნების მიღების უნარს. ის თავად ხდება მისი კუნთების ჯავშანის პატიმარი, რომელიც ცხოვრების ადრეულ პერიოდში დაცვის სახით შეიქმნა. რაიხის აზრით, ხასიათის ჯავშანი საფუძველს უყრის მარტოობას, უმწეობას, ავტორიტეტების მუდმივ ძიებას, პასუხისმგებლობის შიშს, მისტიკურ (ეზოთერულ) მისწრაფებებს, სექსუალურ ტანჯვას, უძლურ მეამბოხეობას, ისევე როგორც არაბუნებრივი, პათოლოგიური ტიპების მორჩილებას.
რაიხი კუნთოვან ჯავშანს შვიდ სეგმენტად ჰყოფს, რომლებიც განთავსებულია თვალების, პირის ღრუს, კისრის, გულმკერდის, დიაფრაგმის, მუცლისა და მენჯის არეში. თითოეულ სეგმენტს შეუძლია შეაჩეროს ან აღკვეთოს გარკვეული გრძნობები (ემოციები) ან ქმედებები.
1. თვალები. დამცავი ჯავშანი თვალების გარშემო გამოიხატება შუბლის უძრაობასა და თვალების „უაზრო“ გამომეტყველებაში, რომლებიც თითქოს უმოძრაო ნიღაბიდან იყურებიან. რელაქსაცია მიიღწევა თვალების ისე ფართოდ გახელით, როგორიც კი ეს შესაძლებელია (მაგალითად, შიშის დროს), რათა მოხდეს ქუთუთოების და შუბლის მობილიზება იძულებული ემოციური გამოხატვის, ასევე თვალების აქეთ-იქით ტრიალის და თითოეულ კედელზე დაფიქსირების გზით.
2. პირის ღრუ. ორალური სეგმენტი მოიცავს ნიკაპის, ყელისა და კეფის კუნთებს. ყბა შეიძლება იყოს ან ძალიან შეკუმშული ან არაბუნებრივად მოდუნებული. ეს სეგმენტი ინარჩუნებს ტირილის, ყვირილის, აღშფოთების, კბენის, წუწნის, გრიმასის ემოციურ გამოხატულებას. დამცავი დაძაბულობა შეიძლება შესუსტდეს ტირილის იმიტაციის, ბგერების წარმოთქმის გზით, რომლებიც ახდენენ ტუჩების და მბგერი იოგების მობილიზებას, კბენის, გულის ასარევი მოძრაობების დახმარებით და პირდაპირი ზეგავლენით კუნთების დამჭერებზე.
3. კისერი. ეს სეგმენტი მოიცავს კისრის და ენის ღრმა კუნთებს. ის ძირითადად აფერხებს რისხვას, ყვირილს და ტირილს. პირდაპირი ზეგავლენა კუნთებზე კისრის სიღრმეში არ არის შესაძლებელი, ამიტომ მოდუნების მნიშვნელოვანი საშუალებაა ყვირილი, ტირილი, გულის ასარევი მოძრაობები და ა.შ.
4. გულმკერდი. გულმკერდის სეგმენტი მოიცავს მხრების, ბეჭის ფართო კუნთებს, მთელს გულმკერდს და ხელებს მტევნებით. ეს სეგმენტი აფერხებს სიცილს, რისხვას, მწუხარებას, ვნებას. სუნთქვის შეკავება ნებისმიერი ემოციის ჩახშობის მნიშვნელოვანი საშუალებაა და ძირითადად ხორციელდება გულმკერდში. ამ სეგმენტის ჯავშანი შეიძლება მოდუნდეს სუნთქვაზე მუშაობის შედეგად, განსაკუთრებით ღრმად ჩასუნთქვის საშუალებით. ხელები და მტევნები გამოიყენება ზუსტი დარტყმის მისაყენებლად, რათა გაანადგუროს, დაახრჩოს, დაარტყას იმისათვის, რომ რაღაცას მიაღწიოს.
5. დიაფრაგმა. ეს სეგმენტი მოიცავს დიაფრაგმას, მზის წნულს, სხვადასხვა შინაგან ორგანოებს, ხერხემლის ქვედა მალების კუნთებს. დამცავი დაძაბვა გამოხატულია ხერხემლის წინ გაღუნვაში. როდესაც კლიენტი წევს, ზურგის ქვედა ნაწილსა და ტახტს შორის მნიშვნელოვანი შუალედია. ამოსუნთქვა უფრო რთულია, ვიდრე ჩასუნთქვა. ჯავშანი ძირითადად აფერხებს ძლიერ გაღიზიანებას. საჭიროა, რაც შეიძლება მეტად, პირველი ოთხი სეგმენტის მოდუნება, რათა დიაფრაგმაში დამჭერებზე მუშაობა იყოს შედეგიანი. ამ სეგმენტში მუშაობა ხორციელდება სუნთქვის და გულის არევის რეფლექსთან მუშაობის საშუალებით (ამ სეგმენტში ძლიერი ბლოკის მქონე ადამიანები პრაქტიკულად ვერ ახერხებენ გულის არევას).
