Microsoft და Nielsen გამოაცხადეს სტრატეგიული ალიანსის შექმნის შესახებ რიტეილში ხელოვნური ინტელექტის დანერგვის მიზნით
Nielsen-მა და Microsoft-მა გამოაქვეყნეს დეტალები ცოტა ხნის წინ შემუშავებული გადაწყვეტილების შესახებ Nielsen Connect-ის კორპორატიულ მონაცემთა მართვასთან დაკავშირებით, რომელიც იყენებს Microsoft Azure-ს ინტელექტუალური ღრუბლოვანი პლატფორმის შესაძლებლობებს.
სწრაფად ცვალებადი ბაზრის პირობებში Microsoft და Nielsen დახმარებას უწევენ კომპანიებს, რომლებიც მუშაობენ ყოველდღიურად მოთხოვნადი (FMCG) საქონლის და საცალო ვაჭრობის სფეროში, განვითარდნენ და დანერგონ ინოვაციები მონაცემთა ღია გარემოს ჩარჩოებში.
უკვე ახლა Nielsen Connect შთააგონებს კომპანიებს, რაც შეიძლება მეტი სარგებელი მიიღონ არსებული მონაცემებიდან, და დემონსტრირებენ სტრატეგიული მიდგომის ხელახლა გადახედვის აუცილებლობას მათი გამოყენების მიზნით. სიღრმისეული ანალიტიკისა და Azure-ზე დაფუძნებული ინტელექტუალური სერვისების საშუალებით, Nielsen Connect ეხმარება კომპანიებს მონაცემთა მასივის ინტეგრაციაში, რათა უფრო ადვილად გამოავლინოს ახლად შექმნილი ტრენდები, განსაზღვროს მწარმოებლურობის პრობლემები და უფრო სწრაფად იმოქმედონ, როდესაც გამოჩნდება ზრდის და განვითარების შესაძლებლობები. პლატფორმა საშუალებას აძლევს კლიენტებს გამოიყენონ მონაცემები, როგორც კორპორატიული აქტივი ორგანიზაციის ყველა ქვედანაყოფში.
„Nielsen-ის მონაცემები მნიშვნელოვანი კორპორატიული აქტივია, თანამშრომლებთან და პროდუქტებთან ერთად, - აცხადებს ჯონ ტავოლიერი, Nielsen-ის პრეზიდენტი აშშ-ში FMCG ვერტიკალთან მუშაობის დარგში და გლობალური პრეზიდენტი ტექნოლოგიებსა და ოპერაციებში. - ჩვენი მთავარი ამოცანაა დაბრწმუნდეთ, რომ კლიენტები მაქსიმალურად ეფექტურად იყენებენ თავის მონაცემებს, რისთვისაც Nielsen და Microsoft–ი ანგრევენ იმ ბარიერებს, რომლებიც არსებობს ამ სფეროში. თანამშრომლობისთვის ჭეშმარიტად ღია გლობალური გარემოს შექმნით, ჩვენ ვეხმარებით რიტეილის ინდუსტრიას გადახედოს მონაცემების გამოყენების ჩამოყალიბებულ მიდგომას. ახალი სისტემა მოუწოდებს კომპანიებს განვითარებისკენ, გასცდნენ ინფორმაციის მარტივი მართვის ჩარჩოებს. მონაცემთა მთლიანი გამოყენების სტრატეგიის მიღება ერთადერთი საშუალება იქნება წარმატების მისაღწევად საცალო ვაჭრობისა და FMCG–ს სფეროში“.
„პირველი კრიტიკული მნიშვნელოვანი ნაბიჯი ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციისკენ, განსაკუთრებით რიტეილერებისთვის, უნდა გახდეს არსებული ბარიერების განადგურება სამომხმარებლო და ოპერაციულ მონაცემებს შორის, რაც აუცილებელია მნიშვნელოვანი ბიზნესის-დასკვნების გამოსატანად, - არნიშნავს ჯადსონ ალტჰოფი, Microsoft World Commercial Business-ის აღმასრულებელი ვიცე-პრეზიდენტი. - რადგან გაყიდვები რიტეილში მიმდინარეობს იქ, სადაც მომხმარებლები არიან და, როდესაც ისინი მოისურვებენ, Nielsen Connect უზრუნველყოფს მაღალ საიმედოობას, აძლევს გლობალური მასშტაბით მუშაობის საშუალებას. Microsoft არის Nielsen-ის პარტნიორი, რომელსაც საერთაშორისო კომპანიები ანდობენ თავისი მონაცემების დაცვას და კრიტიკულად მნიშვნელოვანი ბიზნეს-გადაწყვეტილებების მუშაობას“.
Nielsen Connect პლატფორმა იყენებს ყველაზე დიდ რაოდენობას FMCG სფეროში ხელმისაწვდომი მოცულობის მონაცემებს. ის საშუალებას აძლევს კომპანიებს გაანალიზონ და უკეთ გააცნობიერონ საბაზრო პროცესები, შეაფასონ სიტუაცია რამდენიმე თვალსაზრისით. Nielsen-ის ღრმა მედია და მომხმარებლური გაზომვები (მათ შორის, პლატფორმადშორის მედიამონაცემები, მონაცემები სავაჭრო წერტილებიდან, სამომხმარებლო პანელებიდან, e-commerсe წყაროებიდან და ახალი პროდუქტების გაყიდვის წერტილებიდან) ინტეგრირებული არიან ინფორმაციის სხვა წყაროების დიდ რაოდენობასთან, მათ შორის მონაცემების ჩათვლით უშუალოდ Nielsen Connect კლიენტებისგან და პარტნიორებისგან. Nielsen საცნობარო მონაცემები, რომმლებიც კომპანიებს ეხმარება ყველაზე სანდო და სტრუქტურირებული ინფორმაციის მიღებაში გაყიდვების შესახებ, საშუალებას აძლევს Nielsen Connect-ს გაამარტივოს მონაცემების ინტეგრაცია სხვადასხვა წყაროდან და ქვეყნიდან. Microsoft Azure–ზე მომუშავე ღია და მოქნილი პლატფორმის წყალობით, კლიენტებს მარტივად შეუძლიათ ინფორმაციაზე წვდომის მიღება API-ს და დრაივერების საშუალებით, რაც სასარგებლო იქნება საკუთარი ტექნოლოგიური სტრატეგიის რეალიზაციისთვის.
Microsoft-ის და Nielsen- ის ერთობლივი გადაწყვეტილება უკვე ხელმისაწვდომია. ის იმუშავებს, როგორც უნივერსალური პლატფორმა-მაღაზია მასშტაბური, მაღალწარმოებადი მონაცემების გარემოს შექმნისთვის, რომლის წყალობით კომპანიები სწრაფად მიაღწევენ შედეგებს. სტრატეგიული ალიანსის ფარგლებში ორივე კომპანია გააგრძელებს ღია და ურთიერთდაკავშირებული ინფორმაციული სამყაროს საერთო ხედვის განხორციელებას, წარმოადგენს გადაწყვეტილებების ახალ თაობას FMCG სფეროსა და რიტეილისთვის.
Художник: Алена Шаповалова
Организаторы: Северо-Кавказский филиал ГМВЦ РОСИЗО
Загадка Алены Шаповаловой и, одновременно, важнейший ключ к пониманию ее творчества – это ее двойственная идентичность. Она как посредник и медиатор, все время пребывающий на границе, в изматывающем состоянии «между»: потеряна между осетинской и русской этнической культурой, между российским и международным контекстом, между советским и постперестроечным. В сознании людей, чье детство пришлось на 1980-1990-е гг., руины советского периода странным образом ассоциируются не только с ушедшей в прошлое социалистической утопией, но и тесно связаны с воспоминаниями детства как с безвозвратно утраченным Золотым веком. Произведения Алены повествует не столько о памяти архитектуры, сколько об архитектуре памяти. Потерянный и потерявший систему координат художник пытается найти точку отчета. Это архетипичная история о поисках приюта, о пытках воссоединения с прошлым, об утрате. То, что мы испытываем – это ощущение апатии и бессилия от невозможности что-то изменить. Вслед за ностальгией приходит холодный, пассивный и отстраненный взгляд, меланхолия и ресентимент – состояние после неудачи, в котором соединяются злость, слабость, ощущение неполноценности и чувство вины. Работы Шаповаловой – это работы о состояние «после». Как жить на руинах, когда свежа память об идеалах, когда мечтаешь об их ревизии?
