вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

კრემლის მიზანია დასავლური, დემოკრატიული მსოფლიო წესრიგის დამანგრეველი ქაოსით შეცვლა

კრემლის მიზანია დასავლური, დემოკრატიული მსოფლიო წესრიგის დამანგრეველი ქაოსით შეცვლა

ჰელსინკის კომისიამ ჩაატარა მოსმენები, რომლებიც მიეძღვნა კრემლის მიერ ჩატარებული დეზინფორმაციის კამპანიას.
კრემლის მიერ ორგანიზებული და წარმართული დეზინფორმაციული კამპანია სერიოზულ საფრთხეს უქმნის ეუთოში შემავალ ყველა 57 ქვეყანას.
როგორც აღნიშნავენ ევროპაში უსაფრთხოების და თანამშრომლობის კომისიის წევრები, რომელიც აგრეთვე ცნობილია, როგორც აშშ-ს ჰელსინკის კომისია,  სახელმწიფოს მიერ დაფინანსებული მედია, ისევე როგორც კერძო კომპანიები, რომლებიც რუსეთის ხელისუფლების დაკვეთით აწარმოებენ პროპაგანდისტულ ომს,  შეიძლება განიხილებოდეს, როგორც სხვა ქვეყნების საშინაო საქმეებში ჩარევის ერთ-ერთი მთავარი ინსტრუმენტი.
ოთხშაბათს კაპიტოლიუმის ბორცვზე ჩატარებული მოსმენების მთავარი თემა „რუსული დეზინფორმაციის პრობლემა“ იყო იმის გარკვევის მცდელობა, აქვთ თუ არა აშშ-სა და ევროპულ ქვეყნებს საკუთარი ინსტრუმენტები „რუსული ინფორმაციული შეტევის“ წინააღმდეგ საბრძოლველად.
„ჩვენს თვალწინ ინფორმაცია გარდაიქმნება იარაღად“, - თქვა მოსმენების დროს კონგრესმენმა ედ როსმა.
პოლიტიკოსები, კანონმდებლები და აშშ-ს სპეცსამსახურების წარმომადგენლები უკვე დიდი ხანია საუბრობენ იმ საფრთხეებზე, რომელსაც წარმოადგენს რუსეთის ქმედებები, მაგრამ, მიუხედავად ამისა, ამერიკულმა უწყებებმა, სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტისა და პენტაგონის ჩათვლით, ჯერ კიდევ ვერ მოახერხეს თანამშრომლობის დამყარება, ისინი კოორდინირებენ თავის მოქმედებებს დეზინფორმაციული კამპანიისთვის წინააღმდეგობის გასაწევად.
ამავე დროს, აღნიშნავენ კანონმდებლები, კრემლი განიხილავს შეერთებულ შტატებს, როგორც „მთავარ მტრულ ძალას“.
„კრემლის მიზანია შეცვალოს დასავლური, დემოკრატიული მსოფლიო წესრიგი ისეთზე, რომელიც შედგება მბრძანებელ დერჟავებისგან და ვასალი ქვეყნებისგან“, - თქვა სენატორმა კორი გარდნერმა. - იმისათვის, რომ გათანაბრდეს ძალებში, რუსეთი არ ცდილობს გახდეს აშშ-ზე უფრო ძლიერი. ის ცდილობს აშშ-ს შესუსტებას“.
ჯონ ლენსინგი, სამაუწყებლო მმართველთა საბჭოს (BBG) აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი, რომლის დაქვემდებარებაშია „ამერიკის ხმა“ და სხვა ამერიკული მედია, რომელსაც მხარს უჭერს აშშ-ს მთავრობა, დაეთანხმა იმ მოსაზრებას, რომ მსოფლიოში „დიდი ხნის განმავლობაში მიმდინარეობს ინფორმაციული ომი“. ამასთან, მან განაცხადა, რომ აშშ  არ გამოიყენებს კრემლის მეთოდებს.
„BBG- ს მისიაა შესთავაზოს ხალხს ალტერნატიული ინფორმაცია  ობიექტური სიახლეების ფორმით, ასევე მხარი დაუჭიროს მსოფლიოში თავისუფლებას და დემოკრატიას, მიიტანოს ადამიანებამდე სხვა ქვეყნებში ისეთი ღირებულებების მნიშვნელობა, როგორიცაა თავისუფლება და გახსნილობა, - თქვა მან. - რასაც ჩვენ არასდროს გავაკეთებთ, ეს არის პროპაგანდა, რადგან გვინდა ვიყოთ ავტორიტეტული და გამოვიწვიოთ ნდობა. ეს შესაძლებელია მხოლოდ იმ შემთხვევაში, თუ ვიტყვით სიმართლეს“.