6. მუცელი. მუცლის სეგმენტი მოიცავს მუცლის ფართო კუნთებს და ზურგის კუნთებს. წელის კუნთების დაძაბვა დაკავშირებულია თავდასხმის შიშთან. გვერდებზე დამცავი ჯავშანი ქმნის ღიტინის შიშს და უკავშირდება გაბრაზების და სიძულვილის აღკვეთას. რელაქსაცია ხდება ადვილად, თუ ზედა სეგმენტი უკვე გახსნილია.
7. მენჯი. ბოლო სეგმენტი მოიცავს მენჯის და ქვედა კიდურების ყველა კუნთს. რაც უფრო ძლიერია დამცავი ჯავშანი, მით უფრო გაწეულია უკან მენჯი. დუნდულების კუნთები დაძაბულია და მტკივნეული. მენჯი რეგიდულია, ის „მკვდარია“ და არასექსუალური. მენჯის ჯავშანი ემსახურება აღგზნების, აღშფოთების და სიამოვნების აღკვეთას. აღგზნება (ან შფოთვა) წარმოიშობა სექსუალური სიამოვნების შეგრძნებისგან. ამ სფეროში სიამოვნების განცდა შეუძლებელია, ვიდრე მენჯის კუნთებში აგზნება არ შეწყდება. ჯავშანის მოხსნა შეიძლება მენჯის დაძაბულობის გზით, შემდეგ კი ფეხების ქნევით და ტახტზე მენჯის დარტყმით.
ქრონიკულად დაძაბული სეგმენტების რელაქსაცია ჩვეულებრივ მიმდინარეობს ზემოდან ქვემოთ.
კუნთოვანი ჯავშნის რელაქსაცია ადამიანს მის პირვანდელ ბუნებაში აბრუნებს, როდესაც ის განიცდის გულწრფელ სიამოვნებას, სიცოცხლისუნარიანობას, ხდება უფრო თავისუფალი და გახსნილი, შეუძლია მიიღოს სრული სექსუალური კმაყოფილება.
შეიძლება ითქვას, რომ კუნთების ჯავშანის არმქონე ადამიანს არ აქვს ხასიათი, ის სიტუაციებზე რეაგირებს სპონტანურად და შემოქმედებითად, და არა სტერეოტიპულად. ხასიათი ხომ, პირველ რიგში, წარმოადგენს ჩვენს ხარვეზებს და შეზღუდვებს ადეკვატურ ჯანმრთელობაზე. თავის კვლევებში რაიხმა აღმოაჩინა, რომ კუნთოვანი ჯავშნის სრული მოდუნების შედეგად ადამიანები იცვლიან თავის ყოფასა და ცხოვრების წესს, მიმდინარეობს ღრმა ფსიქოლოგიური ცვლილებები.
ქრონიკული კუნთოვანი დაჭიმულობა ბლოკავს სამ ძირითად ბიოლოგიურ აგზნებას: შიშს (შფოთვას), რისხვას და სექსუალურ აგზნებას.
მუსკულატურის რიგიდულობა აღკვეთის პროცესის სომატური (სხეულის) მხარე და მისი შემდგომი არსებობის საფუძველია. გარკვეული გრძნობების ღიად გამოხატვის აკრძალვა იწვევს აღკვეთის მექანიზმის გაძლიერებას, ქმნის კუნთოვან ფენებს და ავიწროვებს მას.
სხეულის თერაპიაში თვითგამოხატვის ფორმა და ქცევა აღიქმება, როგორც უფრო მნიშვნელოვანი პარამეტრები იმასთან შედარებით, რასაც ადამიანი გამოხატავს სიტყვით. ეს პოსტულატი ასევე გადავიდა სხვა თერაპიულ სისტემებში. სიტყვებს შეუძლია მოტყუება. გამოხატვის გზა არასდროს ცრუობს.
ფსიქოლოგიური ზრდა წარმოადგენს ფიზიკური და ფსიქოლოგიური ჯავშანის რელაქსაციის პროცესს (რადგან ერთმანეთის იდენტურია).