Выставочный проект, по сути, является персональной ретроспективой Алены Шаповаловой, – известного северокавказского художника, номинанта премии им. Курехина (С.-Петербург, Россия), призер фестиваля «Белые ночи в Перми» в рамках «Культурного альянса» (Пермь, Россия), лауреат премии Зураба Церетели. В рамках выставки будут представлены живописные работы, видео, инсталляция и фотодокументация пребывания художника в резиденции Матадеро (Испания, Мадрид) в 2016 году.,%D0%9F%D0%BE%20%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC%20400%2D%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%2C%20%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%83%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%20%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%201,%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%85%20%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%85%20%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B5.&text=%D0%A1%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D1%8D%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%20%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%209,%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%2C%20%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%20%22%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%22.
In another experiment, the researchers removed the silver nanowires from the composite material and connected their cellulose nanofibres with two-dimensional nanoplates of titanium carbide, which were produced using a special etching process. The nanoplates act like hard "bricks" that are joined together with flexible "mortar" made of cellulose fibers. This formulation was also frozen in cooled forms in a targeted manner. In relation to the weight of the material, no other material can achieve such shielding. This ranks the titanium carbide nanocellulose aerogel as by far the lightest electromagnetic shielding material in the world.
…), мы сможем создать платформу, которая будет как автономной, так и освобождающей, что приведет к утопии возрождающегося мира *. (
), we can create a platform that is both autonomous and liberating, which would seed a regenerative world utopia*. (
Nielsen-მა და Microsoft-მა გამოაქვეყნეს დეტალები ცოტა ხნის წინ შემუშავებული გადაწყვეტილების შესახებ Nielsen Connect-ის კორპორატიულ მონაცემთა მართვასთან დაკავშირებით, რომელიც იყენებს Microsoft Azure-ს ინტელექტუალური ღრუბლოვანი პლატფორმის შესაძლებლობებს.
სწრაფად ცვალებადი ბაზრის პირობებში Microsoft და Nielsen დახმარებას უწევენ კომპანიებს, რომლებიც მუშაობენ ყოველდღიურად მოთხოვნადი (FMCG) საქონლის და საცალო ვაჭრობის სფეროში, განვითარდნენ და დანერგონ ინოვაციები მონაცემთა ღია გარემოს ჩარჩოებში.
უკვე ახლა Nielsen Connect შთააგონებს კომპანიებს, რაც შეიძლება მეტი სარგებელი მიიღონ არსებული მონაცემებიდან, და დემონსტრირებენ სტრატეგიული მიდგომის ხელახლა გადახედვის აუცილებლობას მათი გამოყენების მიზნით. სიღრმისეული ანალიტიკისა და Azure-ზე დაფუძნებული ინტელექტუალური სერვისების საშუალებით, Nielsen Connect ეხმარება კომპანიებს მონაცემთა მასივის ინტეგრაციაში, რათა უფრო ადვილად გამოავლინოს ახლად შექმნილი ტრენდები, განსაზღვროს მწარმოებლურობის პრობლემები და უფრო სწრაფად იმოქმედონ, როდესაც გამოჩნდება ზრდის და განვითარების შესაძლებლობები. პლატფორმა საშუალებას აძლევს კლიენტებს გამოიყენონ მონაცემები, როგორც კორპორატიული აქტივი ორგანიზაციის ყველა ქვედანაყოფში.
„Nielsen-ის მონაცემები მნიშვნელოვანი კორპორატიული აქტივია, თანამშრომლებთან და პროდუქტებთან ერთად, - აცხადებს ჯონ ტავოლიერი, Nielsen-ის პრეზიდენტი აშშ-ში FMCG ვერტიკალთან მუშაობის დარგში და გლობალური პრეზიდენტი ტექნოლოგიებსა და ოპერაციებში. - ჩვენი მთავარი ამოცანაა დაბრწმუნდეთ, რომ კლიენტები მაქსიმალურად ეფექტურად იყენებენ თავის მონაცემებს, რისთვისაც Nielsen და Microsoft–ი ანგრევენ იმ ბარიერებს, რომლებიც არსებობს ამ სფეროში. თანამშრომლობისთვის ჭეშმარიტად ღია გლობალური გარემოს შექმნით, ჩვენ ვეხმარებით რიტეილის ინდუსტრიას გადახედოს მონაცემების გამოყენების ჩამოყალიბებულ მიდგომას. ახალი სისტემა მოუწოდებს კომპანიებს განვითარებისკენ, გასცდნენ ინფორმაციის მარტივი მართვის ჩარჩოებს. მონაცემთა მთლიანი გამოყენების სტრატეგიის მიღება ერთადერთი საშუალება იქნება წარმატების მისაღწევად საცალო ვაჭრობისა და FMCG–ს სფეროში“.
„პირველი კრიტიკული მნიშვნელოვანი ნაბიჯი ციფრული ტრანსფორმაციისკენ, განსაკუთრებით რიტეილერებისთვის, უნდა გახდეს არსებული ბარიერების განადგურება სამომხმარებლო და ოპერაციულ მონაცემებს შორის, რაც აუცილებელია მნიშვნელოვანი ბიზნესის-დასკვნების გამოსატანად, - არნიშნავს ჯადსონ ალტჰოფი, Microsoft World Commercial Business-ის აღმასრულებელი ვიცე-პრეზიდენტი. - რადგან გაყიდვები რიტეილში მიმდინარეობს იქ, სადაც მომხმარებლები არიან და, როდესაც ისინი მოისურვებენ, Nielsen Connect უზრუნველყოფს მაღალ საიმედოობას, აძლევს გლობალური მასშტაბით მუშაობის საშუალებას. Microsoft არის Nielsen-ის პარტნიორი, რომელსაც საერთაშორისო კომპანიები ანდობენ თავისი მონაცემების დაცვას და კრიტიკულად მნიშვნელოვანი ბიზნეს-გადაწყვეტილებების მუშაობას“.
Nielsen Connect პლატფორმა იყენებს ყველაზე დიდ რაოდენობას FMCG სფეროში ხელმისაწვდომი მოცულობის მონაცემებს. ის საშუალებას აძლევს კომპანიებს გაანალიზონ და უკეთ გააცნობიერონ საბაზრო პროცესები, შეაფასონ სიტუაცია რამდენიმე თვალსაზრისით. Nielsen-ის ღრმა მედია და მომხმარებლური გაზომვები (მათ შორის, პლატფორმადშორის მედიამონაცემები, მონაცემები სავაჭრო წერტილებიდან, სამომხმარებლო პანელებიდან, e-commerсe წყაროებიდან და ახალი პროდუქტების გაყიდვის წერტილებიდან) ინტეგრირებული არიან ინფორმაციის სხვა წყაროების დიდ რაოდენობასთან, მათ შორის მონაცემების ჩათვლით უშუალოდ Nielsen Connect კლიენტებისგან და პარტნიორებისგან. Nielsen საცნობარო მონაცემები, რომმლებიც კომპანიებს ეხმარება ყველაზე სანდო და სტრუქტურირებული ინფორმაციის მიღებაში გაყიდვების შესახებ, საშუალებას აძლევს Nielsen Connect-ს გაამარტივოს მონაცემების ინტეგრაცია სხვადასხვა წყაროდან და ქვეყნიდან. Microsoft Azure–ზე მომუშავე ღია და მოქნილი პლატფორმის წყალობით, კლიენტებს მარტივად შეუძლიათ ინფორმაციაზე წვდომის მიღება API-ს და დრაივერების საშუალებით, რაც სასარგებლო იქნება საკუთარი ტექნოლოგიური სტრატეგიის რეალიზაციისთვის.
Microsoft-ის და Nielsen- ის ერთობლივი გადაწყვეტილება უკვე ხელმისაწვდომია. ის იმუშავებს, როგორც უნივერსალური პლატფორმა-მაღაზია მასშტაბური, მაღალწარმოებადი მონაცემების გარემოს შექმნისთვის, რომლის წყალობით კომპანიები სწრაფად მიაღწევენ შედეგებს. სტრატეგიული ალიანსის ფარგლებში ორივე კომპანია გააგრძელებს ღია და ურთიერთდაკავშირებული ინფორმაციული სამყაროს საერთო ხედვის განხორციელებას, წარმოადგენს გადაწყვეტილებების ახალ თაობას FMCG სფეროსა და რიტეილისთვის.