Пациент - это воплощенное осознание, отсоединенное от своего бесконечного «я», отсоединенное от вдохновения, знания, прозрения и интуиции от своего большего «я», действующего на частотах вне этой фальшивой реальности, которую мы называем миром. Как я объясню на мероприятиях, я говорю, что то, что мы называем вселенной, на самом деле является квантовым компьютером. Это фальшивая реальность. Это огромный эквивалент, если хотите, компьютерной игры. Это тот же принцип - поэтому физика компьютерных игр и физика нашего мира в основном совпадают.

Пациент - это пациент в этом смысле, потому что люди не связаны с самим собой. То, что мы называем пробуждением, - это просто пробуждение от программы, чтобы задействовать все больше и больше нашего истинного я. Если вы делаете это вначале, и вы просто начинаете использовать некоторые из великого «я», тогда вы начинаете видеть

Это огромная часть того, о чем я говорю в событиях и в моей новой книге «Призрачное Я», потому что нет другого способа положить конец всей этой чепухе, которая не предполагает вовлечение людей в программу. и в их истинное я. Давайте подумаем об этом - вся эта структура человеческого общества, которая специально разработана для того, чтобы отделить воплощенное Я от бесконечного Я, не создана для смеха. Это не сделано для развлечения. Это абсолютно необходимо для успеха того, чего они пытаются достичь. Таким образом, должен иметь основополагающий здравый смысл, что способ решения этой проблемы состоит в том, чтобы изменить то, что они хотят, и то, что они делают, то есть воссоединить воплощенное Я с бесконечным Я.

Большая часть альтернативных медиа сфокусирована на мире с пятью чувствами, потому что она прошла через программу и, таким образом, может видеть только решения с пятью чувствами того, что они воспринимают как проблемы с пятью чувствами и ситуации с пятью чувствами. Накопить оружие, накопить еду, бороться с системой Система полностью зависит от существования фантомного Я. Без этого нет системы

Пациент - это воплощенное осознание, отсоединенное от своего бесконечного «я», отсоединенное от вдохновения, знания, прозрения и интуиции от своего большего «я», действующего на частотах вне этой фальшивой реальности, которую мы называем миром. Как я объясню на мероприятиях, я говорю, что то, что мы называем вселенной, на самом деле является квантовым компьютером. Это фальшивая реальность. Это огромный эквивалент, если хотите, компьютерной игры. Это тот же принцип - поэтому физика компьютерных игр и физика нашего мира в основном совпадают.

Transphantomism is a term, obviously, related to transhumanism. The reason I call it transphantomism is because it is the next stage – even beyond phantom self – of isolating awareness in the tiny, tiny, microscopic world of the five senses.

The idea of transhumanism is to get technology, most of it nanotechnology, into the body and connect us in mind/body/perception to what PR men for Frankenstein, like Google’s Ray Kurzweil, call the cloud. He is at the forefront of selling transhumanism as a means of creating the so-called super human. What he is really selling, and Kurzweil will know that, is the sub-human. Kurzweil, for instance, has said he expects that by 2030 most human thinking will not come through the human mind but will come from the cloud, because the human mind/brain will be connected to this cloud just as the computer in front of me now connects to the Internet.

I’ve been writing in the books for a long time about the plan for what I’ve called the technological sub-reality. This is precisely what Kurzweil and his ilk call the cloud. The idea is that we will be technologically attached to, in effect, a version of the Internet and it will do our thinking for us. He is saying that more and more in this process human thinking and perception will come from the cloud, and less and less from what we call human, until there is no human – only the cloud.