What follows are some excerpts from Paul Levy's article "The Mind Parasites of Colin Wilson: Fiction or Reality?" (link at bottom). A lot of it goes in line with my essay "Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life": https://veilofreality.com/…/timeline-reality-split-frequen…/
One important issue that is addressed in Levy's article is how "wetiko" (hyperdimensional occult forces) specifically target people who are in the process of "waking up" and also distract (and attack) people who are learning about (and expose) the "topic of all topics" and who the real (hidden) controllers of the Matrix are.
These distractions relate very much to the ever rising short attention span epidemic with people not being able to focus or hold attention to read longer articles and then even complain about it and want truth to be "spoon-feed" in sound bytes and summaries. I've written about that in my essay from the point of view of how society is being conditioned with this lack of focus and attention span through technological over-stimulation.
However, the root of this "short-attention span" epidemic is wetiko, the predator working through people's minds and distracting them. In other words, if you have trouble focusing or reading longer articles or even books, in particular about this topic, it is a sign that "the matrix has you" and the "predator" is working through you to vector you away from the truth while also installing all kinds of excuses of why you can't hold the attention or don't have the "time" to get into it, and then taking that "suggestion" as your own. That's also how the "alien mind virus" becomes normalized. Or you are being distracted or attacked by others who act as "portals" through which wetiko is working as well. These kind of distractions/attacks are actually signs that you are on the right track and serve as a teaching function from a higher (esoteric) perspective to test your sincerity, will, and effort to seek truth. Attacks can also happen through one's own mind to install the "self-destruct suicide program" which Levy talks about in his article as well.
Having said that, here are some "lengthy" quotes from the article to read if you can hold the attention ;-). Make sure to read the whole article below as well.
"It became clear that Weissman had been doing an exploration inside of his own mind, and he was beginning to realize that there was something “alien”—an “autonomous other”—living inside of him that appeared to have its own independent will that was resisting his inner investigations. To quote Weissman, “I became aware that certain inner forces were resisting my researches;” it was as if these inner forces didn’t want to be illumined. This wasn’t a passive form of resistance; whatever these inner forces were, they were involved in active resistance, as if being discovered was their worst nightmare.
Relying on “ignorance to keep the human race in chains,” these negative forces not only feed off of our ignorance, they actively promote it. Weissman was beginning to realize that these inner forces were simultaneously feeding off, reinforcing and hiding within his unawareness, as if his psychic blind-spots were the open doorway through which these forces insinuated themselves into his psyche. Weissman wrote, “I knew why it was so important to them that no one should suspect their existence. Man possesses more than enough power to destroy them all. But so long as he is unaware of them, they can feed on him, like vampires, sucking away his energy.”
Austin writes that “they had also established themselves at a deep level of the human psyche, where they could ‘drink’ the energies that human beings draw from their wellspring of vitality.” The main channel through which these vampires work is consciousness, or more specifically, our lack thereof.
These darker forces will do everything in their power to avoid being “outed,” including trying to inspire the person who is onto them to turn self-destructively on themselves in suicide. When someone gets close to illuminating these darker forces, they can obscure the person’s connection to their intrinsic life-affirming creativity so that their creative life-force turns against itself and gets acted out self-destructively, potentially even resulting, in extreme cases, in suicide. This puts Weissman’s suicide in a deeper context, as his act of self-destruction becomes more comprehensible once we see what he was in the process of exposing. Getting closer to the light within ourselves simultaneously illumines these vampiric forces and catalyzes them, as being illumined is their worst nightmare, which is to say that the closer we get to the light, the more fearsome the forces of darkness can appear.
This can help us to understand the known psychological fact that the greatest danger for suicide is right before someone is going to have a breakthrough. Demons typically make their worst stink right before they are vanquished. This understanding can also help us to re-contextualize when we experience seemingly darker forces getting evoked in our mind-streams. For example, when we feel “attacked” by what seem to be the darker forces of the psyche, instead of interpreting this as evidence confirming how screwed up we are, we can realize that this is an expression that we are getting closer to the light within ourselves; shadows are not merely the absence of light, but are also an expression of its presence. In other words, the more light there is, the more the darkness becomes activated and visible. Since the darker forces want to derail us from our path, we can learn to understand that their manifestation is a reflection of exactly the opposite—that we are on our right path. We tend to think of illumination as “seeing the light,” but “seeing the darkness” is also a form of illumination.