Художник: Алена Шаповалова
Организаторы: Северо-Кавказский филиал ГМВЦ РОСИЗО
Загадка Алены Шаповаловой и, одновременно, важнейший ключ к пониманию ее творчества – это ее двойственная идентичность. Она как посредник и медиатор, все время пребывающий на границе, в изматывающем состоянии «между»: потеряна между осетинской и русской этнической культурой, между российским и международным контекстом, между советским и постперестроечным. В сознании людей, чье детство пришлось на 1980-1990-е гг., руины советского периода странным образом ассоциируются не только с ушедшей в прошлое социалистической утопией, но и тесно связаны с воспоминаниями детства как с безвозвратно утраченным Золотым веком. Произведения Алены повествует не столько о памяти архитектуры, сколько об архитектуре памяти. Потерянный и потерявший систему координат художник пытается найти точку отчета. Это архетипичная история о поисках приюта, о пытках воссоединения с прошлым, об утрате. То, что мы испытываем – это ощущение апатии и бессилия от невозможности что-то изменить. Вслед за ностальгией приходит холодный, пассивный и отстраненный взгляд, меланхолия и ресентимент – состояние после неудачи, в котором соединяются злость, слабость, ощущение неполноценности и чувство вины. Работы Шаповаловой – это работы о состояние «после». Как жить на руинах, когда свежа память об идеалах, когда мечтаешь об их ревизии?
Выставочный проект, по сути, является персональной ретроспективой Алены Шаповаловой, – известного северокавказского художника, номинанта премии им. Курехина (С.-Петербург, Россия), призер фестиваля «Белые ночи в Перми» в рамках «Культурного альянса» (Пермь, Россия), лауреат премии Зураба Церетели. В рамках выставки будут представлены живописные работы, видео, инсталляция и фотодокументация пребывания художника в резиденции Матадеро (Испания, Мадрид) в 2016 году.,%D0%9F%D0%BE%20%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC%20400%2D%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%2C%20%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%83%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%20%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%201,%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%85%20%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%85%20%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B5.&text=%D0%A1%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D1%8D%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%20%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%209,%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%2C%20%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82%20%22%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%22.
In another experiment, the researchers removed the silver nanowires from the composite material and connected their cellulose nanofibres with two-dimensional nanoplates of titanium carbide, which were produced using a special etching process. The nanoplates act like hard "bricks" that are joined together with flexible "mortar" made of cellulose fibers. This formulation was also frozen in cooled forms in a targeted manner. In relation to the weight of the material, no other material can achieve such shielding. This ranks the titanium carbide nanocellulose aerogel as by far the lightest electromagnetic shielding material in the world.
The lightest electromagnetic shielding material in the world
by Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
A sample of the electromagnetic shielding material made by Empa – a composite of cellulose nanofibres and silver nanowires. Credit: Empa
Electric motors and electronic devices generate electromagnetic fields that sometimes have to be shielded in order not to affect neighboring electronic components or the transmission of signals. High-frequency electromagnetic fields can only be shielded with conductive shells that are closed on all sides. Often thin metal sheets or metallized foils are used for this purpose. However, for many applications such a shield is too heavy or too poorly adaptable to the given geometry. The ideal solution would be a light, flexible and durable material with extremely high shielding effectiveness.
Aerogels against electromagnetic radiation
A breakthrough in this area has now been achieved by a research team led by Zhihui Zeng and Gustav Nyström. The researchers are using nanofibers of cellulose as the basis for an aerogel, which is a light, highly porous material. Cellulose fibers are obtained from wood and, due to their chemical structure, enable a wide range of chemical modifications. They are therefore a highly popular research object. The crucial factor in the processing and modification of these cellulose nanofibres is to be able to produce certain microstructures in a defined way and to interpret the effects achieved. These relationships between structure and properties are the very field of research of Nyström's team at Empa.
The researchers have succeeded in producing a composite of cellulose nanofibers and silver nanowires, and thereby created ultra-light fine structures which provide excellent shielding against electromagnetic radiation. The effect of the material is impressive: with a density of only 1.7 milligrams per cubic centimeter, the silver-reinforced cellulose aerogel achieves more than 40 dB shielding in the frequency range of high-resolution radar radiation (8 to 12 GHz) - in other words: Virtually all radiation in this frequency range is intercepted by the material.
Ice crystals control the shape
Not only the correct composition of cellulose and silver wires is decisive for the shielding effect, but also the pore structure of the material. Within the pores, the electromagnetic fields are reflected back and forth and additionally trigger electromagnetic fields in the composite material, which counteract the incident field. To create pores of optimum size and shape, the researchers pour the material into pre-cooled molds and allow it to freeze out slowly. The growth of the ice crystals creates the optimum pore structure for damping the fields.
With this production method, the damping effect can even be specified in different spatial directions: If the material freezes out in the mold from bottom to top, the electromagnetic damping effect is weaker in the vertical direction. In the horizontal direction—i.e. perpendicular to the freezing direction—the damping effect is optimized. Shielding structures cast in this way are highly flexible: even after being bent back and forth a thousand times, the damping effect is practically the same as with the original material. The desired absorption can even be easily adjusted by adding more or less silver nanowires to the composite, as well as by the porosity of the cast aerogel and the thickness of the cast layer.
The lightest electromagnetic shield in the world
Современные люди и все виды животных появились одновременно
В журнале Human Evolution в июне 2018 года была опубликована новая научная статья, в которой представлены новые результаты исследований, согласно которым девять из десяти современных видов животных появились одновременно с современными людьми, и что это произошло всего лишь около 100 000 лет назад!
Но как это может быть? Эволюционисты постоянно пытаются объяснить нам, что все эти виды были созданы отдельно в течение сотен миллионов лет! Авторы исследования, Марк Штокл из Университета Рокфеллера в Нью-Йорке и Дэвид Талер из Университета Базеля, заявили, что они занимались новыми исследованиями довольно длительное время, поэтому они и получили этот совершенно удивительный результат!
Тот факт, что более 90 процентов всех этих видов появились одновременно, свидетельствует о том, что все эти существа и даже современные люди являются продуктом разумного замысла, а не плодом длительной эволюции!
По-видимому, до появления этих видов произошло глобальное катастрофическое событие, которое уничтожило большинство существующих в мире живых существ. Это осознание означает отход от научных объяснений, которые действительны до сих пор для естественного происхождения мира.
Оба биолога обнаружили, что разнообразие нуклеотидов, которое эволюционная биология должна видеть у бесчисленных видов животных на протяжении многих поколений эволюционной истории генеза, не может быть найдено в протестированных образцах ДНК! Скорее, новые данные указывают на то, что все эти виды появились самопроизвольно за последние 100 000 — 200 000 лет. Однако, исходя из этой недолгой эволюционной точки зрения, теоретикам-эволюционистам очень трудно объяснить, как много разных видов эволюционировали за такой короткий период времени. Окаменелости также показывают, что все виды были полностью развиты при их первом же появлении. Исследователи встревожены этим новым пониманием и признают, что все это звучит как «гипотеза Арка Ноя», хотя в научном сообществе это считается маловероятным!
Масштабные, 5 миллионные исследования ДНК-штрих-кодов сотен тысяч различных видов опровергают устаревшие предположения о так называемой эволюции вида.
В ДНК всех видов находится так называемый ген CIO, который можно использовать для создания штрих-кодов ДНК. Когда исследователи Штокл и Талер сравнили гены CIO около 100 000 различных видов, они пришли к выводу, что они неожиданным образом очень похожи — это означает, что все эти разные существа появились одновременно и сравнительно недавно.
Скоростей генетических мутаций, которых можно ожидать в эволюции на протяжении многих миллионов лет, просто нет!
Итак, большинство видов в мире не эволюционировали в течение сотен миллионов лет, но, согласно новым данным, им не более 200 000 лет!
Однако биологам совершенно неясно, как это можно объяснить. Появление всех этих видов, а также видов современных людей, скорее всего, связано с появлением массовых глобальных катаклизмов, которые происходят периодически. После этих стихийных бедствий совершенно новые виды спонтанно эволюционировали в течение очень короткого периода времени. Но как они возникли и откуда они внезапно появились в достаточном количестве, необъяснимо и приближает основную науку к распознаванию генетического замысла или божественного творения, как описано во всех религиозных учениях! Многие древние традиции сообщают, что человечество едва избежало полного вымирания в результате катастрофического наводнения. Согласно Библии, мир родился около 6000 лет назад, а не 100 000 лет назад.
Из этих утверждений можно прочитать то, что страшит устоявшуюся науку: опровержение дарвиновской эволюции и доказательство глобальных катастроф, как они описаны в религиозных писаниях! Но это было не всегда так, потому что до конца 19-го века идея катастрофы преобладала в естествознании! Основателем этой науки был французский исследователь Жорж де Кювье (1769-1832), который заявил, что в конце отдельных земных эпох происходят гигантские катаклизмы и, таким образом, уничтожаются все ранее существовавшие виды животных, растений и людей.
Кювье полагал, что эти разрушения происходили несколько раз за последние несколько тысяч лет и что библейский Потоп был только последней из этих катастроф, потому что все различные ископаемые слои не могли быть отложены в результате одного катастрофического наводнения.