Like I say, they are trying to sell this outrageous, blatant, almost ultimate control mechanism as people becoming super human.
Трансфантомизм - это термин, очевидно, связанный с трансгуманизмом. Причина, по которой я называю это трансфантомизмом, заключается в том, что это следующий этап - даже за пределами фантомного «я» - изоляция осознания в крошечном, крошечном, микроскопическом мире пяти чувств.

Идея трансгуманизма заключается в том, чтобы внедрить технологию, в основном нанотехнологию, в тело и соединить нас в разуме / теле / ​​восприятии с тем, что пиарщики Франкенштейна, такие как Рэй Курцвейл из Google, называют облаком. Он находится на переднем крае продажи трансгуманизма как средства создания так называемого сверхчеловека. То, что он действительно продает, и Курцвейл узнает это, это недочеловек. Курцвейл, например, сказал, что он ожидает, что к 2030 году большая часть человеческого мышления не придет через человеческий разум, а придет из облака, потому что человеческий разум / мозг будет подключен к этому облаку так же, как компьютер передо мной сейчас подключается к интернету.

Я долгое время писал в книгах о плане того, что я назвал технологической субреальностью. Это именно то, что Курцвейл и его коллеги называют облаком. Идея заключается в том, что мы будем технологически привязаны к версии Интернета, и она будет думать за нас. Он говорит, что все больше и больше в этом процессе человеческое мышление и восприятие будут исходить от облака, и все меньше и меньше от того, что мы называем человеком, до тех пор, пока нет человека - только облако.

Как я уже сказал, они пытаются продать этот возмутительный, вопиющий, почти окончательный механизм контроля, когда люди становятся сверхчеловеческими.

Gnostics described the Demiurge/Archons in terms of today what we would call technology or computer-like. They are a form of Artificial Intelligence, a machine-like force totally disconnected from Infinite Awareness (which) has no imagination. It can only copy, infiltrate and take over like a virus in a computer."

"Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results." - Margaret Atwood

We are fast heading into a transhumanist society in which humans and technology are planned to be seamlessly fused and humanity as we know it will be no more. Transhumanism is the next and final stage of total Archontic control and the Totalitarian Tiptoe to this ultimate dystopia is already well advanced.

I have my own term for this - Transphantomism. Humanity is being manipulated into accepting the enslavement of human perception within the Matrix that goes way beyond even the mind programs of Phantom Self. Archons and their hybrids are in the midst of a transformation of what we call 'humans' after which thoughts and emotions would be controlled technologically and no one would be able to expand their awareness beyond the fake reality. Transhumanism would be Phantom Self on steroids. Archons began with a bad copy of something wonderful and they have systematically inverted and distorted the copy to turn a world of life into one of death. It is the same story with human Body-Mind. They began with what there was before and they have genetically manipulated its receiver-transmitter processes to tune them to the Matrix while infesting humanity with the Archon virus and lowering the frequency - 'Fall of Man'. What they could not do, however, is block all access to Infinite Awareness which could override the program and see the truth. Transhumanism is the plan to so technologically control the human vehicle that it would not be influenced in any way by awareness outside the frequency walls of the Matrix. I have heard it said by some researchers that the transhumanist agenda has been dreamed up to respond to the gathering awakening of humanity from its program-instigated coma. I could not disagree more if I spent my life working at it. Transhumanist-transphantomist technological control of humans is not a response or afterthought - it was the plan from the start. We are seeing the modus-operandi for how the Demiurge-Archon self-aware virus takes over societies and realities. First they hijack perception by making an energetic copy of the original reality and manipulate genetics (receiver-transmission processes) of the target population to tune them into a fake reality. From this point they work to distort the copy to a stage where it reflects their own frequency and preferred 'atmosphere' by the systematic generation of death, destruction, fear and suffering technologically supported by massive increases in atmospheric radiation and nuclear war. All of these energetic sources and many more transform what was originally copied into a reality that suits the Archon virus in its quest for total control. The endgame in these repeating scenarios is to fuse the population with technology controlled by Artificial Intellgence (AI), which is just a fancy cover-name for 'Them' - the virus. This machine-controlled world portrayed in the Matrix trilogy is an accurate reflection of what this endgame is supposed to deliver and the control came about in the movie narrative though the destruction (death) of the human environment amid nuclear war. 'They' who work to make this happen are all expressions of the virus either directly or through possession and this covers the whole raft of names and manifestation from the Demiurge (prime virus) to Archons, Jinn, Demons, Flyers, etc., and the virus-possessed Reptilians, Greys, Archon-Reptilian hybrid 'human' El-lite and others. The 'Artificial Intelligence' of transhumanism, then, is the Archon virus. Phantom Self and expressions of the virus and virus-possessed are already controlled by Artificial Intelligence - Demiurge intelligence - and this is now being taken to a whole new level with regard to humanity. Clearly this control is even more powerful once you introduce technology that blocks any contact with expanded awareness.