Weissman writes, “What I had discovered was, of course, so fantastic that it could not be grasped by the unprepared mind.” What Weissman had stumbled onto—that there were negative forces in-forming and shaping humanity’s mind so as to compel us to unconsciously act out their agenda, all the while hiding themselves from being seen, sounded crazy, absolutely crazy, to people who subscribe to the agreed-upon consensus reality—which unfortunately, is most of humanity. Weissman’s realization was too much for the “unprepared mind” to take in; what he was pointing at creates too much of a shock—is too traumatic—for most people. Weissman was realizing that if our species continued to stay asleep to what was actually happening, that these negative forces could potentially destroy our species. He wrote, “In some way, the human race has to be made aware of its danger.”
Reflecting on the position he found himself in as he tried to communicate his discovery to others, Weissman writes that it is “more probable that people would simply dismiss me as insane.” For when someone has seen these mind-parasites, which is to be in touch with a deeper level of our basic sanity, to the ones still afflicted by and unconscious of these entities—i.e., the majority of our species—the one who is pointing out what is actually happening is typically seen as insane. I can totally relate to Weissman’s predicament; it is as if he is describing the situation I’ve found myself in for most of my life.
In his journal Weissman writes, “the human mind has been constantly a prey to these energy vampires. In a few cases, the vampires have been able completely to take over a human mind and use it for their own purposes.” These vampires can possess someone, who unwittingly becomes their secret agent—their secret being secret even to themselves—as they then become the channel through which these higher-dimensional forces actually enter into our third-dimensional reality and enact their seemingly counter-evolutionary agenda. The person so possessed—without being aware of their depraved circumstance in the slightest—becomes a marionette on a string, the human instrument for these nonhuman darker forces of deception to act themselves out in our world.
Having our minds co-opted and taken over by these “energy vampires” can happen (in small or big ways) to anyone of us at any given moment in time—e.g., when any of us unconsciously acts out our unhealed abuse, indulges in our addictive behaviors, speaks falsely, or succumbs to “groupthink,” to use just a few examples.
Most of humanity is being influenced by “hidden” (which is one of the meaning of the word “occult”) forces operating deep within our unconscious minds in ways that profoundly impoverish the quality of our awareness, all the while not having the slightest realization that this diminishment is even happening. These malevolent forces occlude us in such a way that our occlusion becomes self-perpetuating, the result being that we can’t even tell we are occluded. Once our mind is “programmed”—massaged into shape—by the mind parasites, we become more like automatons and zombies than creatively alive human beings. Speaking of people who have fallen under the thrall of these sinister forces, Austin comments that they “were moving mechanically – mere chess men in the hands of the mind parasites.” If we ask people in the grips of the mind parasites why they are acting out in the unconscious habitual way they are, they will often have a ready-made rationalization and justification. Their “cover-story” unknowingly serves the agenda of the mind parasites, as it camoflauges these sinister entities’ operations within their own minds so that they continue to remain ignorant of the source of their own impulses, thoughts, beliefs and actions.
Austin writes, “once a human being has been ‘conditioned’ by the mind parasites, he is like a clock that has been wound up; he only requires attention once every year or so.
Groups of people so conditioned can easily enact their inner state of fear and limitation in such a way that they police themselves, acting as their own control system—they then become complicit in keeping each other asleep. Anyone snapping out of the programming is seen as a threat by those still under its spell. Most people become so accustomed to their confinement—it seems “normal,” just the way things are—and not knowing anything different, they easily become complacent, satisfied and actually “happy” with their current state of limitation, confusing it with freedom, thinking they are simply being in touch with “the real world.”
Weissman writes, “it is so important for the mind vampires to keep their presence unknown, to drain man’s lifeblood without his being aware of it. A man who defeats the mind vampires becomes doubly dangerous to them, for his forces of self-renewal have conquered. In such cases, the vampires probably attempt to destroy him in another way – by trying to influence other people against him.”
They organize themselves—be it through creating inner or outer obstacles—so as to oppose any effort (including this very article) that brings attention to their stealth operations to larger circles of people.
When someone begins to wake up, it is as if the forces of darkness, through the “control system” built into society and its institutionalized structures—which have become internalized within people’s minds—becomes alerted and mobilized in such a way as to make sure the person who is becoming aware of the operations of these inner adversaries and beginning to remember who they are gets taken back down, silenced, and put back to sleep. The mind parasites are able to “draft” unsuspecting others to become portals through which these forces can exert their influence into our world so as to seduce, distract or obstruct us from our path. People who are asleep to these nefarious forces unknowingly become enlisted to be the zombie-like foot-soldiers of the mind parasites, unwittingly serving their agenda of making sure no one steps out of line.