Из летописи окаменелостей также видно, что после такой катастрофы регулярно появлялись новые виды и виды, которые заменяли старые, и поэтому никаких преобразований в смысле эволюции не происходило.
Катастрофизм долгое время принимался и преподавался еще до того, как британский геолог Чарльз Лайель (1797-1875) посвятил свою стратиграфию, которая аннулировала всю ранее принятую информацию о геологическом возрасте Земли, и с тех пор время в Библии больше не совпадает со временем современной геологии. Это по-прежнему одна из главных проблем в интерпретации окаменелостей — поэтому им, вероятно, не сотни миллионов лет, а только тысячи! Это означает, что сегодняшней поверхности Земли и гор нет сотен миллионов лет, но они могли появиться только несколько тысяч лет назад, окаменелости, которые были найдены высоко в горах, также подтверждают это. Геологи, которые продолжали преподавать катастрофизм, были обвинены в ненаучности и распространении религиозных убеждений к концу 19-го века.
Согласно катастрофам, различие между видами животных разных эпох может быть объяснено только появлением огромных катаклизмов, а затем произошло сверхъестественное воссоздание всех видов Богом или какой-то другой таинственной силой. Жорж де Кювье отметил, что живые существа не эволюционно изменяются, как утверждает Дарвин, но созданы совершенно и неизменны — поэтому эту концепцию называют постоянством природы. Кювье был противником Лайелла и объяснил, что чем дальше он копается глубже в более старых слоях отложений, тем больше различаются флора и фауна. Это доказательство того, что все эти виды не произошли друг от друга, но возникли независимо. Поэтому история Земли была не линейной, а циклической и периодической.
Сегодня наука вынуждена отклониться от своих устаревших представлений о геологии и дарвинизме, и вот уже несколько лет происходит возрождение катастрофизма и доктрины творения. Сегодня было доказано, что многие катастрофические падения метеоритов и астероидов имели место в прошлом, последняя крупная катастрофа такого рода произошла около 12 000 лет назад, и в то время все допотопные человеческие цивилизации мира были уничтожены. Доказательства такого сценария подавлялись на протяжении десятилетий и игнорировались или опровергались научным сообществом, но из-за новых данных, вероятно, все учебники должны будут подвергнуться радикальному пересмотру!
В соответствии с этим, американская секретная служба ЦРУ недавно выпустила текст книги, которая была написана в 1965 году, но впоследствии была классифицирована как секретная. Текст был частично опубликован на веб-сайте ЦРУ в 2013 году, но большая часть текста до сих пор является секретной! Эта книга называется «История Адама и Евы» и написана Чаном Томасом. Это был выпускник Колумбийского университета, и он получил степень в 1943 году в качестве инженера-электрика.
В результате своих исследований Чан Томас стал ведущим сторонником катастрофизма среди американских геологов в начале 1950-х годов. Томасу удалось показать, что земная кора и, следовательно, вся ее поверхность несколько раз были катастрофически смещены в результате катаклизмов, и что в ближайшем будущем нам снова придется столкнуться с такой катастрофой. Альберт Эйнштейн лично помог развить эту теорию, и поэтому книга была конфискована Чаном Томасом из ЦРУ и классифицирована как секретная, потому что они боялись общественной паники, когда эта информация стала известной.
Это доказательство того, как мало современная наука понимает истинное прошлое нашей планеты, поскольку между Землей, нашим Солнцем и космическими энергиями нашей галактики существуют сильные взаимодействия и циклические изменения, которые там происходят -Таким образом, существует некий космический план, который разворачивается в циклах.
Периодические изменения на Земле, следовательно, связаны с электромагнитными силами, контролируемыми космосом, и эти силы также оказывают сильное влияние на сознание человека и энергию нашего сердца.
Автор и исследователь Дэниел Винтер объясняет, что эти частоты мозга и сердца влияют на энергетическое поле человеческого тела, которое в свою очередь резонирует с магнитным полем Земли. Д-р Уинтер считает, что наше нарушенное социальное состояние сознания, которое происходит от дестабилизации, искусственно вызванных электромагнитных манипуляций, отрицательных эмоций и ложных убеждений, в совокупности вызывает массовое нарушение магнитного поля Земли, вызывая сейсмическую активность.
Уинтер также утверждает, что описанное состояние порабощения человеческого разума и неспособность свободно выражать себя привели к нескольким катастрофическим событиям в прошлом нашей планеты. Есть сегодня доказательства из геологии, биологии, астрономии, физики, мифологии и религии, что в далеком прошлом много раз происходили такие бедствия, и многие эксперты подозревают, что мы столкнемся с таким событием снова в течение 21-го века, потому что большие земные изменения и сдвиг полюсов могут произойти! По мнению экспертов, так периодически каждые 6500 лет наступает такой катаклизм, который уничтожает почти всю жизнь на земле, а затем происходит стихийное воссоздание.
Чан Томсон пишет в своей книге, что научное сообщество уже более 150 лет ведет борьбу с доказательствами этого факта, потому что они хорошо знают этот факт, но не хотят, чтобы мировая общественность услышала об этом. Сегодня наука не может доказать свои противоречивые теории, потому что существует слишком много антитезисов, чтобы доказать, что наша планета регулярно подвергается массированным бедствиям. Томас провел интенсивные исследования в области стратиграфии, океанографии, сейсмологии, археологии и антропологии и поэтому смог рассчитать, когда произошли последние катаклизмы.
Последний, согласно его расчетам, произошел около 6500 лет назад, и это согласуется с сообщениями о библейском потопе. Другое произошло около 12 000 лет назад и еще три до в период около 35000 лет.
По словам Томаса, это означает, что существовали глобальные человеческие цивилизации, которым было более 20 000 лет.
Существуют многочисленные сообщения, мифы и легенды из Южной Америки, Северной Америки, Индии, Греции, Центральной Азии или Египта, согласно которым древние цивилизации мира были разрушены катаклизмами и стихийными бедствиями и стали легендами в течение следующих тысячелетий. Томас объясняет, что солнечная активность и другие факторы изменяют электромагнитное поле Земли каждые несколько тысяч лет, что в конечном итоге приводит к сдвигу полюсов, который вызывает катастрофу, поскольку земная кора и океаны не могут внезапно изменить свое положение, подобно магнитным полюсам но речь идет о сильных циклонах и суперпотоках, которые за очень короткое время похоронили континенты под приливной волной высотой в километр. Это приводит к огромному сдвигу континентальных плит, и целые континенты тонут в океане, а из него поднимаются новые, а массы ледяных пресных вод на полюсах свидетельствуют о внезапном приливе и таком наводнении.
Хорошая новость заключается в том, что в это время земных перемен существует также огромный скачок в сознании, который даст нам возможность создать новый мир, поскольку мы сейчас вступаем в новый золотой век, согласно различным предсказаниям и древним пророчествам.источник
What´s in the field bag of scientists?
Check out in this new great blog post what Joshua F Dean takes in his field bag to measure greenhouse gas fluxes in the Arctic...
As we are entering the celebration of July 4th in the US, a celebration of freedom, independence, and a coming together, my heart is heavy with the witnessing of the pain and separation still present to this day between US citizens. Despite the constitution recognize this freedom and equality of all it's citizens, the experience of many is far from it.
So during this weekend, I will sit with what freedom truly means. Am I truly free if my brothers and sisters are still living with chains? If my freedom means oppression of others, is that really freedom? Am I truly independent if oppression is still at the heart of many systems supposedly here to fight against oppression? How do we build a system that can truly celebrate freedom for all? Freedom of expression in all ways and forms.
As in this photo, what I "see" means freedom for a few, oppressions for others. My duty is to see the shadow, understand it, and heal it.
To me, freedom comes with a lot of responsibility and accountability. One cannot be detached from the others. Being free does not mean I can or should harm others with my words or actions. Being free does not mean I am or should not be accountable for my actions.
Responsibility. Accountability. Freedom.
That is what this day means to me. Recognizing the oppression of minorities, of BIPOC, of LQBTQ people, of the poor, the mentally ill, the elderly, etc. Recognizing the existence of the lack of freedom and independence for (too) many. Because they cannot live freely as I do. Because just by the reason of who they are their life is way more at risk than mine. Knowing some do not have access to good education, good food, good water, good healthcare, good and safe community.
I know my risk of getting shot if I walk at night in my community or drive my car is statistically way less because I am white.
I know that walking with my partner hand in hand is less risky because I am heterosexual.
I know that protesting for my rights is safer because the system in place protects me more than others.