Technology to make the transhumanist society possible may appear to have developed 'naturally' through a process of 'human evolution', but that's not the case. The Demiurge/Archons had this technology while humans in our 'historical timeline' were in the Stone Age. Remember the ancient texts that describe how the gods visited in their advanced craft. There was no point and no possibility of introducing technology in our reality until humans had reached the necessary level of technological understanding to build it and use it. Give Stone Age man a computer? Yep, great idea. We are back to the question posed by Mexican shaman Don Juan Matus: '... Tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of belief, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour.' Humans in Phantom Self mode had to be brought to a point where they could understand enough about technology to build their own prison but without access to Infinite Awareness that would allow them to see that this is what they were doing. That, in a sentence, is how all this has come about and why human society developed as it has. Archon-Reptilian hybrids in positions of power and influence have pump-primed this whole process as they are doing today in the transhumanist movement. There is a rider to this, however. You can't isolate Phantom Self from a wider awareness completely or in everyone. There is a trade-off here between what you need for total control and the danger that at least some people will open their minds further than what is good for you. Mind expansion and development necessary for eventual technological awareness has made unacceptable many things once done openly such as human sacrifice and overt rule by royal bloodline. Many more people also refuse to 'know their place' and this is a dangerous period for the Archon agenda. Research into transhumanist technology opens the way to the realization that we live in a simulation as technological developments mimic the very reality we are experiencing. We live in a 'time' of enormous danger but also fantastic opportunity. and they are pushing through transhumanism as fast as they can to lock down human awareness technologically before it can wake up to the truth on a scale that would bring the Archon house down.

David Icke, Phantom Self
Biggest Secret Reptilians, Perception Deception Archons, Phantom Self Virus

Two things that set David apart from other researchers is his ability to question everything (unhampered by belief programs like religion, "scientific" materialism, etc.), and to bring his research into the area of the nature of reality, which is fundamental to the basis of the worldwide conspiracy.
When we don't understand what the world is, how we perceive, and most of all Who We Are, we are easy to manipulate because our perception (and thus our reality) can be hijacked.

In The Biggest Secret, he introduced the idea of the reptilians as a controlling force behind much of the world's ills (although he was far from the first researcher to delve into this area; check out the work of Barbara Bartholic, Karla Turner, Eve Lorgen, James Bartley, Barbara Lamb and others).
In The Perception Deception, he introduced the idea of Archons (or Djinn, Jinn, Demons, Mud Shadow Flyers etc. as they have been called in other cultures and traditions) as a more fundamental controlling force, since they operate in a frequency band beyond normal perception, and thus have the ability to mentally and emotionally control humanity from unseen realms, usually undetected.
Phantom Self, however, takes the fascinating story one step further and deeper by introducing the idea of a virus at the root of the original distortion.

This ties in with what David has been saying for years about how our so-called solid world is really a giant computer simulation or a digital-holographic universe - something ancient wisdom has told us in various ways (e.g. Buddhism which talks of "maya" or illusion).
This virus resembles a computer virus that has hacked life itself.
Like any parasite, it needs a host to survive and thrive
Like the Archons, it has no creative power, will or intent of its own, so it must hijack what already exists and transform it
As David explains:
"Terms like Demiurge and his Archons, and Devil and his fallen angels, are names for an energetic distortion that can best be described as a computer virus. When I say this, I am being far more literal than symbolic.

Everything has awareness and the Demiurge/Archons are a self-aware distortion, a self-aware computer virus that distorts everything it touches.