As the drama unfolds, at a press conference in which Dr. Austin was trying to alert the world to the danger it faced, he said, “Our aim today is to warn the people of the earth about a greater menace than they have ever faced…. These forces are more dangerous than any yet known to the human race because they are invisible, and are capable of attacking the human mind directly. They are able to destroy the sanity of any individual they attack, and to cause suicide. They are also capable of enslaving certain individuals and of using them for their own purposes.” It gets my attention that the very situation that Wilson is describing through his fictional narrative is actually getting mirrored by the deeper process that is currently playing out in our world—darker forces, covertly operating in the shadows, attempting to enslave humanity. This isn’t a paranoid conspiracy theory, but is hidden in plain sight, visible to all who have developed the (inner) eyes to see. Weissman continues, “their [the mind parasites’] role is to take over a man’s mind, and to cause him to become an enemy of life and of the human race.”
Weissman wrote, “Now I suspect that these mind vampires specialize in finding races who have almost reached this point of evolution, who are on the brink of achieving a new power, and then feeding on them until they have destroyed them.” In addition to the weak and defenseless, these psychic vampires seek out people who are on the verge of a quantum, evolutionary leap in consciousness, but have not yet fully integrated their realizations and stabilized themselves in the higher, more coherent level of consciousness that they are beginning to access. These individuals are in an energetically sensitive and “charged” condition, and their openness and vulnerability invites these vampiric entities to gorge on the light of their prey’s expanding awareness, thereby preventing them from having enough energy to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. Like moths attracted to the light of a flame, these darker forces are particularly attracted to people who are actively engaged in consciousness raising activities, seeking truth, and speaking out about it with the intention of helping to awaken others.
Continuing his articulation of these mind parasites, Weissman continues, “It is not their actual intention to destroy – because once they have done this, they are forced to seek another host. Their intention is to feed for as long as possible on the tremendous energies generated by the evolutionary struggle.”
As he was beginning to realize the intent of these mind parasites, Weissman continues, “Their purpose, therefore, is to prevent man from discovering the worlds inside himself, to keep his attention directed outwards.” The strategy of these predators is to distract us so as to keep our attention directed outside of ourselves, thereby stopping us from finding and utilizing the immense light of intrinsic awareness within ourselves, which would “kill” the vampires by rendering them impotent.
Austin writes that “their chief power seems to lie in their ability to unbalance the mind.” Either creating or feeding off of the natural potentiality of the psyche for dissociation, it is as if the mind parasites split the mind and compel a one-sidedness where we lose touch with our intrinsic wholeness and the full spectrum of possibilities that are always available to us. Inspiring and then feeding off of the resultant polarization, the mind parasites exploit, take advantage of, piggyback on and encourage people’s unconscious tendency to project their shadow outside of themselves. To quote Austin, the mind parasites “keep man looking for his enemies outside himself.”
Austin continues, “the chief weapon of the parasites was a kind of ‘mind-jamming device’ that could be loosely compared to a radar-jamming device.” It was when the mind parasites knew a person was “onto them” that they would use whatever measures were at their disposal to obfuscate themselves so as to keep their covert operations hidden. Austin writes, “The parasites had always used this ‘obstructing’ method against the human race – deliberately distracting the mind when it begins to get to grips with its own secrets.”
Whenever anyone would get too close to discovering their ploy, these parasitic entities would try—through their connections to the person’s unconscious mind—to disorient them, diverting them from their path".
- Paul Levy, from http://www.awakeninthedream.com/mind-parasites-of-colin-wi…/
From whole justice systems to whole military systems to Olympics, whole Hollywood, music industry to the very global church spanning the whole globe and we are only trying individuals. This case of Olympics doctor was possible without a full network? 2 CEO's have stepped down in this case. Who was making these visits mandatory? When are we going to start to try the rings and networks behind and between the individuals doing this. When is the whole organization implicated? And beyond? What would it mean if the whole church is implicated and not individual priests at this rampant scale ? Can our justice system try whole systems and orgs and itself?
Ok lastly about the peace they calling. There can be no peace before justice. Neither outside nor inside. U c justice is making it right with the inner repressed and suppressed part of ourselves. The inner homeless and sexually abused part of us we drug numb to not feel. Peace before justice is done to our shadow is bliss-out not real peace. What God unite man cannot separate. The shadow will come back and bring down the deceiver in us from within. That's when we meditate to get peace from our anxiety. So how can that be real peace if it is based on placing the shadow (anxiety) part of me under embargo? That's not real peace. Meditation for peace as a means to cut off the shadow is like war for peace: an oxymoron or lie (self deception). The real peace comes after justice or the shadow work of self honesty. Look this old church is in its last convulsions. It's last show 4 the blind of soul. Remember it says when they say: Peace and safety (outside while inside the cup is full of rats and filthy); then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape their shadow.