I know that because I live on stolen land and the land of my ancestors was not stolen, that I need to fight for those who still live in a world that doesn't recognize their rights to their ancestral land.
I know that even during a worldwide pandemic I am safer because my body is healthier, my mental health is stronger, and my privilege allows me to enjoy this slowing down in ways so many cannot.
I know that wearing a mask is in no way taking away my freedom in the way freedom is taken away every single day from so many regardless of being in a pandemic or not.
That is why my responsibility is to fight for those who are oppressed. Less free. Less independent. More at risk. More vulnerable. That is the responsibility of my freedom. And that is where I need to be accountable.
I am reminded of all this in the depth of this teaching of my elders, and of Nature: we are all related. We are all related.
Is the Tree free in the forest? Only if the forest is.
Is the forest free? Only if the land is.
The Tree freedom can only exist in relationship to the collective freedom.
If you are not free, I am not free.
If you do not belong, I do not belong.
Freedom is ultimately found in WE not in ME.
To be free from conditioning, whiteness blindfold, racism, judgment, separation, harmful behaviors, hatred, I need to LISTEN. To others. To the land. To my ancestors. To the elders. I need to deeply listen to the wild Earth. The wild feminine. The free wild and soft animal in me.
So celebrating freedom can only truly be a celebration if all my relations are listened to AND free. And if I celebrate "my" freedom, then I need to fight for the freedom of ALL.
I do not want to celebrate an idea, I want to fight and work for that idea to become a reality. A different future. A way of relating that only us as human beings have not yet figure out fully.
So my prayer, and work, this July 4th, will be the same as every day. A prayer for my relatives who are suffering, a prayer for first nation people all around the world to be free, a prayer for all minorities and BIPOC, to feel as safe and free as I am.
I will celebrate that prayer, around the fire, with all my heart.
Angell Deer
Надейтесь, ожидайте, и тогда будут разочарования. Не ожидайте и не будет никаких разочарований. Разочарование – это побочный «продукт»: чем больше вы ожидаете, тем большим вы создаете свое собственное разочарование. Если же у вас нет ожиданий, то тогда все просто: вы задаете вопрос и к вам приходит ответ - тогда наступает удовлетворение и успокоение. Но если вы спрашиваете, а сами уже имеете какие-то ожидания, то тогда ответ вас разочарует...
Например, если вы влюбляетесь в кого-то, то вас поглощают ожидания, которых вы даже не осознаете. Вы начинаете ожидать, что ваша любовь - взаимна. Вы еще не полюбили глубоко, ваши чувства еще не выросли, еще не созрели, но ожидания уже есть... Теперь они все разрушат. Любовь создает больше всего разочарований в мире, потому что с любовью вы погружаетесь в утопию ожиданий. Вы еще не начали путешествие, а уже думаете о возвращении домой.
Если вы постоянно ждете любви от кого-то, то этот человек начнет чувствовать, что он вам что-то должен. Это будет похоже на обязанность. Но любовь может быть только игрой, а не долгом. Любовь – это свобода, а долг – это ноша, тяжелая ноша, которую вы несете сами и заставляете другого тоже нести. А когда вам нужно нести что-то тяжелое, то теряется красота. Свежесть, легкость, поэзия, все это теряется. Не делайте из любви выгодной сделки, и вы никогда не будете разочарованы. Источник разочарований всегда один – ваши ожидания…
Можно стать мужем и женой, а можно стать родными друг другу людьми. И вы удивитесь, но здесь есть колоссальная разница.
В первом случае вы делаете то, что должны: она работает, стирает, готовит, убирает, растит детей, отдаёт супружеский долг (чаще всего, с мыслью: отстреляюсь и спать), и он работает, чинит, вбивает гвозди, меняет лампы, устраняет засоры, растит детей, отдаёт супружеский долг (в большинстве своём, вообще ни о чем не думая). Они платят ипотеку, планируют поездки на дачу и иногда в отпуск. В отпуске, кстати, большинство семей выполняют те же обязанности: готовят, смотрят за детьми и устают. Устают, устают и устают. Каждый день. Устают и друг от друга, поэтому у каждого появляется личная жизнь, личные интересы в свободное от обязательств время, куда второму вход воспрещён.
Будучи родными людьми, они делают то же самое: стирают, готовят, чинят, растят детей. С одной лишь разницей - свободное от обязательств время они посвящают друг другу. Они не отдают супружеский долг, они занимаются любовью или даже сексом (а разница здесь огромная). У них есть общие интересы. И не поверите, они даже говорят. Просто ни о чем за чашкой чая или бокалом вина. Они и есть личная жизнь друг друга. У них нет секретов, они знают друг о друге все.
И знаете, что? Мне не нужен муж. Мне нужен родной человек!
©Staisy | Анастасия Поручикова
By Colin Todhunter Nov. 6, 2015 Re-posted Nov. 4, 2019
There is a global depopulation agenda. The plan is to remove the ‘undesirables’, ‘the poor’ and others deemed to be ‘unworthy’ and a drain on finite resources. However, according to Rosemary Mason, the plan isn’t going to work because an anthropogenic mass extinction is already underway that will affect all life on the planet and both rich and poor alike. Humans will struggle to survive the phenomenon.
A new paper by Rosemary A Mason in the ‘Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry’, indicates that a ‘sixth extinction’ is under way (the Holocene extinction, sometimes called the Sixth Extinction, is a name describing the ongoing extinction of species during the present Holocene epoch – since around 10,000 BCE). In her paper, ‘The sixth mass extinction and chemicals in the environment: our environmental deficit is now beyond nature’s ability to regenerate’, she argues that loss of biodiversity is the most urgent of the environmental problems, as biodiversity is critical to ecosystem services and human health. And the main culprit is the modern chemical-intensive industrialised system of food and agriculture.
Mason asserts there is a growing threat from the release of hormone-disrupting chemicals that could even be shifting the human sex ratio and reducing sperm counts. An industrial agricultural revolution has created a technology-dependent global food system, but it has also created serious long-run vulnerabilities, especially in its dependence on stable climates, crop monocultures and industrially produced chemical inputs. In effect, farming is a principal source of global toxification and soil degradation.
Without significant pressure from the public demanding action, Mason argues there could little chance of changing course fast enough to forestall disaster. The ‘free’ market is driving the impending disaster and blind faith in corporate-backed technology will not save us. Indeed, such faith in this technology is actually killing us.
Since the late 1990s, US scientists have written in increasingly desperate tones regarding an unprecedented number of fungal and fungal-like diseases, which have recently caused some of the most severe die-offs and extinctions ever witnessed in wild species and which are jeopardizing food security. Only one paper dared to mention pesticides as being a primary cause, however.
Mason cites a good deal of evidence to show how the widespread use on agricultural crops of the systemic neonicotinoid insecticides and the herbicide glyphosate, both of which cause immune suppression, make species vulnerable to emerging infectious pathogens, driving large-scale wildlife extinctions, including essential pollinators.
Providing evidence to show how human disease patterns correlate remarkably well with the rate of glyphosate usage on corn, soy and wheat crops, which has increased due to ‘Roundup Ready’ crops, Mason goes on to present more sources to show how our over-reliance on chemicals in agriculture is causing irreparable harm to all beings on this planet. Most of these chemicals are known to cause illness, and they have likely been causing illnesses for many years. But until recently, the herbicides have never been sprayed directly on food crops and never in this massive quantity.
The depopulation agenda
Mason discusses how agriculture and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) fit into a wider agenda for depopulating the planet. She notes that on the initiative of Gates, in May 2009 some of the richest people in the US met at the home of Nurse, a British Nobel prize-winning biochemist and President (2003–10) of Rockefeller University in Manhattan, to discuss ways of tackling a ‘disastrous’ environmental, social and industrial threat of overpopulation. The meeting was hosted by David Rockefeller Jr. These same individuals have met several times since to develop a strategy in which population growth would be tackled.
The Rockefeller Foundation (RF) was involved in extensive financing of eugenics research in league with some of the US’s most respected scientists from such prestigious universities as Stanford, Yale, Harvard and Princeton. The explicit aim of the eugenics lobby funded by wealthy élite families, such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman and others since the 1920s, has embodied what they termed ‘negative eugenics’, the systematic killing off of ‘undesired bloodlines’.
RF funded the earliest research on GMOs, which Mason regards as part of the depopulation agenda. The RF funded the earliest research on GMOs in the 1940s and effectively founded the science of molecular biology.
Mason cites Steven Druker to show the fraud behind GMOs and how governments and leading scientific institutions have systematically misrepresented the facts about GMOs and the scientific research that casts doubt on their safety. Druker has shown that GMOs can have severe health impacts, which have been covered up.