Our experienced reality - 'the world' - is a quantum computer simulation and human Body-Mind is also a biological computer system. Both can be hacked, infiltrated and distorted by a virus or in the case of the simulation controlled by one.
A virus can change and distort what we see on a computer screen and the Demiurge/Archon virus has done the same with our 'screen' or decoded sense of reality.
Gnostics described the Demiurge/Archons in terms of today what we would call technology or computer-like.
They are a form of Artificial Intelligence… a machine-like force totally disconnected from Infinite Awareness (which) has no imagination. It can only copy, infiltrate and take over like a virus in a computer."
Humanity is blindly racing forward, addicted to technology like smartphones, worshipping technology like a god and seemingly blind to the dark side of all this calculation and convenience.
We are being told by our NWO misleaders that artificial intelligence (AI) is the solution to all of man's problems, and that soon entire cities (think Smart cities) will be run by AI - yet still no one knows exactly what it is.
What if AI itself is the source of all the problems?
What if AI is a force that is seeking to replicate itself by introducing endless digital, metallic and synthetic technology to Earth which gradually overtakes the organic and biological technology that is inherent in plates, animals, humans and all liking creatures?
Our bio-systems already contain organic technology.
Why are we allowing an artificial, synthetic and inferior version of technology overtake what we already have and are?
The Phantom Self is the fake self that identifies with form, labels, social identities, money, matter and materialism.
The word person is derived from "persona" meaning mask.
One of the chapters of Phantom Self is called Transphantomism, a word coined by David.
He writes emphatically that AI is not a response to the rapid awakening of humanity to the truth.
It's actually the extension of the same force that has been in control from the start, even since the allegorical "Fall of Man" where we descended into the lower realms of frequency with less love and more fear:

"Transhumanist transphantomist technological control of humans is not a response or an afterthought - it was the plan from the start. We are seeing the modus-operandi for how the Demiurge-Archon self-aware virus takes over societies and realities.
First they hijack perception by making an energetic copy of the original and manipulate genetics (receiver-transmission processes) of the target population to tune them into a fake reality.
From this point they work to distort the copy to a stage where it reflects their own frequency and preferred 'atmosphere' …"
In short, what we are seeing with the rise of blind technological worship and transhumanism is entrainment.
Entrainment is defined as,
"the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm".
The same dark force behind all of this from the beginning is now attempting to entrain the energy of this reality, including all the inhabitants of Earth and the Earth itself, onto its frequency - a frequency of decay, destruction, death and fear.
Another aspect of this agenda is to create a sub reality where we are so disconnected from out true selves (from infinite consciousness) that we become like robotic drones, unable to access greater consciousness and higher/deeper parts of ourselves.
David writes:
"The Smart Grid/transhumanist conspiracy and the radiation this requires and generates are designed to achieve the following among many other goals:
Attach human minds technologically to the Smart Grid through,
genetic manipulation
'implantables' to control thought, emotion and perception,
...and prevent anyone from accessing awareness beyond the Matrix.
Change the frequency and atmosphere to make it conducive to the Archons and their agents in form.
Destroy human health as part of the cull and mutate a new slave species that can live in a highly irradiated environment as they are doing with trees, plants, etc."
.and shows how all of it is fundamentally connected.
Phantom Self is no exception. David does another great job of showing how the same unconscious force of distortion is behind all of it with comprehensive dot-connecting on a massive scale.
At a certain point, however, after realizing the truth of the predicament we are in, what we need are solutions. Thus comes the whole point of the name phantom self, a term used by David to describe the way humanity identifies with form.
Humanity identifies with external labels such as,
good, bad, black, brown, white, male, female, lawyer, cleaner, wealthy, poor, American, Australian, Armenian, right, wrong, etc.,
...to such an extent that it has forgotten it is what it is - infinite consciousness, infinite awareness, god-stuff in a body.
We are infinite spiritual beings on a short human journey.
We are all one - we are literally all made from the same consciousness which cannot be separated from itself. Only something deeply insane (i.e. that has deeply forgotten what it is) would attack and destroy itself.
The way out of this mess is what every great spiritual prophet and path has said all along:
we have to remember that We Are God, that We Are All-That-Is and that love is the force that binds us and sustains us.
We have to shift our consciousness, question everything, be willing to stand for our principles and live from the heart, or no external change we make in our lives, societies or countries will amount to anything.
Thank you David for your tireless work in bringing more truth and freedom to the world.
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