SPELEN MET HET RECHT: Using Laws to Benefit Oneself
Only a totally dissociated split mind can compartmentalize the whole thing in a way like this. u see the big trick in the law is if u can't "prove" something it doesn't exist. This is where the criminal law (strafrecht) stands squarely in the way of all commonsense of the direct cause and murder of an innocent man. even though he and everyone else sees the truth the compartmentalized legal mind (OM/Hoofdofficier van Justitie) says here: "Maar het is stragrechtelijk/juridisch het enige verhaal wat wij kunnen vetellen". I have never heard this many oxymorons in such a short period. this is the height of compartmentalized oxymoronic thinking where all moral commonsense and every possible reality is separated form the strafrechtelijke (criminal law) bubbel ... what I have been studying for a long while now is the effect of legal training on the legal mind, desensitizing it from feeling Justice, which is here graphically shown to be a "hoogstand" (masterpiece) in compartmentalization and the use of laws to find all possible loopholes to obstruct justice and benefit the police officers here. we must look very keenly at what we are doing in this field of training legal minds. if u feel strong about justice this is an outrage. The real question begged here is what happens that after mastering this area of law (strafrecht) all feeling and sense of justice is lost?
Love is The true Justice of the shadow
In lieu of teaching true (sense of) self at universities (and in this case in particular Law), much based on the difference between (and how we use) consensus corporate) versus (true) democracy: lawyers act it like a role in movie. Than after go home to have a cigar and a beer. The curriculum (Law) has become learning the script. But do we really feel justice? The painful truth is that without a true Self we become very much cartoon figures void of real reality.
Politics is not law or the law, politics is more or a circle.
The law can never be what one applies to another. The one and only real Law is that WE (not God) via our own shadow make ourselves feel and live what we do onto others
Studying Law makes u more evil
U see the true law is
the Hand of God
look politics is just the equivalent of a relationship between 2 people/parties. The deeper dimensions of this relationship are deeply psychological. Law will not fix a steadily deteriorating relationship. Lawyers come into the pic to structurize the war and exit/divorce. Their tools are to escalate and or force agreements etc. To really fix severely damaged relationships and heal, cause most of these conflicts are really fraught with unconscious historical complexes, real depth psychology/therapy/mediation is needed. quantum physics and complex mathematics understand the dynamics of circular or spiral processes. And only depth psychology can get at them from within.
circle means spiral dynamics which is indeed boomerang but thus all of the deeper processes of/underlying boomerang...and thus projection of historical unresolved trauma (or thus historische psychologische erfenis or bagage) and how they toxify relationships and make win win's impossibly etc etc etc. let me just say this: the kingdom crisis is muuuuuuch deeper than a budget problem... that's just the point of eruption for deep unresolved stuff to erupt out like a Tsunami or Volcano
Touching the shadow is deep compassion with parts of ourselves we avoid with all we have. Up to now we've heard of having compassion for others but this work is having compassion with rejected parts of ourselves or parts we at all costs avoid seeing.
I mean can I really have compassion for You if I can't walk in the shoes of parts of myself? see, compassion is not trying to fix or change these parts in me. It's really the opposite of cutting off and rejection. There's no cognitive understanding in shadow work. understanding really separates u from what u are trying to understand. Shadow work is really standing in the shoes of the shadow as in compassion or as in art where we become part of what we are relating to. Like we can't sing a song about depression if we not depressed. Understanding is really still a form of voyeurism. shadow work is more a deeper knowing by becoming something, feeling deep respect and connection to deeply repressed inner parts not knowing it from outside which really disconnects like when we study something. It's indwelling in a part of ourselves not even we ourselves want to see or feel. So shadow work is not feeding the poor; it's feeling poverty. U see feeding the poor is still running from the deep experience of poverty and loss. Shadow work is Not knowing laws out there but feeling what it is like to be treated unjustly. It's not understanding the distraught, it's feeling what it is like to be hopeless. These repressed parts in us seek not to be fixed, but to be heard and innerstood. That's what heals. U see this is what ur shadow is really wanting u to feel deeply within and out of the dreams. It's being fully naked and not using anything to cover up or make up whatever u are down in the undercurrents of that detached cognitive knowing feeling. This is why it is deep knowing...by embodying and experiencing...and nothing that can be caught neatly in a Q&A format. But where the questioner deeply touches and embodies the answer in oneself.
"when people try to rationalize something that is, they're merely projecting themselves and their insecurities onto it.
TO SPEAK of death, Greek uses a masculine noun: Thanatos. In figural representations Thanatos appears, together with his brother Hupnos, Sleep, as a man in the prime of life, ..