The Royal Society is the preeminent scientific body within the UK that advises the government. It has misrepresented the facts about GMOs and has engaged in various highly dubious and deceptive tactics to promote the technology.
Druker wrote an open letter to RS as it has an obligation to the British public to provide a public response and ‘put the record straight’ on GMOs. Although Sir Paul Nurse’s presidency of Rockefeller University terminated in 2010, after he assumed the Royal Society presidency, Mason notes that Nurse is said to have maintained a laboratory on the Rockefeller campus and has an ongoing relationship with the university.
She asks: is that why Sir Paul was unable (or unwilling) even to discuss GMOs with Steven Druker? Was he sent to London by the Rockefeller Foundation to support the UK Government in their attempt to bring in GM crops? The UK Government and the GM industry have after all been shown to be working together to promote GM crops and foods, undermine consumer choice and ignore environmental harm.
Mason then goes on to discuss the impact of glyphosate residues (herbicide-tolerant GM crops are designed to work with glyphosate), which are found in the organs of animals, human urine and human breast milk as well as in the air and rivers. She documents its widespread use and contamination of soil and water and notes that the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer’s assessment of glyphosate being a 2A carcinogen (probably carcinogenic in humans) is unwelcome news for the agrochemical industry. She also notes that Roundup usage has led to a depletion of biodiversity and that loss of biodiversity is also correlated with neonicotinoids. However, despite the evidence, the blatant disregard concerning the use of these substances by regulatory agencies around the world is apparent.
To provide some insight into the impact on health of the chemical-intensive model of agriculture, Mason shows that in the US increases in Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, breast cancer, oesophageal cancer, congenital anomalies and a growing burden of disability, particularly from mental disorders are all acknowledged.
She claims that plans are under way to depopulate the planet’s seven million plus people to a more manageable level of between 500–2000 million by a combination of means, including the poisoning and contamination of the planet’s food and water supplies via chemical-intensive industrialised agriculture. Mason also notes that health-damaging GMOs are being made available to the masses (under the guise of ‘feeding the poor’), while elites are more prone to eat organic food.
We may be gone before planned depopulation takes hold
Although Mason cites evidence to show that a section of the US elite has a depopulation agenda, given the amount of poisons being pumped into the environment and into humans, the thrust of her argument is that we could all be extinct before this comes to fruition – both rich and poor alike.
In concluding, she states that the global pesticides industry has been allowed to dominate the regulatory agencies and have created chemicals of mass destruction that can no longer be controlled. She has some faith in systems biology coming to the fore and being able to understand the complexity of the whole organism as a system, rather than just studying its parts in a reductionist manner. But Mason believes that ultimately the public must place pressure on governments and hold agribusiness to account.
However, that in itself may not be enough.
It is correct to highlight the poisonous impacts of the Rockefeller-sponsored petrochemical ‘green revolution’. It has uprooted indigenous/traditional agriculture and local economies and has recast them in a model that suits global agribusiness. It is poisoning life and the environment, threatening food security across the globe and is unsustainable. The ‘green revolution’ was ultimately a tool of US foreign policy that has been used in conjunction with various institutions like the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organisation. GMOs represent more of the same.
In this respect, Mason follows the line of argument in William F Engdahl’s book ‘Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation’, which locates the GM issue and the ‘green revolution’ firmly within the context of empire. Engdahl also sees the Rockefeller-Gates hand behind the great GMO project to a sinister eugenicist strategy of depopulation.
Mason’s concerns about depopulation therefore should not be dismissed, particularly given the record of the likes of the Gates and Rockefeller clans, the various covert sterility programmes that have been instituted by the US over the decades and the way agriculture has and continues to be used as a geopolitical tool to further the agendas of rich interests in the US.
To understand the processes that have led to modern farming and the role of entities like Monsanto, we must appreciate the geopolitics of food and agriculture, which benefits an increasingly integrated global cartel of finance, oil, military and agribusiness concerns. This cartel seeks to gain from war, debt bondage and the control of resources, regardless of any notions relating to food security, good health and nutrition, biodiversity, food democracy, etc.
Food and trade policy analyst Devinder Sharma notes the impacts in India:
“India is on fast track to bring agriculture under corporate control… Amending the existing laws on land acquisition, water resources, seed, fertilizer, pesticides and food processing, the government is in overdrive to usher in contract farming and encourage organized retail. This is exactly as per the advice of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as well as the international financial institutes.”
In Punjab, India, pesticides have turned the state into a ‘cancer epicentre‘. Moreover, Indian soils are being depleted as a result of the application of ‘green revolution’ ideology and chemical inputs. India is losing 5,334 million tonnes of soil every year due to soil erosion because of the indiscreet and excessive use of fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research reports that soil is become deficient in nutrients and fertility.
And now, there is an attempt to push GM food crops into India in a secretive, non-transparent manner that smacks of regulatory delinquency underpinned by corrupt practices, which suggests officials are working hand in glove with US agribusiness.
As smallholders the world over are being driven from their land and the GMO/chemical-industrial farming model takes over, the problems continue to mount.
The environment, the quality of our food and our health are being sacrificed on the altar of corporate profit and a type of looting based on something we can loosely regard as ‘capitalism’. The solution involves a shift to organic farming and investment in and reaffirmation of indigenous models of agriculture. But ultimately it entails what Daniel Maingi of Growth Partners for Africa says what we must do: “… take capitalism and business out of farming.”
It must also entail, according to Maingi, investing in “… indigenous knowledge and agroecology, education and infrastructure and stand(ing) in solidarity with the food sovereignty movement.”
In other words, both farmers and consumers must organise to challenge governments, corrupt regulatory bodies and big agribusiness at every available opportunity. If we don’t do this, what Mason outlines may come to pass.
From Prof. RS "Rick" Duarte, Jr. * Feb. 25, 2020
Poor people in developing countries are far more likely to suffer from exposure to pesticides classified as having high hazard to human health or the environment, according to new data that Unearthed analyzed.
The analysis shows that the world's top five pesticide makers are making billions, accounting for more than 36 percent of their income, from chemicals that are proven to hazards to humans and the environment and are contributing to the precipitous demise of bee populations, as Unearthed reported.
The researchers found that the sale of these highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), disproportionately occurred in poorer nations, which often have fewer regulations than industrialized nations, according to The Guardian. In India, for example, sales of HHPs were nearly 60 percent, while in the UK it was just 11 percent.
The report from the investigative team at Unearthed focused on the practices of Bayer, BASF, Corteva (formerly Dow and DuPont), FMC and Syngenta, which are continuing to sell HHPs like neonicotinoids and glufosinate that have been banned in other parts of the world, according to the produce industry publication Fresh Produce Journal.
Unearthed dove into data collected by Phillips McDougall, the leading agribusiness analysts, from buyer surveys that concentrated on the best sellers in the top 43 pesticide buying countries, as The Guardian reported.
While regulations have stopped the sale of certain pesticides in Europe, the U.S. and Canada, it has hardly slowed down chemical companies, which sold $4.8 billion worth of products containing HHPs in 2018, as The Guardian reported. Bayer called the analysis "misleading" but did not offer proof of that assessment.
Since the investigation focused on just 43 countries, it covered less than half of the companies' global sales. That suggests that the companies actually made billions more from pesticides that regulatory agencies have said pose hazards like acute poisoning or chronic illness in people, or high toxicity to bees and other wildlife, according to Unearthed.
The investigation found that pesticide manufacturers sold the majority of its highly hazardous pesticide in low- and middle-income countries like Brazil and India, where experts say the risks posed by using these chemicals are greatest, according to Unearthed. The biggest market for HHPs were for corn and soya crops.
About a quarter of sales were from products known to be human carcinogens or dangerous to reproductive health. Another 10 percent were toxic to bees. An additional 4 percent of chemicals sold are acutely toxic to humans. Every year, nearly 200,000 suicides are linked to pesticide poisoning, almost entirely in developing countries, according to The Guardian.
"This investigation shows that there is a huge disconnect between what those companies are saying in the international policy arena and what they are actually doing," Meriel Watts, a senior science and policy advisor to the Pesticide Action Network, said to Unearthed.
Baskut Tuncak, the United Nations' special rapporteur on toxic substances and human rights, told Unearthed, "There is nothing sustainable about the widespread use of highly hazardous pesticides for agriculture."
"Whether they poison workers, extinguish biodiversity, persist in the environment, or accumulate in a mother's breast milk, these are unsustainable, cannot be used safely, and should have been phased out of use long ago," Tuncak said.
From Prof. RS "Rick" Duarte, Jr. * Feb. 25, 2020
Poor people in developing countries are far more likely to suffer from exposure to pesticides classified as having high hazard to human health or the environment, according to new data that Unearthed analyzed.