.“Thanatos” is inherently masculine, “ Mors” is inherently feminine, and “Letus” is inherently neuter. So again, the best fit ...
Funny to hear Pres O say the justice system is unjust and talk about it as some thing/system fully like something separate from people as being unjust while it is racist people running this system that make it unjust? its like speaking of debt but not the people making the debt. Can we speak of an unjust justice system so separate from the people running this system?
Beyond Reactive Mind
Precious metals are perfectly transparent and inherent. U have nothing to hide when u r living not reflexive but reflective.. when living in reflex mode u will always be opaque and dense... When living by the law in the book u will always be a liar. With real world (in quote) i don't mean the fake scripted world. that world has short-breath and its time has come. We are living in the apocalypse which means everything concealed is coming out like a great tsunami. For that fake world will treat u contrary to ur actions. I mean with world in the quote the real world which cannot be contrived with machinations and conspiracies.... for those dealings with that fake contrived conspiring world "it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. Because how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God." (1P)
this is so incredibly sad and tragic: Look what we are doing to our children. The soldier/vet says he has murdered over 40 people. The shadow will make it impossible to live after this (post trauma). @2:14: "I pee at night from post trauma. He comes to me and says: Why did u kill me? Why did u kill me? Can u function the day after something like this? Can u eat? Can u succeed in life?". In the post below this one of the brave girl speaking out to Obama regarding using young men via drones to kill innocent people we get another glimpse of how you cannot make young people do this. both the killer and the killed are killed here. look at this man in this video than look at video below (will repost it in comment here.). I think pres. Ob had no choice, the shadow spoke here via this woman. How can we authorise our own children to murder our brothers abroad and we give capital punishment for murder of one civilian of another civilian in one country?
Both attacking and defending is reacting. Whenever you react or do anything externally triggered: out of fear for punishment or lust for rewards (grades or sweets), u are alienating urself from ur vital self and vital force. And operating remote controlled by external forces via highly fragmented controllable aspects of ur mind.
Lately we are witnessing more and more public suicides. People and animals committing suicide in public. Here an orca attempts suicide in public. The keeping captive of Gorillas or whales etc is criminal. But beyond that (more from the inside) the teaching of circus tricks to these majestic beings (which goes for any kind of forcing to 'mimmic' something from the outside or tricks) is abuse. U see its always done with punishment or reward...and is mind control thus. The deeper pain is that this also goes for a large part of our schools and society at large. Teaching any thing from without or what we call nowadays skills: is a circus trick. Only the inner gift (talent) sets free.. It cannot unfold in a circus or zoo... It can only be cultivated in a garden from within. For the so-manieth time we do this to these majestic creatures which represent our true Self because we do it to our (true) selves. We are the only species which has mass self incarcerated ourselves. This is why we are witnessing mass suicide on the planet. A whole planet has become suicidal...if we realise how we are destroying our own abode... we must read the inner meaning of these collective events/tragedies. the human species has become suicidal... Sooner or later everything imprisonment will become suicidal
Punishing errors is the Highway to never Learning
At this point in time, which is by all records an end of cycle, the biggest fear is to realize we are powerful (not in the phallic sense) beyond measure. Most of the resistance we find wihtin and by others is driven by fear to see that we are able to be free and untouchable by disease and any foe, from within. From Henley's Invictus:
"...Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
It's time to wake up humans and realize who you trully are...
yes real greatness is what we fear. the control of the masculine pole is grandiosity. this we desire, but when it comes to really advancing it is much easier to fail it.
the grandiosity of the masculine side is control, real greatness is letting go and surrendering...
he aim is to not only prevent criminal behavior,
but to predict it too" This is not only the beginning of a police state but its predictive programing cause what u expect u will also create. The society that gets pulled into this bubble has gotten lost in a projection bubble and is not in touch anymore with reality. You see this is a society with no self awareness. cause if not they would realize that a fine line is crossed here where prediction and expectation start to create reality itself
Ok 10 beasts on u beating the life out u but u died of acute stress. If I were the Dutch police chief I would take self responsibility here cause the price u will pay for this in credibility and integrity is self murder (suicide) compared to getting away with murder. Sometimes it's wise to just take the fall
When the police arrests 200 people at a time for protesting against an institutional form of racism u know a great true shadow wave of awakening is sweeping over the world
U cannot control a child if u have lost control in the process of trying to control the child that is out of control. If a parent loses control in trying to bring order to the child, the parent is really the one who lost (control) here. This goes also for police using excessive force to control and bring order to out of control persons or situations. In this case on applying the law; the police focused too much on the other looses all sight and control on self. Also in this sense; if terrorists get u to overreact and even engage in war they have psychologically and technically won. I will become like the one u hunting down. The current model is all in reverse.
f premonitions exist...we exist in a dream world". What he (in video) is saying is that our current world view: the world being physical, based on the space time and thus separate from the observer is wrong. if its like the dream world (and it is!) it means that we are essentially creating the reality we inhabit with our projections (or thoughts and the consequences of these) and that every part of reality - that is surrounding (the looked) the dreamer (as in the dream) - is basically a part of the dreamer (the looker). this changes the landscape of reality drastically from what we now believe it is. this is equivalent to people in their dreams not knowing they are dreaming. At this point understanding the observation problem and thus that we are basically in and moving around in a self-field, where any part of the world around us is playing out aspects of our self and shadow, would be the equivalent out of sleep of becoming lucid or enlightenment. in the dreams the more we reject the unconscious and thus the fact that the dreamscape the dreamer is in is basically all mindscape, the more a nightmare costellates extreme versions of our shadow and conflict, surrounding us. This is also happening outside of sleep in real life (collectively) and only a critical mass becoming lucid outside of the sleep dreams will undo the constellation of this colelctive nightmare outside of the dreams now being referred to as an apocalypse of sorts. This is the true meaning of awakening.
Definitions look at the world as separate from the observer. Via meaning we participate in the world via symbols where we are one with it. This is why the tribal people really still inhabit a world we now refer to as quantum. They read the world via signs which are symbols. In the west we do participate fully in co-creating what is around us but we fully dissociate from that and experience it as separate from us. Which is the way definitions approach the world. The modern reductionist in scientific view is really dissociated. We are tacitly all supporting what is unfolding around us. Yes even the police state. D. H
It is not even true religion , it is Thanatos drive as collective shadow, masculine death fear , as intrusive collective dick willing to control uncontrollable nature and our innerverse phallic-narcissism. oriented on gain religion the phallic deity.- result collective psychosis. death of natural spirituality and essence of individuals . We re loosing our family members and relatives, friends because of this divide and conquire psyop hypnosis mind virus. Solution - depgramming- Gnosis, natural law, mandatory psychopath IQ test " """"The average Greater Middle East dweller is lacking an anima [8] proper, since his only female ideal is the mother. His psychic economy is typically of the phallic-narcissistic kind. Such a civilization, it seems, is caught between the matriarchal and patriarchal stages. Phallic-narcissistic cultures have a sectarian view of social life,The phallic-narcissistic male experiences the slightest emancipative tendency as an act of disloyalty and disobedience. In the religion of the Old Testament the phallic deity demands total obedience and loyalty. The religion focuses on zeal. Transgressions are punished with mass murder, as in the horrible carnage of Exodus 32:26-28. In a suicide bombing, or in a school/workplace shooting, the phallic-narcissistic male (while covertly identified with the Mother-phallus) destroys the transgressors, but also destroys himself. This is the utmost consequence of the death drive. The destructive drive is predicated on the weak ego. In order not to experience reversion to infantilism and inertness he sacrifices a limb to the maternal goddess of the unconscious. The psychic connectivity, a form of umbilical cord, is thus severed. The limb could be a family member, or it could be himself, or a limb of his own. A common motif is to sacrifice, for instance, a finger or a tooth in order to prove loyalty to the clan. It is also a standard initiatory rite in primitive religion; to subject to torture, laceration, or mutilation in some form. [9]The phallic sentiment compensates the mother complex by means of destructive acts that serve to damage wholeness. The archetype that dominates a civilization is formative of its culture and therefore of personality. Lacking an anima, [8] the phallic-narcissistic male has no notion of true womanliness. Mother remains the ideal. If a woman cannot live up to motherliness, she must be a harlot, which is why women tend to suffer much abuse. This notion permeates the phallocentric cultures, which also include certain Middle East Christian ones. Today, in Europe, immigrants of certain derivation are notorious for harassing European women, as they cannot see them as anything but whores. In phallocentric culture, womanhood is equated with motherhood and nothing else, except harlotry. A female film student in Brussels recently made a film project about this phenomenon.
The adolescent age is connected with phallic-narcissism, hence the cockiness of the male.A phallic-narcissistic economy implies that the ego territory must ever be expanded, its borders always defended, and personal shortcomings must be blamed on others, by way of transfer of sin. The motherly unconscious is the fount of life. It is when the matriarchal paradigm becomes dominant and men lose their individual autonomy that Thanatos awakes. She is then become the phallic Mother. Feminists are really the modern devotees of the Mother-phallus.
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