The analysis shows that the world's top five pesticide makers are making billions, accounting for more than 36 percent of their income, from chemicals that are proven to hazards to humans and the environment and are contributing to the precipitous demise of bee populations, as Unearthed reported.
The researchers found that the sale of these highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), disproportionately occurred in poorer nations, which often have fewer regulations than industrialized nations, according to The Guardian. In India, for example, sales of HHPs were nearly 60 percent, while in the UK it was just 11 percent.
The report from the investigative team at Unearthed focused on the practices of Bayer, BASF, Corteva (formerly Dow and DuPont), FMC and Syngenta, which are continuing to sell HHPs like neonicotinoids and glufosinate that have been banned in other parts of the world, according to the produce industry publication Fresh Produce Journal.
Unearthed dove into data collected by Phillips McDougall, the leading agribusiness analysts, from buyer surveys that concentrated on the best sellers in the top 43 pesticide buying countries, as The Guardian reported.
While regulations have stopped the sale of certain pesticides in Europe, the U.S. and Canada, it has hardly slowed down chemical companies, which sold $4.8 billion worth of products containing HHPs in 2018, as The Guardian reported. Bayer called the analysis "misleading" but did not offer proof of that assessment.
Since the investigation focused on just 43 countries, it covered less than half of the companies' global sales. That suggests that the companies actually made billions more from pesticides that regulatory agencies have said pose hazards like acute poisoning or chronic illness in people, or high toxicity to bees and other wildlife, according to Unearthed.
The investigation found that pesticide manufacturers sold the majority of its highly hazardous pesticide in low- and middle-income countries like Brazil and India, where experts say the risks posed by using these chemicals are greatest, according to Unearthed. The biggest market for HHPs were for corn and soya crops.
About a quarter of sales were from products known to be human carcinogens or dangerous to reproductive health. Another 10 percent were toxic to bees. An additional 4 percent of chemicals sold are acutely toxic to humans. Every year, nearly 200,000 suicides are linked to pesticide poisoning, almost entirely in developing countries, according to The Guardian.
"This investigation shows that there is a huge disconnect between what those companies are saying in the international policy arena and what they are actually doing," Meriel Watts, a senior science and policy advisor to the Pesticide Action Network, said to Unearthed.
Baskut Tuncak, the United Nations' special rapporteur on toxic substances and human rights, told Unearthed, "There is nothing sustainable about the widespread use of highly hazardous pesticides for agriculture."
"Whether they poison workers, extinguish biodiversity, persist in the environment, or accumulate in a mother's breast milk, these are unsustainable, cannot be used safely, and should have been phased out of use long ago," Tuncak said.
By Larry Romanoff * February 11, 2020
"GM seed was conceived, promoted, researched and funded by the US Department of Defense...Genetically-Modified seed was never intended to support human life, but to eliminate it."
GM seeds and GM food carry great risks for all nations, so much so that for many reasons it is probably imperative these foods be banned outright. This subject is too large to be discussed here, but one aspect requires brief notice. If we were to ask about the origin of GM seeds, how the idea was conceived and developed, who did the research and who provided the funding, how would we reply? We might reasonably suggest that perhaps the concept originated in the Biology or Agricultural Department of some university, or that a government lab doing research on food supplies might have conceived and pursued the idea. Or, we might suggest a private company in the agricultural field was looking for more productive varieties of grains and stumbled on this process.
We might suggest all those answers, but in each case we would be wrong. GM seed was conceived, promoted, researched and funded by the US Department of Defense – the American War Department. GM seed was never meant as a way to feed the hungry, but was instead conceived and developed as a weapon or, more precisely, as a weapons-delivery system. Genetically-Modified seed was never intended to support human life, but to eliminate it.
GM seed is neither more productive nor healthier than traditional heritage crops, and is far more expensive and destructive, but it presents almost irresistible military advantages against any nation that becomes dependent on this source of food grains. One is that the US can use it as a political weapon, refusing to supply seed to a disfavored nation, perhaps causing widespread famine and dislocation. The other is more sinister, in that many groups have experimented with gene-splicing technology, inserting unrelated DNA into various seeds.
In one case in Canada, a government department discovered an “anti-freeze” gene contained in the blood of fish living in Arctic waters, permitting them to survive in waters of sub-zero temperature. (20) The scientists spliced this gene into Canadian wheat crops, permitting the wheat to withstand freezing temperatures without damage. Monsanto also forced these genes into tomatoes, resulting in the first GMO tomato. (21) An American research lab spliced the genes from fireflies into tobacco plants, producing a tobacco field that glowed in the dark. (22)
These examples may be harmless, but others are much less so. The US Defense Department has invested huge sums in research directed to splicing lethal genes into these GM crop seeds, including smallpox, bird and swine flu viruses, coronaviruses, the plague, AIDS, and more. As a military weapon, such science is priceless. Why begin a shooting war when Monsanto or Cargill can sell rice, corn and soybeans that contain smallpox, H5N1, or a coronavirus? When the seed is harvested and passes into the nation’s food supply it could, within weeks, exterminate 50% or more of the population without firing a single shot.
And this was precisely the reason GM seed was conceived and developed by the Americans. It is a weapon of war, designed and meant to deliver to a nation’s entire population a lethal virus or other disease, to literally exterminate an enemy with no risk to the aggressor. Many scientists and US military documents have demonstrated that seeds are far cheaper and much more effective than bombs in the search for military domination. One such military document I’ve discussed elsewhere stated the cost per death of an enemy population by nuclear, conventional and biological weapons, the latter being orders of magnitude less than the former.
In 2001 scientists at the Epicyte bio-lab in San Diego created a GM contraceptive corn, having discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm. Their researchers isolated the genes that regulate the manufacture of these antibodies and inserted them into corn plants, creating horticultural factories that make contraceptives. (23) (24) Shortly after the 2001 Epicyte press release, all discussion of the breakthrough vanished. The company was taken over by Biolex and nothing more was heard in any media about the development of spermicidal corn. Epicyte, DuPont and Syngenta (sponsors of the Svalbard Seed Vault) had a joint venture to share and use this technology. Silvia Ribeiro, of the NGO ETC Group, warned in a column in the Mexican daily La Jornada, that “The potential of spermicidal corn as a biological weapon is very high”, and reminisced about the use of forced sterilizations against indigenous peoples.
The Doomsday Seed Vault at Svalbard
A new and serious cause for concern is the recently-announced seed vault built on a piece of barren rock named Svalbard, which is owned by Norway, is very remote near the North Pole, and virtually inaccessible. According to press releases, this seed vault has dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls of steel-reinforced concrete one meter thick. There are no full-time staff, but the vault’s relative inaccessibility will facilitate monitoring any human activity. The stated purpose is to store the entire world’s heritage seeds so that crop diversity can be saved for the future, but that crop diversity is already “saved”, stored in vaults all around the world. What do these people foresee, that such a remote and secure facility should be developed?
The promoters and financiers of this venture are the same people who control the world’s GM seeds and who have been among the most outspoken proponents of drastically reducing the world’s population: the Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Syngenta, DuPont, Monsanto and CGIAR. These are the same people who are actively destroying crop diversity all over the planet. Why would they suddenly get religion and decide to save in Norway the same seeds they are destroying everywhere else?
Some time ago, William Engdahl wrote an excellently researched article on this subject of the seed vault and arrived at the same conclusion, that the vault was created as a storehouse for lethal biological pathogens, the DNA of which can be combined with GM seed and unleashed anywhere with the help of these same seed companies. No other use would explain the list of participants or the need for the remote location and virtually nuclear-proof security. Engdahl asked, “Is it a coincidence that these same organizations, from Norway to the Rockefeller Foundation to the World Bank are also involved in the Svalbard seed bank project?” (25)
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Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He can be contacted at:
Можно иметь большой красивый дом - но не чувствовать в нем уюта,
Можно питаться только изысканной кухней - но не испытывать чувство сытости,
Можно иметь много друзей - но не получить поддержку в нужный для вас момент,
Можно каждый день заниматься сексом - не испытывая оргазма,
Можно иметь внимательного любящего партнёра - при этом не познав любви ,
Можно жить на зависть всех окружающих - но не испытать абсолютного счастья
Сколько же людей живут с нелюбимыми? Ради детей, ради денег, ради жилья... Сколько людей терпят раздражающее ночное дыхание, отвратительные утренние объятия. Сколько лишили себя счастья любить взаимно? А стоит ли оно этого? Дети не скажут " спасибо ", за эту жизны без любви, ведь они все чувствуют. Деньги не сделают вас счастливыми. И в финале вы поймёте, что ваша жизны прожита впустую..
We Are More Wired Than Ever. But Are We Truly Connected?
( "The Age of Disconnection" Daniel Taylor)
(23) GM corn set to stop man spreading his seed;
The original source of this article is Global Research
Every human being has both masculine and feminine energies. When we alchemically marry these two energetic forces within ourselves, they will be reflected in the collective. This means that the healthy feminine will have integrated masculine components and vice versa.
Gender separation is one of the most understated and most powerful dividing forces in a world governed by duality. Masculinity has been the overwhelming predominant force for thousands of years now but the pendulum is swinging in the other direction.
The suppression of the feminine has been boiling up in the collective consciousness for so long now and is starting to demand attention. What presents a powerful opportunity for the collective could prove to be as detrimental as when the toxic masculine seized control many thousands of years ago.
It’s important that we redress the imbalance in the right way. This requires that we don’t allow our personal and collective wounds to be exploited so that we inadvertently join a cause that we believe to be inclusive and progressive, but actually divides us from others who don’t agree.
An example of this is the way feminism was subverted to serve the patriarchy by generating more masculine energy in an attempt to seek retribution for past suppression. In demanding equal gender rights through equal opportunity, many women polarised to the already masculine dominated system, giving it a greater strangehold over the collective and losing further touch of the feminine essence. Feminine based roles and creativity were still undervalued and dismissed as less important in favour of industries generating greater profit.
Now, with the gradual and deliberate dissolution of capitalism and right wing politics, the liberal momentum is supposedly predicated upon greater equality for the underprivileged and a redistribution of power. However, all its new emergent belief systems (isms) are funnelling into even more centralisation of power, where the individual is still in servitude to an external authority who governs its decision making and controls its freedom.
This is a misuse of morality using emotional manipulation to take advantage of people’s disillusionment with the establishment and shame people who don’t pledge allegiance to these destructive groups, as if there is an obligation to project their anger into fighting a battle for equality. This is much like how men were manipulated into dying in wars for tyrannical superpowers under the guise of nationalism, little realising both sides were manipulated and funded by a controlling hand to create order from chaos.
If we aren’t careful, our unhealed pain will be subverted to divide us against one another, using political correctness as the new weapon to stifle free speech and cast anyone who opposes mainstream consensus as discriminatory. This is a form of emotional blackmail.
The real discrimination is not over illusory labels, that are reinforced when we give them energy and attention. It is by those who knowingly use mind control to confuse, trigger and manipulate people into fighting one another using various false flags and brainwashing tactics that are so effective that those under its spell would even turn over their own friend or family member in favour of a system that wants all its participants enslaved under perpetual fear to siphon energy and resources.
Collective ascension will require the resurgence of the feminine in the collective from a place of integration within first. This means being able to manage our emotions effectively and bring more spirituality into our lives through activating extra sensory capabilities like intuition to read between the lines and discern what information is true and what is based on corruption and lies. These faculties require deep introspection and self-work, clearing out faulty programs of conditioning and transitioning toward authentic creative expression and not allowing the logical masculine to disconnect us from the feminine aspect of being rooted in the holistic awareness of the body.
This internal split is a microcosm of the hierarchical system that breeds inequality. Just how failing to attend to and clear out trauma stored in the vessel of the body results in imbalance and sickness, failing to adequately address past suppression stored in the collective consciousness will result in inequality that gives more power to the upper echelons (the elite) of the hierarchy, who acts as the tyrannical decision maker, just as our rational mind, situated in the head (the masculine pole) overrules the wisdom of the body (the feminine pole).
Судьба человечества висит на волоске в этот исторический момент. Многие люди довольны, чтобы отойти и посмотреть, как все будет развиваться. Потому что вещи будут разворачиваться, это точно, но очень немногие знают, как это будет разворачиваться. Как он развернется, будет зависеть от действий и бездействий человеческой деятельности и всех сил, действующих за пределами человеческой деятельности, независимо от того, верит ли кто-то в высшую силу, управляющую ее исходом, или нет.
То, что происходит, действительно имеет космическую природу, включая электромагнитные волны, звездный свет, солнце и луну, таяние льда, кислотность морей, извержения вулканов, сейсмическую активность, погоду, активность микробов, вещи, которые начались миллиарды лет назад, все они достигают этого момента, как звездный свет, попадающий в ваши глаза. Все связаны друг с другом, и у нас есть честь, привилегия быть, возможно, и свидетелем, и опытным, и, возможно, ключевым игроком.
Человечество несколько делится на свидетелей и игроков. Подавляющее большинство - свидетели, просто ждут и смотрят, как это развернется. Это волнующее время для многих, так как наступает Эра Водолея, и можно почувствовать волнение во всех возможностях, которые сейчас существуют.
Как и дети, многие из нас играют в создании будущего, которое мы хотели бы, системно думая, воображая утопии, практикуя пермакультуру, восстановительное сельское хозяйство и самодостаточные методы, в то время как «взрослые», люди с властью, институты, правительства, корпоратократии и секретные организации устанавливают правила и определяют, насколько они могут, судьбу всех нас.
Некоторые из нас воображают или делают вид, что то, что мы делаем, повлияет на результат. Давайте просто скажем, что возможны 3 возможных результата наряду с хорошей вероятностью неожиданных результатов. Начиная с худшего, нашего вымирания (продолжение неолиберальной повестки дня), тоталитарного мира или утопического мира. Очевидно, что ставки не могут быть выше.
Однажды, когда я, будучи молодым хиппи, спотыкался о кислоту, я увидел в небе, в облаках галлюцинацию слова «Одна человеческая семья». В тот момент в моей жизни я никогда не думал об этом раньше. Это была новая идея для меня. Теперь, спустя более пятидесяти лет, мне ясно, что это цель. Для всего человечества быть включенным в создание рая на Земле.
Мы не можем полагаться только на «судьбу». Мы хотим сделать все возможное, чтобы добиться баланса в утопическом мире. Вот почему наша первоочередная задача - впервые объединить человечество по существу. Как только мы действительно объединимся через эту цифровую сеть, человечество станет силой добра.
Если мы все объединимся в создании устойчивых горизонтальных самоуправляющихся сообществ (
Утопия * не совершенство, это постоянно улучшающееся общество, которое воплощает человеческие ценности.
The fate of humanity hangs in the balance at this historic moment. Many people are content to stand back and watch how things will unfold. Because things will unfold, that is for sure, but very few if any know how it will unfold. How it will unfold will depend on the actions and non-actions of human activity and all the forces at play outside of human activity, whether one believes that there is a higher force guiding its outcome or not.
The fate of humanity hangs in the balance at this historic moment. Many people are content to stand back and watch how things will unfold. Because things will unfold, that is for sure, but very few if any know how it will unfold. How it will unfold will depend on the actions and non-actions of human activity and all the forces at play outside of human activity, whether one believes that there is a higher force guiding its outcome or not.
What is happening is truly of a cosmic nature, involving electro-magnetic waves, starlight, the sun and the moon, the melting of the ice, the acidity of the seas, volcanic eruptions, seismic activity, the weather, the activity of microbes, things that began billions of years ago, they are all arriving right up to this very moment, like star light entering your eyes. Everything is tied together and we have the honor, the privilege to be perhaps both the witness, the experiencer, and maybe a key player.
Humanity is somewhat divided into witnesses and players. The vast majority are the witnesses, are simply waiting and watching how it will unfold. This a thrilling time for many, as the Age of Aquarius is dawning and one can feel the excitement in all the possibilities that now exist.
Like children, many of us play at creating the future that we would like by thinking systemically, imagining utopias, practicing permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and self-sustainable methods while the “adults”, the people with power, the institutions, governments, corporatocracies, and the secret organizations make the rules and determine as much as they can, the fate of us all.
Some of us imagine or pretend that what we do will have an effect on the outcome. Let’s just say that there may be 3 possible outcomes along with the good possibility of surprise outcomes. Starting with the worst, our extinction (the continuation of the neo-liberal agenda), a totalitarian world, or a utopian world. Obviously, the stakes could not be higher.
One time when I was tripping on acid as a young hippy, I saw in the sky, in the clouds, an hallucination, the words, “One Human Family”. At that point in my life I had never had that thought before. It was a new idea for me. Now, more than fifty years later, it is clear to me that this is the goal. For all of humanity to be included in creating paradise on Earth.
We cannot rely only on “fate”. We want to do all we can to push the balance towards a utopian world. That is why our immediate objective is for the first time to unite humanity in a substantive way. Once we are truly united through this digital network, humanity can be a force for good.
If we all unify in creating sustainable horizontal self-governing communities (…
Utopia* is not perfection, it is an ever-improving society that embodies human values.
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